to change DB content, switch out elephant/dump.sql
Play Framework App is based on rest-interface/android_testing
1) fetch everything & switch to SU
$ git clone
$ su -
# cd ./testing-docker/elephant/
# docker build -t elephant .
# docker images
3) build Play Framework App
# cd ../kobold
# docker build -t kobold .
# docker images
the name has to be exactly like below (because the play framework app is already preconfigured to the name)
wait about 30s before going to next step (because importing dump takes time)
# docker run --name flying_dumbo -d -p 5432:5432 elephant
# docker ps -a
5) run Play Frameworh App
# docker run --name green_kobold --link flying_dumbo:elephant -d -p 9000:9000 kobold
# docker ps -a
6) check with Postman or shell
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:9000/api/articles/books
to restart, follow step 4 & 5
# docker stop green_kobold flying_dumbo
# docker rm green_kobold flying_dumbo