All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added - for new features
- Changed - for changes in existing functionality
- Deprecated - for once-stable features removed in upcoming releases
- Removed - for deprecated features removed in this release
- Fixed - for any bug fixes
- Security - to invite users to upgrade in case of vulnerabilities
- Unreleased - shows changes as they occur - allows users to anticipate new functionality.
[PR #518] Added
[PR #518] Fixed "bool" type decode bug
- [PR #511] SDRClassifier Network API Integration
- [PR #511] Added new interface
- [PR #511] Added Tests for new integration
- [PR #496] Moved
and other "model" files to package: org.numenta.nupic.model - [PR #496] Updated the TemporalMemory and all unit/compatibility tests to be in sync with latest NuPIC version (Updated: 2016-09-23 SHA 1036f25e7223471d72cebc536d6734f78d37b6c7)
- [PR #486] Updated the SpatialPooler and all unit/compatibility tests to be in sync with latest NuPIC version (Updated: 2016-09-22 SHA a3587db662ddc365ed371c81eb4166a41ad4bc3d)
- [Issues #471] Removed all references to "verbosity" in Connections and Parameters classes
- [Issues #470] Removed old JSON serializer/deserializer from CLAClassifer
- All references to "Verbosity" as its a Python convention and not Java
- JSON CLAClassifier serializer / deserializer, replaced with new PersistenceAPI
- [PR #480] Added new RDSECompatibilityTest
- [PR #478] Added Post-init method to Connections to correct non-initialized derived SpatialPooler parameters.
- [PR #467] Added new SpatialPoolerCompatibilityTest
- Added new SpatialPooler class
- Added new SpatialPoolerTest class
- Added new TemporalMemory class
- Added new TemporalMemoryTest class
- Added
to return parameter printout - Parameters key
- Parameters key
- Added new
RNG which has an allegory in python which can be used to compare versions - Added new methods on the MTJ matrices to add and remove rows and columns
- Added new Algorithm Foundry culled jar containing Sandia wrapper for the MTJ linear algebra lib
- [PR #453] Added gradlew functionality for quick builds from scratch without any prior installation of Java or Gradle.
- [PR #439] Added a new SDRClassifier !!!
- [PR #435] Added ObservableTestBase class for improved AssertFailure detection in tests using Observables
now sets the seed value from theParameters
object.- Parameters.(g|s)etParameterByKey to simplified get() / set()
- [Issues #468] Parameters.checkRange now checks values "at" the range boundary as well.
- Fixed documentation of SpatialPooler.inhibitColumnsLocal - added parameter documentation
- [PR #451] Fixed not filled overlaps array in updateDutyCycles in SP
- [PR #435] Fixed AssertFailure detection within onNext() method in NAPI Observable tests
- [PR #431] BitHistory re-scaling fix (in CLAClassifier functionality)
- [PR #431] Cleaned up tabs and spaces in BitHistory
- [PR #419] Added additional check for running thread before calling halt during
operation. This avoids callinghalt()
via thePersistable
interface during serialize calls ofHTMObjectOutput
for our partners at flink-htm - [Issue #418] Internal change to
constructors to pass in theFSTConfiguration
to avoid creating it twice. - [PR #419] Changed default mode of Gradle build script to not write debug output to standard out
- [PR #384] Removed obsolete demo jars which are in and don't need to be here.
- Removed setSpVerbosity() method from
- [PR #412] Added new PersistenceAPI (includes serialization; stream handling; new classes and new "serialize" package)
- [PR #412] Added changes to build script for forcing tests to run when source hasn't changed
- [PR #412] Added changes to build script for easy turn on of debug output
- [PR #405] Added new Docker File reference-build environment!
- [PR #397] Added close() method to the Network class to bring it inline with Region & Layer - Added Tests for new functionality. (@Mandarx)
- [PR #396] Added Local.US to MetricsTrace to ensure (expected) dots.
- [PR #386] Added test for close() method in LayerTest
- [PR #378] Added more utility methods to ArrayUtils in prep for KNNClassifier development
- [[PR #375]( 375)] Added new override of rightVecSumAtNZ() method to Matrix classes.
- [PR #373] Added "activeCells" field and to ManualInput.copy()
- [PR #370] Added FastRandom implementation (yields 2x speed increase to codebase!) from MoClu's (@antidata)
- [PR #370] Added Tests for FastRandom (util package)
- [PR #359] Added HourOfWeek to DateEncoder.
- [PR #364] Added 15min Hot Gym data file.
- [PR #412] Renamed class EncoderResult to Encoding
- [PR #412] Renamed class ClassifierResult to Classification
- [PR #404] LayerTest & PALayerTest, subscribe() and start() call order to eliminate Thread Race Condition and run on OpenJDK
- (3-1-2016) Updated for change to GLOBAL_INHIBITION parameter (sync)
- [PR #391] Incremented the Gradle Shade Plugin version to 1.2.3
- [PR #379] Changed SYN_PERM_THRESHOLD to be in line with SYN_PERM_CONNECTED
- [[PR #375]( 375)] Optimized SpatialPooler.calculateOverlaps by adding the stimulus threshold to the rightVecSumAtNZ() method so we only loop once instead of twice.
- [PR #373] Changed Matrix class hierarchy naming from XXXSupport to AbstractXXX - more conventional
- [PR #365] Changed inhibitColumnsGlobal() to use Java 8 Streams - 50% performance increase! Fixes Issue #354
- [PR #370] Changed Connections initialization to be able to specify RNG implementation from Parameters value.
- [PR #386] Fixed floating point problem in Layer dimension inference
- [PR #373] Rooted out cause of codebase indeterminacy!
- [PR #360] Fixed dayOfWeek to accept fractional values.
- [PR #362] Fix for Generic Observable execution order. Fixes Issue #363
- [PR #367] Fixed some class and method java docs.
- Added Class MultiEncoderAssembler for ME construction
- Added Tests for new MultiEncoderAssembler
- Added @fergalbyrne added PASpatialPooler
- Added @fergalbyrne added PALayer, and PALayerTest
- Added .classpath file back into repo with correct classpath (includes dependencies) TemporalMemory and the input of the CLAClassifier
- Changed Refactored MultiEncoder building so that manual construction has benefit of evolved code
- Network API Re-write Changed data transformed between a
- Removed Problematic test in LayerTest and PALayerTest which hung build
- Removed .classpath from .gitignore
- New SDR class - for sdr related convenience methods
- [PR #329] - Added low memory implementation of SparseMatrix classes and including tests
- [Issue #323 PR #324] - Added / Fixed ability to input Coordinate data into the NAPI sensors.
- [Issue #319] - Added feedback for Network thread start detection
- [Issue #319] - (same issue) Added Thread Start detection for computeImmediate() synchronous call failure.
- [Issue #319] - (same issue) Added new tests in to ensure above functionality
- [PR #335] - Re-write of TemporalMemory to CLAClassifier data type for input of Active Cells instead of Predicted Column-cells
- [PR #333] - Corrected the getNeighborsND method to use topology matrix instead of input matrix for dimension calculations
- [Issue #308] - Added ability to specify "isLearn" programmatically, instead of just through the stream input
- [Issue #286] - Work on feeding arrays into NAPI - can now read binary arrays (as Strings) directly from file or manually using ObservableSensor
- Added new SDRPassThroughEncoder which more efficiently sends data through to output and handles both dense and sparse inputs
- Added 2 new FieldMetaType Enums with their decodeType() methods for int[]s as Strings
- Added new tests in LayerTest, HTMSensorTest, ObservableSensorTest
- [Issue #300] Added wiki help for Linux Gradle Issue
- Changed ExtensiveTemporalMemoryTest to include fixes for test "H10" (Orphan Decay)
- Fixed PassThroughEncoder and SparsePassThroughEncoder initialization of n and w
- Generified PassThroughEncoder and SparsePassThroughEncoder for efficient subclassing
- Fixed "isLearn" programmatic setting propagation through the network, added test in RegionTest
- Fixed default anomaly score in's Anomaly Func (was 0.0, now 1.0)
- [Issue #305] - Fixed Synapses not completely removed
- [PR #294] - Fixes JaCoCo Coverage Reports (by Evgeny Mandrikov)
- Removed nested local repo declarations from pom.xml and build.gradle files to finally fix maven project inclusion
-!! - Split off Demos/Examples repo which can be seen here
- Newly ported MonitorMixinFramework for algorithm monitoring and commandline printing of the internals of the TemporalMemory and can be used for other algorithms.
- [Issue #270] - Sync Up TemporalMemory with current version (evolved into total re-write)
- Moved the algorithms to the "algorithms" package from the "research package". The research package will be used for additions to research.
- The TemporalMemory now doesn't create container collections to wrap the paramter arguments to the compute(). This should result in faster executions and less memory consumption.
- Cells, Columns, Synapses now cache their hashcodes since they are immutable which should save time when using them as indexes to maps and during comparisons.
- Re-written unit and integration tests to use MonitorMixinFramework.
- Extracted all extraneous files and classes to make the demo jars smaller.
- Other small efficiency changes...
- BasicTemoralMemoryTest - from old integration test module
- TemporalMemoryPatternMachine - from old integration test module
- New Hot Gym Demo and landing page
- All demo jar sizes by taking out unneeded artifacts and files
- pom.xml Added In-Project maven repo as attempt to solve transitive dependency failure (not working)
- [Issue #260] - Add synchronous compute call to get an immediate response back in a "blocking way" in the same thread that calls the network. Solved in [PR #263]
- [PR #265] - Updated Javadocs for #260
- This change log
- 2 new demos "FoxEatsDemo" & "BreakingNews"
- Tests for the above demos
- Executable Jar files for the above demos
- New wiki pages for demo orientation and instructions
- New JavaDocs for demo packages and classes (2015-07-27, Brev Patterson)