diff --git a/scripts/synchro_v2.py b/scripts/synchro_v2.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..771222c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/synchro_v2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import json
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import requests
+import datetime
+import pywikibot
+import sentry_sdk
+import urllib.parse
+from codecs import open
+from dotenv import load_dotenv
+from sqlalchemy import create_engine, exc, MetaData, Table, orm, func, insert, update
+from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON
+endpoint = "https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql"
+agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36'
+churches_query = '''PREFIX schema:
+ SELECT DISTINCT ?churches ?P17 ?P18 ?P31 ?P131 ?P281 ?P625 ?P708 ?P856 ?P1644 ?P2971 ?P5607 ?label_fr ?modified WHERE {
+ {?churches (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q16970 .}
+ ?churches schema:dateModified ?modified
+ OPTIONAL {?churches wdt:P17 ?P17 .} # country
+ OPTIONAL {?churches wdt:P18 ?P18 .} # image
+ OPTIONAL {?churches wdt:P31 ?P31 .} # type
+ OPTIONAL {?churches wdt:P131 ?P131 .} # city
+ OPTIONAL {?churches wdt:P281 ?P281 .} # zip_code
+ OPTIONAL {?churches wdt:P625 ?P625 .} # coordinates
+ OPTIONAL {?churches wdt:P708 ?P708 .} # diocese
+ OPTIONAL {?churches wdt:P856 ?P856 .} # website
+ OPTIONAL {?churches wdt:P1644 ?P1644 .} # messes_info
+ OPTIONAL {?churches wdt:P2971 ?P2971 .} # gcatholic
+ OPTIONAL {?churches wdt:P5607 ?P5607 .} # parish
+ OPTIONAL {?churches rdfs:label ?label_fr filter (lang(?label_fr) = "fr") .}
+ SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr".} }'''
+dioceses_query = '''PREFIX schema:
+ SELECT DISTINCT ?dioceses ?P17 ?P31 ?P856 ?P8389 ?label_fr ?modified WHERE {
+ {?dioceses (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q665487 .}
+ ?dioceses schema:dateModified ?modified
+ OPTIONAL {?dioceses wdt:P17 ?P17 .} # country
+ OPTIONAL {?dioceses wdt:P31 ?P31 .} # type
+ OPTIONAL {?dioceses wdt:P856 ?P856 .} # website
+ {?dioceses wdt:P8389 ?P8389 .} # gcatholic
+ OPTIONAL {?dioceses rdfs:label ?label_fr filter (lang(?label_fr) = "fr") .}
+ SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr".} }'''
+parishes_query = '''PREFIX schema:
+ SELECT DISTINCT ?parishes ?P17 ?P31 ?P281 ?P708 ?P856 ?P6788 ?label_fr ?modified WHERE {
+ {?parishes (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q102496 .}
+ ?parishes schema:dateModified ?modified
+ OPTIONAL {?parishes wdt:P17 ?P17 .} # country
+ OPTIONAL {?parishes wdt:P31 ?P31 .} # type
+ OPTIONAL {?parishes wdt:P281 ?P281 .} # zip_code
+ OPTIONAL {?parishes wdt:P708 ?P708 .} # diocese
+ OPTIONAL {?parishes wdt:P856 ?P856 .} # website
+ {?parishes wdt:P6788 ?P6788 .} # messes_info
+ OPTIONAL {?parishes rdfs:label ?label_fr filter (lang(?label_fr) = "fr") .}
+ SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr".} }'''
+class DB:
+ now = func.current_timestamp()
+ database = os.getenv('SQLITE_DATABASE')
+ dsn = 'sqlite:///%s' % (database,)
+ engine = create_engine(dsn)
+ con = engine.connect()
+ metadata = MetaData(bind=engine)
+ session = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)()
+ commit_frequency = 100
+ try:
+ places = Table('places', metadata, autoload=True)
+ except exc.NoSuchTableError:
+ con.execute('''CREATE TABLE places (
+ wikidata_id INT,
+ name TEXT,
+ type TEXT,
+ iso_code TEXT,
+ parent_id INT,
+ created_at DATETIME,
+ updated_at DATETIME,
+ CONSTRAINT `unique_wikidata_id` UNIQUE(wikidata_id) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''')
+ places = Table('places', metadata, autoload=True)
+ try:
+ churches = Table('churches', metadata, autoload=True)
+ except exc.NoSuchTableError:
+ con.execute('''CREATE TABLE churches (
+ wikidata_id INT,
+ name TEXT,
+ diocese_id INT,
+ parish_id INT,
+ place_id INT,
+ country_id INT,
+ gcatholic_id TEXT,
+ messesinfo_id TEXT,
+ latitude NUMBER,
+ longitude NUMBER,
+ zip_code TEXT,
+ website TEXT,
+ address TEXT,
+ created_at DATETIME,
+ updated_at DATETIME,
+ pushed_at DATETIME,
+ openchurch_id TEXT,
+ CONSTRAINT `unique_wikidata_id` UNIQUE(wikidata_id) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''')
+ churches = Table('churches', metadata, autoload=True)
+ try:
+ dioceses = Table('dioceses', metadata, autoload=True)
+ except exc.NoSuchTableError:
+ con.execute('''CREATE TABLE dioceses (
+ wikidata_id INT,
+ name TEXT,
+ country_id INT,
+ gcatholic_id TEXT,
+ messesinfo_id TEXT,
+ address TEXT,
+ website TEXT,
+ created_at DATETIME,
+ updated_at DATETIME,
+ pushed_at DATETIME,
+ openchurch_id TEXT,
+ CONSTRAINT `unique_wikidata_id` UNIQUE(wikidata_id) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''')
+ dioceses = Table('dioceses', metadata, autoload=True)
+ try:
+ parishes = Table('parishes', metadata, autoload=True)
+ except exc.NoSuchTableError:
+ con.execute('''CREATE TABLE parishes (
+ wikidata_id INT,
+ name TEXT,
+ country_id INT,
+ diocese_id INT,
+ website TEXT,
+ zip_code TEXT,
+ messesinfo_id TEXT,
+ created_at DATETIME,
+ updated_at DATETIME,
+ pushed_at DATETIME,
+ openchurch_id TEXT,
+ CONSTRAINT `unique_wikidata_id` UNIQUE(wikidata_id) ON CONFLICT REPLACE)''')
+ parishes = Table('parishes', metadata, autoload=True)
+class Query(object):
+ building_types = [
+ 16970, # église
+ 2977, # cathédrale
+ 120560, # basilique mineure
+ 160742, # abbaye
+ 317557, # église paroissiale
+ 108325, # chapelle
+ 163687, # basilique
+ 44613, # monastère
+ 1509716, # collégiale
+ 29553, # sanctuaire
+ 334383, # abbatiale
+ 1128397, # couvent
+ 15823129, # chartreuse
+ 1649060, # pro-cathédrale
+ 2577114, # co-cathédrale
+ 744296, # église en bois
+ 2750108, # prieuré
+ 6807904, # temple protestant
+ 56242215, # cathédrale catholique
+ 55876909, # église paroissiale catholique
+ ]
+ dioceses_types = [
+ 285181, # eparchy
+ 620225, # apostolic vicariate
+ 2072238, # archdiocese
+ 2633744, # territorial prelature
+ 2288631, # archeparchy
+ 1531518, # military ordinariate
+ 1778235, # territorial abbey
+ 1431554, # apostolic administration
+ 384003, # apostolic prefecture
+ 3146899, # diocese of the Catholic Church
+ 665487, # diocese
+ 3732788, # apostolic exarchate
+ 105390172, # archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church
+ 105406193, # Roman Catholic archdiocese
+ 105071180, # Catholic Metropolitan Archdiocese
+ 105072138, # Catholic archdiocese
+ 105388829, # Roman Catholic diocese
+ 105419665, # Roman Catholic archdiocese not metropolitan
+ 7100806, # Ordinariate for Eastern Catholic faithful
+ 373074, # suffragan diocese
+ ]
+ dateformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.cache_places = {}
+ self.cache_churches = {}
+ self.cache_dioceses = {}
+ self.cache_parishes = {}
+ @staticmethod
+ def decode(string):
+ return urllib.parse.unquote(string.split('/')[-1]).replace('_', ' ')
+ @staticmethod
+ def ucfirst(myStr):
+ if len(myStr) < 1:
+ return myStr
+ return myStr[0].upper() + myStr[1:]
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_decoded_value(item, prop, default = None):
+ value = Query.get_value(item, prop, default)
+ return Query.decode(value) if value else default
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_value(item, prop, default = None):
+ return item[prop]['value'] if prop in item.keys() else default
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_wikidata_id(item, prop):
+ value = Query.get_value(item, prop)
+ wikidata_id = value.split('/')[-1] if value else ''
+ return int(wikidata_id.replace('Q', '')) if wikidata_id and wikidata_id.startswith('Q') else None
+ def init_caches(self):
+ if not len(self.cache_places):
+ places = DB.con.execute('SELECT wikidata_id FROM places').fetchall()
+ self.cache_places = [wikidata_id for (wikidata_id,) in places]
+ print(len(self.cache_places), 'places in cache')
+ if not len(self.cache_churches):
+ churches = DB.con.execute('SELECT wikidata_id, updated_at FROM churches').fetchall()
+ self.cache_churches = {wikidata_id: date_time[0:19] for (wikidata_id, date_time) in churches}
+ print(len(self.cache_churches), 'churches in cache')
+ if not len(self.cache_dioceses):
+ dioceses = DB.con.execute('SELECT wikidata_id, updated_at FROM dioceses').fetchall()
+ self.cache_dioceses = {wikidata_id: date_time[0:19] for (wikidata_id, date_time) in dioceses}
+ print(len(self.cache_dioceses), 'dioceses in cache')
+ if not len(self.cache_parishes):
+ parishes = DB.con.execute('SELECT wikidata_id, updated_at FROM parishes').fetchall()
+ self.cache_parishes = {wikidata_id: date_time[0:19] for (wikidata_id, date_time) in parishes}
+ print(len(self.cache_parishes), 'parishes in cache')
+ def fetch(self, filename, query):
+ if os.path.isfile(filename) and os.path.getmtime(filename) > time.time() - 12 * 3600: # cache JSON for 12 hours
+ with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as content_file:
+ print('Loading from file', filename ,'please wait...')
+ return json.loads(content_file.read())
+ print('Query running for', filename, ' - please wait...')
+ sparql = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint, agent=agent)
+ sparql.setQuery(query)
+ sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON)
+ data = sparql.query().convert()
+ if len(data) > 0:
+ json.dump(data, open(filename, 'wb', encoding='utf-8'))
+ return data
+ def add_place(self, wikidata_id, country = False):
+ datapage = pywikibot.ItemPage(pywikibot.Site('fr').data_repository(), 'Q%s' % (wikidata_id,))
+ if datapage.exists():
+ claims = datapage.claims if datapage.claims else {}
+ labels = datapage.labels
+ parent_id = int(claims['P131'][0].getTarget().title().replace('Q', '')) if 'P131' in claims and claims['P131'][0].getTarget() else '' # FIXME manage multiple parents
+ iso_code = claims['P297'][0].getTarget().title().replace('Q', '') if 'P297' in claims and claims['P297'][0].getTarget() else ''
+ latitude = claims['P625'][0].getTarget().lat if 'P625' in claims and claims['P625'][0].getTarget() else 0
+ longitude = claims['P625'][0].getTarget().lon if 'P625' in claims and claims['P625'][0].getTarget() else 0
+ name = labels['fr'] if 'fr' in labels else labels['en'] if 'en' in labels else next(iter(labels.values()))
+ name = Query.ucfirst(name)
+ place_type = 'country' if country else 'unknown'
+ if parent_id and parent_id not in self.cache_places:
+ self.add_place(parent_id)
+ ins = insert(DB.places)
+ ins = ins.values({
+ 'wikidata_id': wikidata_id,
+ 'name': name,
+ 'parent_id': parent_id or None,
+ 'type': place_type,
+ 'iso_code': iso_code,
+ 'created_at': DB.now,
+ 'updated_at': DB.now,
+ })
+ DB.session.execute(ins)
+ print('Notice: place Q%s "%s" added' % (wikidata_id, name))
+ self.cache_places.append(wikidata_id)
+ return wikidata_id
+ return False
+ def update_churches(self, data):
+ if 'results' in data.keys() and 'bindings' in data['results'].keys():
+ t = len(data['results']['bindings'])
+ print(t, 'churches loaded')
+ i = 0
+ j = 0
+ for item in data['results']['bindings']:
+ i += 1
+ if i % DB.commit_frequency == 0:
+ DB.session.commit()
+ wikidata_id = int(item['churches']['value'].split('/')[-1].replace('Q', ''))
+ modified = item['modified']['value'].replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', '')
+ if wikidata_id in self.cache_churches and self.cache_churches[wikidata_id] == modified:
+ print('(%s/%s) Q%s' % (i, t, wikidata_id), '-> continue', end=' \r')
+ continue
+ print('(%s/%s) Q%s' % (i, t, wikidata_id), '-> update', end=' \r')
+ type_ = Query.get_wikidata_id(item, 'P31')
+ if not type_ or int(type_) not in Query.building_types:
+ continue # ignore item FIXME we may want to delete if from the DB
+ place_id = Query.get_wikidata_id(item, 'P131') # FIXME manage multiple places
+ if not place_id:
+ print('No location for Q%s ' % (wikidata_id,))
+ continue
+ country_id = Query.get_wikidata_id(item, 'P17')
+ image = Query.get_decoded_value(item, 'P18', '')
+ zip_code = Query.get_value(item, 'P281', '')
+ diocese_id = Query.get_wikidata_id(item, 'P708')
+ parish_id = Query.get_wikidata_id(item, 'P5607')
+ point = Query.get_value(item, 'P625', '')
+ coordinates = point.replace('Point(', '').replace(')', '').split(' ') if point.startswith('Point') else ''
+ latitude = coordinates[1] if coordinates else 0
+ longitude = coordinates[0] if coordinates else 0
+ website = Query.get_decoded_value(item, 'P856', '')
+ label_fr = item['label_fr']['value'] if 'label_fr' in item.keys() else item['label_en']['value'] if 'label_en' in item.keys() else ''
+ messesinfo_id = item['P1644']['value'] if 'P1644' in item.keys() else ''
+ gcatholic_id = item['P2971']['value'] if 'P2971' in item.keys() else ''
+ if place_id not in self.cache_places:
+ self.add_place(place_id)
+ if country_id and country_id not in self.cache_places:
+ self.add_place(country_id, True)
+ if diocese_id and diocese_id not in self.cache_dioceses:
+ diocese_id = None
+ if parish_id and parish_id not in self.cache_parishes:
+ if messesinfo_id:
+ print('Could not find Parish', parish_id)
+ parish_id = None
+ church = {
+ 'place_id': place_id,
+ 'diocese_id': diocese_id,
+ 'parish_id': parish_id,
+ 'country_id': country_id,
+ 'messesinfo_id': messesinfo_id,
+ 'gcatholic_id': gcatholic_id,
+ 'website': website,
+ 'name': Query.ucfirst(label_fr),
+ 'latitude': latitude,
+ 'longitude': longitude,
+ 'address': '',
+ 'updated_at': datetime.datetime.strptime(modified, Query.dateformat),
+ }
+ if wikidata_id in self.cache_churches:
+ up = update(DB.churches, DB.churches.c.wikidata_id==wikidata_id)
+ up = up.values(church)
+ DB.session.execute(up)
+ else:
+ church['wikidata_id'] = wikidata_id
+ church['created_at'] = DB.now
+ ins = insert(DB.churches)
+ ins = ins.values(church)
+ DB.session.execute(ins)
+ self.cache_churches[wikidata_id] = modified
+ DB.session.commit()
+ print('\nFinished')
+ def update_dioceses(self, data):
+ if 'results' in data.keys() and 'bindings' in data['results'].keys():
+ t = len(data['results']['bindings'])
+ print(t, 'dioceses loaded')
+ i = 0
+ j = 0
+ for item in data['results']['bindings']:
+ i += 1
+ if i % DB.commit_frequency == 0:
+ DB.session.commit()
+ wikidata_id = int(item['dioceses']['value'].split('/')[-1].replace('Q', ''))
+ modified = item['modified']['value'].replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', '')
+ if wikidata_id in self.cache_dioceses and self.cache_dioceses[wikidata_id] == modified:
+ print('(%s/%s) Q%s' % (i, t, wikidata_id), '-> continue', end=' \r')
+ continue
+ gcatholic_id = Query.get_value(item, 'P8389')
+ if not gcatholic_id:
+ continue
+ print('(%s/%s) Q%s' % (i, t, wikidata_id), '-> update', end=' \r')
+ type_ = Query.get_wikidata_id(item, 'P31')
+ if not type_ or int(type_) not in Query.dioceses_types:
+ continue # ignore item FIXME we may want to delete if from the DB
+ country_id = Query.get_wikidata_id(item, 'P17')
+ website = Query.get_decoded_value(item, 'P856', '')
+ label_fr = item['label_fr']['value'] if 'label_fr' in item.keys() else item['label_en']['value'] if 'label_en' in item.keys() else ''
+ # dirty hack so that Annecy appears in France and not in Switzerland
+ if wikidata_id == 866863: # Annecy
+ country_id = 142 # France
+ if country_id and country_id not in self.cache_places:
+ self.add_place(country_id, True)
+ diocese = {
+ 'name': Query.ucfirst(label_fr),
+ 'country_id': country_id,
+ 'gcatholic_id': gcatholic_id,
+ 'website': website,
+ 'updated_at': datetime.datetime.strptime(modified, Query.dateformat),
+ }
+ if wikidata_id in self.cache_dioceses:
+ up = update(DB.dioceses, DB.dioceses.c.wikidata_id==wikidata_id)
+ up = up.values(diocese)
+ DB.session.execute(up)
+ else:
+ diocese['wikidata_id'] = wikidata_id
+ diocese['created_at'] = DB.now
+ ins = insert(DB.dioceses)
+ ins = ins.values(diocese)
+ DB.session.execute(ins)
+ self.cache_dioceses[wikidata_id] = modified
+ DB.session.commit()
+ print('\nFinished')
+ def update_parishes(self, data):
+ if 'results' in data.keys() and 'bindings' in data['results'].keys():
+ t = len(data['results']['bindings'])
+ print(t, 'parishes loaded')
+ i = 0
+ j = 0
+ for item in data['results']['bindings']:
+ i += 1
+ if i % DB.commit_frequency == 0:
+ DB.session.commit()
+ wikidata_id = int(item['parishes']['value'].split('/')[-1].replace('Q', ''))
+ modified = item['modified']['value'].replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', '')
+ if wikidata_id in self.cache_parishes and self.cache_parishes[wikidata_id] != modified:
+ print(self.cache_parishes[wikidata_id], modified, self.cache_parishes[wikidata_id] == modified)
+ if wikidata_id in self.cache_parishes and self.cache_parishes[wikidata_id] == modified:
+ print('(%s/%s) Q%s' % (i, t, wikidata_id), '-> continue', end=' \r')
+ continue
+ messesinfo_id = item['P6788']['value'] if 'P6788' in item.keys() else ''
+ print('(%s/%s) Q%s' % (i, t, wikidata_id), '-> update', end=' \r')
+ #type_ = Query.get_wikidata_id(item, 'P31')
+ #if not type_ or int(type_) not in Query.parishes_types:
+ # continue # ignore item FIXME we may want to delete if from the DB
+ country_id = Query.get_wikidata_id(item, 'P17')
+ zip_code = Query.get_value(item, 'P281', '')
+ diocese_id = Query.get_wikidata_id(item, 'P708')
+ website = Query.get_decoded_value(item, 'P856', '')
+ label_fr = item['label_fr']['value'] if 'label_fr' in item.keys() else item['label_en']['value'] if 'label_en' in item.keys() else ''
+ if country_id and country_id not in self.cache_places:
+ self.add_place(country_id, True)
+ if diocese_id and diocese_id not in self.cache_dioceses:
+ diocese_id = None
+ parish = {
+ 'name': Query.ucfirst(label_fr),
+ 'country_id': country_id,
+ 'zip_code': zip_code,
+ 'diocese_id': diocese_id,
+ 'messesinfo_id': messesinfo_id,
+ 'website': website,
+ 'updated_at': datetime.datetime.strptime(modified, Query.dateformat),
+ }
+ if wikidata_id in self.cache_parishes:
+ up = update(DB.parishes, DB.parishes.c.wikidata_id==wikidata_id)
+ up = up.values(parish)
+ DB.session.execute(up)
+ else:
+ parish['wikidata_id'] = wikidata_id
+ parish['created_at'] = DB.now
+ ins = insert(DB.parishes)
+ ins = ins.values(parish)
+ DB.session.execute(ins)
+ self.cache_parishes[wikidata_id] = modified
+ DB.session.commit()
+ print('\nFinished')
+class UuidDoesNotExistException(Exception):
+ pass
+class OpenChurchClient(object):
+ hostname = os.getenv('OPENCHURCH_HOST')
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + os.getenv('OPENCHURCH_API_TOKEN')
+ }
+ def post(self, path, fields):
+ response = requests.post(self.hostname + path, json=fields, headers=self.headers)
+ if response.status_code == 200:
+ print(response.text)
+ data = response.json()
+ return data['id']
+ else:
+ print('API error for POST with data', fields)
+ print(response.status_code, response.text)
+ return None
+ def patch(self, path, fields):
+ response = requests.patch(self.hostname + path, json=fields, headers=self.headers)
+ if response.status_code == 200:
+ print(response.text)
+ data = response.json()
+ return data['id']
+ elif response.status_code == 404 and True:
+ print(response.status_code, response.text, 'for PATCH', path)
+ raise UuidDoesNotExistException
+ else:
+ print('API error for PATCH with data', fields)
+ print(response.status_code, response.text, 'for PATCH', path)
+ return None
+ def populate_fields(self, values, wikidata_id):
+ data = []
+ for name, value in values.items():
+ data.append({
+ 'name': name,
+ 'value': value,
+ 'reliability': 'high',
+ 'engine': 'scraper',
+ 'source': 'Wikidata',
+ 'explanation': 'https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q'+format(wikidata_id),
+ })
+ return {'fields': data}
+ def push_dioceses(self):
+ dioceses = DB.con.execute('''SELECT dioceses.wikidata_id, dioceses.name, messesinfo_id, website, iso_code, openchurch_id
+ FROM dioceses LEFT JOIN places on dioceses.country_id = places.wikidata_id
+ WHERE (pushed_at IS NULL OR openchurch_id IS NULL) AND country_id = 142''').fetchall()
+ i = 0
+ for [wikidata_id, name, messesinfo_id, website, iso_code, openchurch_id] in dioceses:
+ i += 1
+ print('(%s/%s) - ' % (i, len(dioceses)), end='')
+ data = {'wikidataId': wikidata_id, 'type': 'diocese'}
+ if name:
+ data['name'] = name
+ if messesinfo_id:
+ data['messesInfoId'] = messesinfo_id
+ if iso_code:
+ data['contactCountryCode'] = iso_code.lower()
+ if website:
+ data['website'] = website
+ fields = self.populate_fields(data, wikidata_id)
+ if openchurch_id:
+ try:
+ self.patch('/communities/' + openchurch_id, fields)
+ except UuidDoesNotExistException:
+ openchurch_id = None # force reset local UUID
+ else:
+ openchurch_id = self.post('/communities', fields)
+ up = update(DB.dioceses, DB.dioceses.c.wikidata_id==wikidata_id)
+ up = up.values({'openchurch_id': openchurch_id, 'pushed_at': DB.now})
+ DB.session.execute(up)
+ DB.session.commit()
+ def push_parishes(self):
+ parishes = DB.con.execute('''SELECT parishes.wikidata_id, parishes.name, parishes.messesinfo_id, parishes.zip_code, parishes.website, iso_code, parishes.openchurch_id, dioceses.openchurch_id
+ FROM parishes
+ LEFT JOIN places ON parishes.country_id = places.wikidata_id
+ LEFT JOIN dioceses ON parishes.diocese_id = dioceses.wikidata_id
+ WHERE (parishes.pushed_at IS NULL OR parishes.openchurch_id IS NULL) AND parishes.country_id = 142''').fetchall()
+ i = 0
+ for [wikidata_id, name, messesinfo_id, zip_code, website, iso_code, openchurch_id, diocese_openchurch_id] in parishes:
+ i += 1
+ print('(%s/%s) - ' % (i, len(parishes)), end='')
+ data = {'wikidataId': wikidata_id, 'type': 'parish'}
+ if name:
+ data['name'] = name
+ if messesinfo_id:
+ data['messesInfoId'] = messesinfo_id
+ if iso_code:
+ data['contactCountryCode'] = iso_code.lower()
+ if website:
+ data['website'] = website
+ if website:
+ data['contactZipcode'] = zip_code
+ if diocese_openchurch_id:
+ data['parentCommunityId'] = diocese_openchurch_id
+ fields = self.populate_fields(data, wikidata_id)
+ if openchurch_id:
+ try:
+ self.patch('/communities/' + openchurch_id, fields)
+ except UuidDoesNotExistException:
+ openchurch_id = None # force reset local UUID
+ else:
+ openchurch_id = self.post('/communities', fields)
+ up = update(DB.parishes, DB.parishes.c.wikidata_id==wikidata_id)
+ up = up.values({'openchurch_id': openchurch_id, 'pushed_at': DB.now})
+ DB.session.execute(up)
+ DB.session.commit()
+ def push_churches(self):
+ churches = DB.con.execute('''SELECT churches.wikidata_id, churches.name, churches.messesinfo_id, churches.zip_code, churches.website, churches.latitude, churches.longitude,
+ iso_code, churches.openchurch_id, parishes.openchurch_id
+ FROM churches
+ LEFT JOIN places ON churches.country_id = places.wikidata_id
+ LEFT JOIN parishes ON churches.parish_id = parishes.wikidata_id
+ WHERE (churches.pushed_at IS NULL OR churches.openchurch_id IS NULL) AND churches.country_id = 142''').fetchall()
+ i = 0
+ for [wikidata_id, name, messesinfo_id, zip_code, website, latitude, longitude, iso_code, openchurch_id, parish_openchurch_id] in churches:
+ i += 1
+ print('(%s/%s) - ' % (i, len(churches)), end='')
+ data = {'wikidataId': wikidata_id, 'type': 'church'}
+ if name:
+ data['name'] = name
+ if messesinfo_id:
+ data['messesInfoId'] = messesinfo_id
+ if iso_code:
+ data['countryCode'] = iso_code.lower()
+ if website:
+ data['website'] = website
+ if website:
+ data['zipcode'] = zip_code
+ if latitude and longitude:
+ data['latitude'] = float(latitude)
+ data['longitude'] = float(longitude)
+ if parish_openchurch_id:
+ data['parentCommunities'] = [parish_openchurch_id]
+ fields = self.populate_fields(data, wikidata_id)
+ if openchurch_id:
+ try:
+ self.patch('/places/' + openchurch_id, fields)
+ except UuidDoesNotExistException:
+ openchurch_id = None # force reset local UUID
+ else:
+ openchurch_id = self.post('/places', fields)
+ up = update(DB.churches, DB.churches.c.wikidata_id==wikidata_id)
+ up = up.values({'openchurch_id': openchurch_id, 'pushed_at': DB.now})
+ DB.session.execute(up)
+ DB.session.commit()
+def percentage(num, total):
+ return '%s = %s%%' % (num, (round(100 * num / total, 2)))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ arg = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else ''
+ if arg == 'stats':
+ print('Statistics')
+ places = DB.con.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM places').fetchone()[0]
+ print('Places:', places)
+ churches = DB.con.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM churches').fetchone()[0]
+ print('Churches:', churches)
+ catholic_churches = DB.con.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM churches WHERE messesinfo_id != ""').fetchone()[0]
+ print('\twith MessesInfoId:', percentage(catholic_churches, churches))
+ churches_diocese = DB.con.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM churches WHERE diocese_id IS NOT NULL').fetchone()[0]
+ print('\twith Diocese:', percentage(churches_diocese, churches))
+ churches_parish = DB.con.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM churches WHERE parish_id IS NOT NULL').fetchone()[0]
+ print('\twith Parish:', percentage(churches_parish, churches))
+ churches_diocese_or_parish = DB.con.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM churches WHERE parish_id IS NOT NULL OR diocese_id IS NOT NULL').fetchone()[0]
+ print('\twith Diocese or Parish:', percentage(churches_diocese_or_parish, churches))
+ dioceses = DB.con.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dioceses').fetchone()[0]
+ print('Dioceses:', dioceses)
+ catholic_dioceses = DB.con.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dioceses WHERE gcatholic_id != ""').fetchone()[0]
+ print('\twith GCatholicId:', percentage(catholic_dioceses, dioceses))
+ parishes = DB.con.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM parishes').fetchone()[0]
+ print('Parishes:', parishes)
+ catholic_parishes = DB.con.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM parishes WHERE messesinfo_id != ""').fetchone()[0]
+ print('\twith MessesInfoId:', percentage(catholic_parishes, parishes))
+ elif arg == 'push':
+ c = OpenChurchClient()
+ dioceses = DB.con.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dioceses WHERE country_id=142 AND (pushed_at IS NULL OR openchurch_id IS NULL)').fetchone()[0]
+ print('Dioceses to push to OpenChurch:', dioceses)
+ if dioceses:
+ c.push_dioceses()
+ parishes = DB.con.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM parishes WHERE country_id=142 AND (pushed_at IS NULL OR openchurch_id IS NULL)').fetchone()[0]
+ print('Parishes to push to OpenChurch:', parishes)
+ if parishes:
+ c.push_parishes()
+ churches = DB.con.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM churches WHERE country_id=142 AND (pushed_at IS NULL OR openchurch_id IS NULL)').fetchone()[0]
+ print('Churches to push to OpenChurch:', churches)
+ if churches:
+ c.push_churches()
+ else:
+ q = Query()
+ q.init_caches()
+ dioceses = q.fetch('wikidata_dioceses.json', dioceses_query)
+ q.update_dioceses(dioceses)
+ parishes = q.fetch('wikidata_parishes.json', parishes_query)
+ q.update_parishes(parishes)
+ churches = q.fetch('wikidata_churches.json', churches_query)
+ q.update_churches(churches)