Command | Description |
git checkout [branch name] --orphan |
Creates a new branch without the long repository's history. |
git rebase [source branch] [target branch] |
Fetch the current commits timeline from the remote branch and apply the new commits from the local branch on top of it |
git rebase -i [commit hash]^ |
Interactively rebase starting from the parent commit, where [commit hash]^ specifies the parent commit |
git pull origin [source branch] --rebase |
Pull changes from a remote repository using the rebase strategy. Default is merge . |
git pull origin [source branch] --rebase --autostash |
The same as above but performing automatically stash and pop your uncommitted changes when the branch is in a dirty state. |
git cherry-pick [commit hash] |
Apply the changes from any branche's commit to the target branch. |
git config branch.[branch name].rebase true |
Set a specific branch to always use the rebase strategy. |
Command | Description |
git reset --hard origin/[target branch] |
Reset the local branch to the origin branch's state. Caution: your local changes will be lost. |
git reset --soft HEAD~1 |
Undo the last local commit. The --soft flag keeps the changes, if you don't need to keep them, you can use the --hard instead. Caution, the latter is a descructive command. |
git commit --amend |
Modify the most recent commit. Can be used to edit message or add more files to that commit. Caution, this changes the commit hash, so do this only while it was not yet pushed to a shared branch. |
git revert HEAD~1 |
Create a new commit undoing the last commit's changes. |
git reflog |
List all the git actions that were executed before. Useful to find a lost commit, then you can try to recover it. |
git bisect start |
Useful to find the buggy commit (that possible introduces some bug). After this, you use `git bisect [good |
`git branch --merged | egrep -v "(* |
git clean -df |
Remove untracked files and directories from the working tree. Add n to the flags to list all files that would be removed. |