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We suggest you to use a version manager like nvm to switch versions more easily.


The idea of this lab is to practice with HTML and CSS by implementing a responsive web page based on a provided mockup.


Complete the HTML and CSS files in the public directory to make it look like the Mockup below.



  • CSS Frameworks are not allowed for this exercise.
  • The <main> tag as well as all existing id attributes should not be changed because they are used for testing.
  • Follow all the rules mentioned in the Style guide and Guidelines: Colors, Typography, dimensions, spacing and positioning.
  • The font and the normalized css have already been created and added to the index.html
  • Please ask for help if you are stuck on a problem.

Submission and Corrections

  • We have set up some tests to check if your page is corresponding to the mockup.

Local development setup

Install dependencies

npm install

Ok, there is a lot of warnings, but you can ignore them.


Although you can directly open the index.html file with your browser and start coding, we advise you to use a development server such as live-server, which is a little development server written in Node.js with live reload capability.

Everything is already setup for you in the package.json. To start the development server, you just need to run the following command:

npm run dev

Once started, the server will serve the files in the public directory and automatically reload the browser when you save any file.

Run tests

Make sure your development server has started before running tests.

We have made some tests with the library cypress.

You can locally run them with:

npm run cypress:open

To run them without opening the browser (headless testing):

npm run cypress:run

If Cypress does not work (the problem appeared in WSL), install the dependencies for cypress dependencies:

apt-get install libgtk2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libgbm-dev libnotify-dev libnss3 libxss1 libasound2 libxtst6 xauth xvfb

It's recommended to test your layout with Firefox to ensure you use the same browser as the one that will be used in the CI (it's Firefox in the CI) to verify your submission.


On WSL, if cypress does not work, install the dependencies for cypress dependencies:

apt-get install libgtk2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libgbm-dev libnotify-dev libnss3 libxss1 libasound2 libxtst6 xauth xvfb

Make sure your development server has started before running tests.

Use Chrome or Firefox to test your layout.

Do not forget to push your modifications to GitHub. The GitHub Actions will tell you if you passed all the tests.

You do not have to publish your website on GitHub Pages; it is not possible for this lab. Sorry for the confusion.

The grading will be done by the GitHub Actions; if you pass all the tests, you can be eligible for the full grade, but if we see some code that is too complicated, we can reduce the grade. You should not need more than one position: absolute and you do not need to use position: relative for this lab.

You can use position:fixed for the footer for example, although you can do without (with flexboxes only).

Do not use global styles, use classes and ids to style your elements.

/* Bad */
body {
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

/* Good */
/* CSS */
#main {
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

/* HTML */
<body id="main"></body>

Look that the footer do not hide the playlist. Make it so it is sticky at the bottom of the page.

Always but text in a p or span tag, do not put text directly in a div or other tags. Except for the h1 to h6 tags.

Forbid the use of !important in your CSS.

The queue should keep its width when the screen is resized.

Do not only use classes to style your elements, use ids as well.

The lab is due on the 11th of October at 18:00.


Happy coding 🤓 !