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Hugh Barnard edited this page Dec 2, 2022 · 38 revisions

Welcome to the mema3 wiki!

Build Your Own Mema3

This probably won't completely 'work', but I'll keep it updated. It will need an Ubuntu system with camera, microphone and speakers. Probably a USB webcam + microphone will work for some of it.

First git clone

Next Docker Installs for Rhasspy, Mimic3 and Node-Red. We are using the host network rather than container network. This means that all the component connections can be configured as localhost and, in principle, everything except external AI will work without any network present. Also, the names are now mema_<something> for docker ps -a convenience etc. etc.


docker run -d --network host --name mema_rhasspy --restart unless-stopped -v "$HOME/.config/rhasspy/profiles:/profiles" -v "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" --device /dev/snd:/dev/snd rhasspy/rhasspy --user-profiles /profiles --profile en


This is the 'better' text to speech rather than, for example, espeak. It must be configured in Rhasspy as MaryTTS, a cheat, external http.

sudo docker run --network host -d --restart unless-stopped --name mema_mimic3 -v "${HOME}/.local/share/mycroft/mimic3:/home/mimic3/.local/share/mycroft/mimic3" 'mycroftai/mimic3'

Now works on the laptop, speech api is at http://localhost:59125/process some confusion in the documentation about this.

Probably need sudo chmod a+rwx "${HOME}/.local/share/mycroft/mimic3" too. To be investigated.


Docker install is broken on Raspberry Pi but should be OK elsewhere:

docker run -d --network host -v node_red_data:/data --restart unless-stopped --name mema_nodered nodered/node-red

General Docker note: You only want -it if debugging otherwise -d. `


apt install mosquitto mosquitto-dev

Started to use an external instance of this, rather than the one in Rhasspy. Gives more flexbility and also offloads some tasks from the centre. Also can examine and tune messages. Bit more complexity though.

Python3 and Libraries

The modules are now in requirements.txt in the main directory: pip install -r requirements.txt

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