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Releases: harness/ff-java-server-sdk


04 Jul 13:24
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What's Changed

  • FFM-6412 - Flags with multiple prerequisites evaluating incorrectly by @andybharness in #156

Known issues

On startup java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: kotlin.* or similar is thrown.
This is caused by conflicting kotlin-stdlib JARs on the classpath brought in by okhttp.

  • Make sure no other dependency brings in kotlin-stdlib earlier than 1.4.10
  • If you're using SpringBoot, it's recommend that you upgrade to at least 2.7.x

Full Changelog: 1.2.3...1.2.4


19 Jun 12:25
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What's Changed

Known issues

On startup java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: kotlin.* or similar is thrown.
This is caused by conflicting kotlin-stdlib JARs on the classpath brought in by okhttp.

  • Make sure no other dependency brings in kotlin-stdlib earlier than 1.4.10
  • If you're using SpringBoot, it's recommend that you upgrade to at least 2.7.x

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.2.2...1.2.3


30 Mar 12:29
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What's Changed

  • FFM-7277 Reduce Guava usage (in preparation for removal) by @checketts in #145
  • FFM-7277 Open the Evaluator and Query class/interfaces to allow usage by @checketts in #146

Known issues

On startupjava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: kotlin.collections.ArraysKt.copyInto([B[BIII)[Bor similar is thrown.
This is caused by conflicting kotlin-stdlib JARs on the classpath brought in by okhttp.

  • Make sure no other dependency brings in kotlin-stdlib earlier than 1.4.10
  • If you're using SpringBoot, it's recommend that you upgrade to at least 2.7.x

If you're unable to resolve the following dependencycom.github.heremaps:oksse:jar:0.9.0 you will need to add the following repository to your Gradle file or Maven POM:

  • Gradle: repositories { maven { url '' } }
  • Maven: <repository> <url></url> ... </repository>

Full Changelog: 1.2.1...1.2.2


16 Mar 14:04
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What's Changed

  • FFM-7214 - If authentication fails the SDK will no longer attempt to retry constantly by @andybharness in #144

Known issues

On startupjava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: kotlin.collections.ArraysKt.copyInto([B[BIII)[B is thrown.
This is caused by conflicting kotlin-stdlib JARs on the classpath brought in by okhttp.

  • Make sure no other dependency brings in kotlin-stdlib earlier than 1.4.10
  • If you're using SpringBoot, it's recommend that you upgrade to at least 2.7.x

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.2.1


08 Mar 17:20
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What's Changed

Known issues

On startupjava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: kotlin.collections.ArraysKt.copyInto([B[BIII)[B is thrown.
This is caused by conflicting kotlin-stdlib JARs on the classpath brought in by okhttp.

  • Make sure no other dependency brings in kotlin-stdlib earlier than 1.4.10
  • If you're using SpringBoot, it's recommend that you upgrade to at least 2.7.x

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.1.11...1.2.0


27 Jan 11:01
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What's Changed

  • FFM-6581 - Java SDK - Warnings fixed: Poller was not restarted + timeouts logged by @andybharness in #135

Known issues

On startupjava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: kotlin.collections.ArraysKt.copyInto([B[BIII)[B is thrown.
This is caused by conflicting kotlin-stdlib JARs on the classpath brought in by okhttp.

  • Make sure no other dependency brings in kotlin-stdlib earlier than 1.4.10
  • If you're using SpringBoot, it's recommend that you upgrade to at least 2.7.x

Full Changelog: 1.1.10...1.1.11


18 Jan 09:47
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What's Changed

  • FFM-6392 - Java SDK - Thread contention improvements in MetricsProcessor.pushToQueue by @andybharness in #133
  • FFM-6442 - Java SDK - java.lang.IllegalStateException logged by okhttp by @andybharness in #134
  • FFM-5111 - Java SDK - Polls non stop if /stream endpoint returns 5xx error by @andybharness in #132

Known issues

On startupjava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: kotlin.collections.ArraysKt.copyInto([B[BIII)[B is thrown.
This is caused by conflicting kotlin-stdlib JARs on the classpath brought in by okhttp.

  • Make sure no other dependency brings in kotlin-stdlib earlier than 1.4.10
  • If you're using SpringBoot, it's recommend that you upgrade to at least 2.7.x

Full Changelog: 1.1.9...1.1.10


15 Dec 12:13
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.1.8...1.1.9

Known issues

On startupjava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: kotlin.collections.ArraysKt.copyInto([B[BIII)[B is thrown.
This is caused by conflicting kotlin-stdlib JARs on the classpath brought in by okhttp.

  • Make sure no other dependency brings in kotlin-stdlib earlier than 1.4.10
  • If you're using SpringBoot, it's recommend that you upgrade to at least 2.7.x


06 Dec 17:19
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.1.7...1.1.8


02 Dec 12:56
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What's Changed

  • FFM-5306 - Update Java SDK to Match Variations for Prereqs With Ident… by @andybharness in #119
  • FFM-5306 - Updating git sub module to use latest ff-test-cases by @andybharness in #120
  • FFM-5376 - Java SDK - CVE Update openapi-generator maven plugin + GSON by @andybharness in #121
  • FFM-5389 - Java SDK - Add recursion when scanning ff-test-cases folder by @andybharness in #122
  • FFM-5389 - Adding JUnit5Xml30StatelessReporter by @andybharness in #123
  • [FFM-5247] Fix Jacoco code coverage report by @andybharness in #124
  • [FFM-5471] - Target identifier set in the target builder function in the Java SDK is not used by @andybharness in #125

Full Changelog: 1.1.6...1.1.7