This dumps the inverter metrics on stdout as JSON. I use that in combination with telegraf, but anything that can read JSON should be able to deal with the inverter readings.
"serial": "123123123",
"address": "",
"port": 8899,
"data": [{
"up": 1,
}, {
"energy": 0.2,
"name": "Production today",
"unit": "kWh",
"groups": "string,micro",
"sensor": "SingleRegisterSensor",
"timestamp": 1686489718,
"source": "day"
}, {
"energy": 10.600000000000001,
"name": "Production Total",
"unit": "kWh",
"groups": "string,micro",
"sensor": "DoubleRegisterSensor",
"timestamp": 1686489718,
"source": "total"
}, {
"voltage": 236.0,
"name": "Phase1 Voltage",
"unit": "V",
"groups": "string,micro",
"sensor": "SingleRegisterSensor",
"timestamp": 1686489718,
"source": "ac/l1"
}, {
An example and minimal configuration for telegraf
can be found here, which you can test with:
env \
DEYE_LOGGER_SERIAL=123123123 \ \
telegraf --config ./telegraf.minimal.conf --debug