Pattern samples extracted from Fowler's PoEAA
You'll need a database scheme to create tables defined in CreacionTablas.sql inside TransactionScript project and modify the connection string with your scheme name (my case is Blogging)
In these samples, I do not handle any exception!
- Transaction Script
- Domain Model
- Table Module
- Table Data Gateway
- Row Data Gateway
- Active Record
- Data Mapper (using Identity Mapper pattern)
- Unit of Work (using Data Mapper pattern with Identity Map)
- Identity Field (using Data Mapper pattern)
- Foreign Key Mapping (using Identity Mapper)
- Association Table Mapping (using Data Mapper & Identity Mapper)
- Dependent Mapping
- Single Table Inheritance (using Inheritance Mapper)
- Class Table Inheritance (using Inheritance Mapper)
- Concrete Table Inheritance (using Inheritance Mapper)
- Metadata Mapping
- Query Object
- Repository
- Registry (using Active Record)
- Identity Map
- Embedded Value