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Smart clock-thermometer-hygrometer

Download full project (contains PCB folder, README instruction file, code and gallery)

Table of Contents

The motivation

This is my very first personal electronic project. I started my electronic hobby with the Arduino Uno R3. One of the most common projects that regular beginners usually start with this microcontroller are:

  1. Displaying characters with LCD1602 Module
  2. Monitoring temperature and humidity with DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module
  3. Motion sensing with HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor Module
  4. Time display with DS1307 RTC Module and 4 Digit 7-Segment Display
  5. Sound activation with KY-037 Sound Detection Sensor

However, I wanted to make a special project that outclassed the above ones. Also, the projects must not use other modules other than the 6 mentioned modules above since I only have those in hands at that moment. Also, I desired to exploit the capability of the Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller as much as I can. Therefore, I came up with this project to fully utilize the entire I/O pins of Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller and all modules I have. It took me about 50 hours to make the final product fully functional.


The final project (under default) will be a device that can:

  • Switch between the LCD1602 Module and 4 Digit 7-Segment Display to show the information based on the presence of the user.
  • Under default, the device will display the time under 24-hour format via the 4 Digit 7-Segment Display for easier visibility.
  • If the user stays closer than 3 meters from the device, the device will switch to the LCD1602 Module to display time for 10 seconds and then, temperature and humidity readings for 10 seconds.
  • LCD1602 Module will be turned off after 10 seconds to save power.
  • LCD1602 Module can always be activated by motion within 3 meters or hand clap.
  • Single clap for showing Time reading only for 10 seconds.
  • Double clap for showing temperature and humidity readings only for 10 seconds.

Bonus: RGB LEDs will be added to make device's look more attractive

Required components

Device Number
Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller 1
4 Digit 7-Segment Display 1
LCD1602 Module 1
DS1307 RTC Module 1
DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module 1
HC-SR501 PIR Motion 1
KY-037 Sound Detection Sensor 1
Red LED 1
Green LED 1
Blue LED 1
Yellow LED 1
100 Ω resistor 2
220 Ω resistor 3
1 kΩ resistor 5
2 kΩ resistor 1
830 Tie-Points Breadboard 1
USB cable or Power cable 1
Plastic/Cardboard box 1
Female-to-Male Dupont Wire 20
Breadboard Jumper Wire ~60

Setup Procedure

Hardware connections

I'm using KiCad to make the schematic for this project. You can either print it onto a PCB or wire everything on the breadboard.

Access KiCad folder



In this project, I use Arduino IDE for beginner's convenience. You may wish to install some libraries:

Click on the name of the library in blue color to download it. After downloading, in your Arduino IDE, go to Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library. Then browse and select the library you just downloaded.

View and code file here

Ensure the computer you used to upload the code has correct timer since it affects the timer of the project

Loudness and time betwwen claps can be customized in the code via soundThreshold and intervalClap variable.

3 lines of code should be removed after the first programming uploading to Arduino:

rtc.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));
 DateTime t = DateTime(;

After the second uploading, your Arduino will always have the correct time as long as the CMOS battery still works. It's ready to be used or placed in an enclosure now


Hardware Hookup

I put a motor and fan for cooling purpose but it turns out to be very loud and unneccessary.

Enclosure Assembly


Final Product

Final product