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Creating new panels

jmacura edited this page Jan 13, 2021 · 20 revisions

In version 2.x and higher


In version 1.x

inject 'hs.layout.service' in app.js controller as layoutService and 'hs.sidebar.service' as sidebarService Optionally inject also 'gettext' module if you want the button to be translated

Expose panelVisible function:

$scope.panelVisible = layoutService.panelVisible;
$scope.$on("scope_loaded", function (event, args) {`
            `if (args == 'Sidebar') {`
                `var el = angular.element('<div hs.draggable ng-controller="" ng-if="Core.exists(\'\')" ng-show="panelVisible(\'weather\', this)"></div>')[0];`

Add new button to the sidebar:

sidebarService.buttons.push({ panel: 'weather', module: '', order: 10, title: gettext('Weather watcher'), description: gettext('Get weather satellite crossings'), icon: 'icon-time' })
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