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LeoKotschenreuther edited this page Dec 13, 2014 · 28 revisions



The admin is a configured user holding full rights for all available actions in the system. There should only be single admin in the system that is configured once via an email address.


A booking is a concrete occurance of an event. E.g. there is one Math lecture event taking place each Monday from 11:00 - 12:30. A booking is a single occurance of that event on a sole Monday.


Beschreibt die Property eines Raumes in der Lage zu sein, von einem Caterer beliefert (z.B. bevorzugt Erdgeschoss) werden zu können und zum gemeinsamen Essen geeignet zu sein. TODO ("Wie definieren wir das genau?" Rücksprache mit Kunde?)


A comment is a short message written by a user. It is part of a commenting functionality for Tasks that enables users to ask questions about a specific task (e.g. "What exactly did you mean exactly with ...?", "Sorry, I won't be able to do this in time."). Each comment is associated to exactly one task.


An equipment is a concrete object available to a room. It can be either fixed or provided by the building service. A room can have multiple instances of certain equipment type (e.g. 10 tables, 20 chairs, 1 projector, 1 whiteboard).

###Involved A person is involved in an event if he/she is assigned to a task of that event, the creator of that event or a person responsible for a room in which the event occurs.


Unlike an equipment a property describes a certain ability or attribute of a room that is either present or not. A room can have multiple properties but only one property of each type. Exmaple: Accessibility or the possibility to provider catering in the given room.


Rights describe what users are allowed to do. If a user doesn't have a certain right, he is not allowed to do the activity the right refers to. All users have the following rights:

  • Create events
  • View public events

Furthermore there are rights users can only receive from the admin:

  • Create and delete rooms
  • Edit rooms
  • Approve events for a certain room
  • Create and delete equipment
  • Edit equipment
  • Create and delete room properties
  • Edit room properties
  • Assign equipment and room properties to a room
  • Create groups

Users will have the following rights depending on the circumstances:

  • Edit and remove own events
  • Create, edit and remove tasks for own events
  • Assign tasks for own events to users or to groups
  • Mark task as done if assigned to the task
  • View private events only for event creator and invitees
  • Add and remove members of groups only by the group owner(s)

Rolle / Role

Eine Rolle entspricht einem Nutzerprofile / Nutzergruppe im Zugriffsmanagement, dem gewisse Berechtigungen erteilt werden. Avisierte Rollen:

  • Verwaltungsmitarbeiter
  • Prof & WiMi
  • Studenten
  • Klubsprecher; FSR, usw


Eine Task entspricht einem (TODO-)Eintrag in der einem Event zugehörigen Taskliste/Aufgabenliste. Sie kann weitere Informationen und Anhänge erhalten und Verantwortlichen zugeteilt werden.


A template contains reusable information for reoccurring events. For instance, all "Softskills Kolloquium" events need a speaker headset, a lecture hall etc. but is not strictly regulary.


Ein User stellt einen im System erfassten Benutzer dar. Wenn eingeloggt können diese (je nach Berechtigung) aktiv im System agieren (z.B. Räume buchen und Events erstellen). Sie können zudem passiv von anderen Usern referenziert werden (z.B. bei der Zuweisung einer Task oder dem Einrichten einer Notification für diesen User).


Ein Event..

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