The following sections show example code fragments for the common Intrepydd programming idioms listed below. Suggestions are most welcome for additional examples to add to this list:
- Type declarations in function headers
- Array allocation
- For loops (sequential and paralle)
- Dense array operations and reduction (can also be used for deep learning applications)
- Sparse matrix operations (can also be used for graph processing applications)
- Performance goal APIs
def inc(x1: Array(int32,1), val: int32):
Increment every element in 1-D array `x1` by `val`.
def sum_up(x2: Array(float64,2)) -> float64:
Add up all elements in 2-D array `x2` and return their sum.
The array bounds can also be accessed as x2.shape(0) and x2.shape(1).
Individual array elements can be accessed as xs[i,j].
x1 = empty(m, int32())
Allocate a 1-D array of int32 with m elements that are uninitialized.
Can also use zeros([m], int32()).
x2 = zeros([m,n], float64())
Allocate a 2-D array of float64 with m*n elements initialized to zero.
y = add(x2, 0.0)
Allocate a copy of array x2 in array y.
Intrepydd v0.2 does not support x2.copy(), so this is an alternate way of creating a copy.
for elem in x1:
. . .
Iterate through all elements of 1-D array x1.
Currently, element iteration is not supported for multidimensional arrays.
for i in range(shape(x2,0)):
for j in range(shape(x2,1)):
elem = x2[i,j]
. . .
Iterate through all elements of 2-D array x2 using explicit subscripts.
for i in range(index[src], index[src+1]):
. . .
Iterate through all values of i such that index[src] <= i < index[src+1].
pfor i in range(shape(x2,0)):
for j in range(1, shape(x2,1)-1):
tmp = A[i,j-1] + A[i,j] + A[i,j+1]
A[i,j] = tmp / 3.0
Outer parallel loop and inner sequential (regular) loop.
Users have to make sure no loop carried dependences due to arrays.
See Statements paragraph for more details on pfor construct.
y = sqrt(abs(x))
z = x.abs().sqrt()
Element-wise abs is first applied to multi-dimensional array x, and then
element-wise sqrt is applied to the abs result (both lines are equivalent).
delta1 = sum(sub(y, z))
delta2 = sub(y, z).sum()
Element-wise sub is first applied to multi-dimensional arrays y and z, and then
the total sum of the sub result is computed (both lines are equivalent).
def my_func(x1: Array(float64,1), x2: Array(float64,2)):
y1 = x1 @ x2 # Equivalent to 'y1 = matmult(x1, x2)'
y1 = x2 @ y1 # Equivalent to 'y1 = matmult(x2, y1)'
y2 = x2 @ x2.T # Equivalent to 'y2 = matmult(x2, transpose(x2))'
1st line: vector-matrix multiplication to result in vector (1-D array).
2nd line: matrix-vector multiplication to result in vector (1-D array).
3rd line: matrix-matrix multiplication to result in matrix (2-D array), where 2nd argument is transpose of x2 (i.e., Symmetric Rank-k Update).
s1 = csr_to_spm(vals, cols, idxs, ncols)
Create a sparse matrix (spm) from the three components of a CSR representation.
s2 = empty_spm(nrows, ncols)
for i in range(nrows):
for j in range(ncols):
if (x[i,j] != 0.0):
s2.spm_set_item_unsafe(x[i,j], i, j)
Create an empty sparse matrix with nrows*ncols elements, and set element i,j to x[i,j],
i.e., convert dense array x into sparse format.
s3a = spm_mul(s1, s2)
Element-wise sparse product with two sparse matrices s1 and s2.
s3b = spm_mul(s1, x)
Element-wise sparse product with one sparse matrix s1 and dense array x.
s4 = spmm(s1, s2)
Sparse matrix matrix multiplication with two sparse matrices s1 and s2,
and return the result as a sparse matrix s4 (error if s1's # columns != s2's # rows).
x2 = spmm_dense(s1, x)
Sparse matrix matrix multiplication with one sparse matrix s1 and dense array s2,
and return the result as a dense array x2 (error if s1's # columns != s2's # rows).
import perf_api
perf_api.init_metric() # Once at very beginning
perf_api.start_metric() # Every time at start of a kernel
r = matopt.inner_product(v1, v2)
perf_api.stop_metric() # Every time at end of a kernel
perf_api.print_metric() # Once at very end