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File metadata and controls

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This image contains containerized version of Monasca Log API. For more details about monasca-log-api, please visit:


The images in this repository follow a few tagging conventions:

  • latest: refers to the latest stable Python point release, e.g. 2.2.1
  • 2.2.1, 2.2, 2: standard semver tags, based on git tags in the official repository
  • ocata: named versions following OpenStack release names built from the tip of the stable/RELEASENAME branches in the repository
  • master, master-DATESTAMP: unstable builds from the master branch, not intended for general use


In order to run monasca-log-api container, Kafka needs to be available. Once it is, monasca-log-api can be launched using docker run -p 5607:5607 -l kafka monasca/log-api:latest .


A number of environment variables can be passed to the container:

Variable Default Description
LOG_LEVEL_ROOT WARN The level of the root logger
LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE INFO Minimum level for console output
LOG_LEVEL_ACCESS INFO Minimum level for access output
KAFKA_URI kafka:9092 The host and port for kafka
KAFKA_WAIT_FOR_TOPICS log Topics to wait on at startup
KAFKA_WAIT_RETRIES 24 # of kafka wait attempts
KAFKA_WAIT_DELAY 5 seconds to wait between attempts
KEYSTONE_IDENTITY_URI http://keystone:35357 Keystone identity address
KEYSTONE_AUTH_URI http://keystone:5000 Keystone auth address
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_USER admin Keystone admin account user
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_PASSWORD secretadmin Keystone admin account password
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_TENANT admin Keystone admin account tenant
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_DOMAIN default Keystone admin domain
MEMCACHED_URI memcached:11211 A list of URIs pointing at memcached
AUTHORIZED_ROLES admin, domainuser, domainadmin, monasca-user Roles for admin Users
AGENT_AUTHORIZED_ROLES monasca-agent Roles for metric write only users
GUNICORN_WORKERS 9 number of API worker processes
GUNICORN_WORKER_CLASS gevent async worker class
GUNICORN_WORKER_CONNECTIONS 2000 no. connections for async worker
GUNICORN_BACKLOG 1000 gunicorn backlog size
GUNICORN_TIMEOUT 1000 gunicorn timeout
ADD_ACCESS_LOG true if true, produce an access log on stderr
ACCESS_LOG_FORMAT %(asctime)s [%(process)d] gunicorn.access [%(levelname)s] %(message)s Log format for access log
ACCESS_LOG_FIELDS %(h)s %(l)s %(u)s %(t)s %(r)s %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s" %(L)s Access log fields

If additional values need to be overridden, new config files or jinja2 templates can be provided by mounting a replacement on top of the original template:

  • /etc/monasca/log-api.conf.j2
  • /etc/monasca/log-api-paste.ini.j2
  • /etc/monasca/log-api-logging.conf.j2

If jinja2 formatting is not desired, the environment variable CONFIG_TEMPLATE can be set to false. Note that the jinja2 template should still be overwritten (rather than the target file without the .j2 suffix) as it will be copied at runtime.

The config file sources are available in the repository. If necessary, the generated config files can be viewed at runtime by running:

docker exec -it some_container_id cat /etc/monasca/log-api.conf
docker exec -it some_container_id cat /etc/monasca/log-api-paste.ini
docker exec -it some_container_id cat /etc/monasca/log-api-logging.conf


Container status can be checked by the following command (example):

docker ps --filter 'name=log-api' --format '{{.Names}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Status}}'

Result of health check can be get by the following command:

docker inspect --format '{{json .State.Health}}' log-api | python -m json.tool

Health check ExitCodes:

  • 1: Monasca API error