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Rev minor version for custom format specifiers (#90) #143

Rev minor version for custom format specifiers (#90)

Rev minor version for custom format specifiers (#90) #143

GitHub Actions / test-results-ubuntu-latest-stable succeeded Feb 9, 2024 in 1s

28 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped

Tests passed successfully

✅ .vscode-test/test-results.xml

28 tests were completed in 42ms with 28 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Commands 11✅ 31ms
Guid 17✅ 8ms
Root Suite 0ms

✅ Commands

quick pick 1 is simple string with default options
  ✅ Commands quick pick 1 is simple string with default options
quick pick 2 is registry string with default options
  ✅ Commands quick pick 2 is registry string with default options
quick pick 3 is C structure with default options
  ✅ Commands quick pick 3 is C structure with default options
quick pick 4 is C macro with default options
  ✅ Commands quick pick 4 is C macro with default options
quick pick 5 is simple non-hyphenated string with default options
  ✅ Commands quick pick 5 is simple non-hyphenated string with default options
quick pick 6 is struct-like GUID
  ✅ Commands quick pick 6 is struct-like GUID
quick pick items are correct when all settings are true
  ✅ Commands quick pick items are correct when all settings are true
quick pick items are correct with only lowercase enabled
  ✅ Commands quick pick items are correct with only lowercase enabled
quick pick items are correct with only uppercase enabled
  ✅ Commands quick pick items are correct with only uppercase enabled
quick pick items are correct with only code snippets enabled
  ✅ Commands quick pick items are correct with only code snippets enabled
quick pick items are correct with no code snippets enabled
  ✅ Commands quick pick items are correct with no code snippets enabled

✅ Guid

creates random Guid
  ✅ Guid creates random Guid
can return empty Guid
  ✅ Guid can return empty Guid
parses invalid Guid as empty
  ✅ Guid parses invalid Guid as empty
parses Guid with curly braces
  ✅ Guid parses Guid with curly braces
parses Guid without curly braces
  ✅ Guid parses Guid without curly braces
returns 16-byte buffer
  ✅ Guid returns 16-byte buffer
returns mutable buffer
  ✅ Guid returns mutable buffer
returns proper "struct" format
  ✅ Guid returns proper "struct" format
returns proper "struct" format for "x"
  ✅ Guid returns proper "struct" format for "x"
returns proper "braced" format
  ✅ Guid returns proper "braced" format
returns proper "braced" format for "b"
  ✅ Guid returns proper "braced" format for "b"
returns proper "no-hyphen" format
  ✅ Guid returns proper "no-hyphen" format
returns proper string for missing format
  ✅ Guid returns proper string for missing format
returns proper string for invalid format
  ✅ Guid returns proper string for invalid format
returns proper string for non-string format
  ✅ Guid returns proper string for non-string format
returns proper string for individual parts format
  ✅ Guid returns proper string for individual parts format
returns proper string with format specifiers replaced
  ✅ Guid returns proper string with format specifiers replaced