- [feature] Tizen!
- Move to .NET Standard 2.0
- [feature] Splat is gone
- [feature] Now safeties the user from calling for a dialog when the app is in the background
- [feature][android] update android support libraries
- [fix][ios] Safe area insets thanks to PR from Thomas Dhaen
- [fix][android] remove use of non-appcompat dialogs
- [BREAKING] show error/success/image are gone
- [fix][android] Cancel with tap on outside will now properly dismiss and call the Cancel action
- [fix][android] ActionSheetAsync works with tap on outside cancelling
- [semi-breaking] NET Standard is here!
- [feature] Toast position can now be set to the top on all platforms
- [obsolete] methods ShowSuccess and ShowError are obsolete. Use ShowImage and supply your own image
- [fix][ios] NRE with toast image
- [feature] Toasts now support icons with a special thanks to @MarcBruins
- [fix][android] fix initial validation with prompt (default value and validation)
- [fix][android] login password box does not allow numbers
- [fix][android] allow proper decimal separator
- [fix][android] message text color on toasts was not being set properly with the latest version of the android support library
- [fix][android] backspace and numbers not working in password edittext on login (included prompt as well)
- [fix][uwp] progress dialog creation needs to be done on main thread
- [fix][ios] toast will now span multiple lines
- [fix][android] Prompt completing when keyboard input is restarted during validation phase
- [fix] PromptConfig was missing SetAction fluent method
- [fix][android] crash would occur when state configuration could not be restored in appcompat
- [fix][android] Soft keyboard "Done" is now disabled when the "OK" button is disabled in prompt
- [fix][android] When text is predefined in promptconfig, selection is set to the end
- [fix][all] Prompt.OnTextChanged should contain incoming value set from config for first pass validation
- [fix][android] Prompt maxlength in appcompat not working
- [fix][android] Prompt fix for appcompat textchanged event
- [fix][android] PromptConfig and ConfirmConfig should use DefaultAndroidStyleId
- [feature][android] TimeConfig and DateConfig can use (Default)AndroidStyleId now
- [fix][android] make sure to use appcompat activity dialog rendering in all cases
- [fix][android] alert dialog was not using android styleID
- [fix][droid] Fix NRE on droid 4.2.2 with soft keyboard dismiss on prompts
- [fix][droid] Remove soft keyboard dismiss for login, it had bugs anyhow
- [fix][ios] OnTextChanged event hooks were not working properly
- [fix][droid] NRE on OnTextChanged
- [fix][ios] prompt maxlength was preventing character deletion
- [feature] [all] PromptConfig.OnTextChanged action adds the ability to disable positive button as well as change current textbox value (great for formatting)
- [internal] refactoring internal android logic for dialog management
- [fix] [all] cancellation token memory leak (thanks to @smstuebe)
- [update] allow updates to google libs
- [fix] [all] default toast colours were not being used
- [feature] [ios] [uwp] You can now add a message to actionsheet (android coming soon)
- [fix] [droid] allow negatives for decimal input type on prompt
- [fix] [droid] backspace key not working on login dialog with appcompat mode
- [fix] [uwp] Text wrapping on prompt window
- [fix] [uwp] Text wrapping on toasts
- [fix] [uwp] Make loading work better with themes
- [fix] [droid] NRE on fallback toast click (when not in use)
- [fix] [uwp] deterministic progress dialog min and max set properly
- [fix] [uwp] progress indicator was not bound properly
- [fix] [ios] NRE on maxlength prompt
- [fix] [uwp] NRE on progress
- [fix] [uwp] NRE on prompt placeholder
- [fix] [uwp] prompt no longer requires Message property be set in the config
- [feature] maxlength for prompt dialog
- [feature] showloading can be called even when stoploading was not called
- [feature] onaction/async cannot be set together. plugin will now throw error
- [feature] [droid] actionsheet is now dismissable by touching outside of the dialog
- [fix] [droid] date/time dialogs should not show keyboard
- [fix] [ios] alert dialogs and toasts all marshall back to main thread now
- [fix] [ios] time dialog is not using selected time
- [fix] [uwp] progress dialog showing percent even when indeterministic
- [fix] [uwp] fix toast from background thread
- [fix] [droid] prompt dialog with numeric restriction was not allowing input
- [BREAKING] all config objects now use a consistent naming for OnEvent called OnAction instead of OnOk, OnConfirm, OnEtc
- [BREAKING] progress dialog interface has changed ever so slightly
- [BREAKING] winphone 8 has been removed from the nuget package - it still exists on github!
- [feature] [ios] Add optional Init function to allow for top viewcontroller control similar to android top activity - this is good for extensions apparently (Thanks to Kyle Spearrin)
- [fix] [ios] showerror/success images not being displayed
- [fix] [ios] date/time dialogs no longer show a solid black background
- [fix] [droid] snackbar font color works now
- [fix] [droid] nre on unassigned toast action
- [fix] [droid] back button does cancels dialogs if dialog is cancellable
- [fix] [droid] prompt dialog now uses enter as ok click
- [fix] [uwp] show error/success now uses toasts
- [feature] ShowLoading will now close previous instances that were not closed (stupid proofing)
- [feature] add SelectedDate parameter to DatePromptAsync
- [feature] add SelectedTime parameter to TimePromptAsync
- [fix] [ios] date/time picker not returning proper value
This is a new version due to breaking changes
- [BREAKING] [feature] [ios] New snackbar for old toast setup that everyone complained about (thanks to Marc Bruins - https://github.com/MarcBruins)
- [feature] [ios] Better looking date/time picker (thanks to Marc Bruins - https://github.com/MarcBruins)
- [feature] Toasts are also dismissable from code now (via disposable)
- [feature] [droid] Make actionsheets look like bottomsheets from the design library - Set ActionSheetConfig.UseBottomSheet = true
- [feature] [droid] Ability to set style on alert based dialogs using AndroidStyleId
- [fix] [ios] destruction button should be at the top on iOS actionsheets
- [fix] [droid] fixes for fragment dialogs
- [fix] [droid] classic (non-appcompat) dialogs would not always appear from background threads