- What is DOM?
DOM (Document Object Model) is a language that helps us represent HTML documents in a tree-like structure.
- Why do we need it?
DOM help javascript interact with HTML so we can manipulate it's elements in a consistent way.
- What is the major difference between
in terms of what it returns?
- getElementsByClassName return a HTMLCollection, which is a javascript array-like object that represents a collection of HTML elements that have a particular
. - getElementById returns an individual element if it can be found, or
if there is no element with that particularid
- Answer the following questions using this HTML
<li class="item">a</li>
<li class="item">b</li>
<li class="item">c</li>
<li class="item">d</li>
<li class="item">e</li>
- How do we target all the
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('li')
- How do we target even
s? (b,d)
// the easiest way would be to use pseudo-selectors with jQuery
// https://api.jquery.com/even-selector/
var even_elements = $('li:even')
// alternatively, we can always get all the elements and loop
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('li');
var even = [];
for (var i = 1; i < elements.length; i = i+2) {
- How do we give each
an attribute call "my-value" that contain the innerHTML as it's value?
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('li')
for (var i = 0 ; i < elements.length; i++) {
elements[i].setAttribute('my-value', elements[i].innerHTML)
- Add a button with an event listener when clicked to each
to console.log it's attribute "my-value's" value.
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('li');
function listener(event) {
for (var i=0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var btn = document.createElement("button");
var text = document.createTextNode("click me");
btn.addEventListener("click", listener)
Note: Refer solution to w02d1-solution.html
- How do we change google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" to "I am Feeling Awesome" with javascript? (test it in the chrome developers tool console!)
var elem = document.getElementsByName('btnI');
elem[0].setAttribute('value', 'I\'m Feeling Awesome');
- What's the difference between
in javascript? Please provide an example in which they return different values?
The identity operator (===
) will return true if the operands are strictly equal, without doing a type conversion:
3 == '3' // true
3 === '3' // false
- Imagine we need to store all students and grades for the morning assessment in javascript. What would be a good data structure to store this information? Please justify your answer
// First option, correlation by position
var grades = [5,7,8,6,9,7,6,8,6];
var names = ['Ada Au', 'Ian Choo', 'Andrew Alekseev', 'Charlotte Kwan', 'Jacky Lee', 'Toni Anne Romero', 'Frances Ng', 'Pip Johnstone', 'Bryan Fong', 'Ian Kwok'];
// Second option, creating objects for students
var grades = [
{'Ada Au' : 7},
{'Ian Choo' : 7},
{'Andrew Alekseev' : 7},
{'Charlotte Kwan' : 7},
{'Jacky Lee' : 7},
{'Toni Anne Romero' : 7},
{'Frances Ng' : 7},
{'Pip Johnstone' : 7},
{'Bryan Fong' : 7},
{'Ian Kwok' : 7},
// Third option, array where students are keys
var grades = {
'Ada Au' : 7,
'Ian Choo' : 7,
'Andrew Alekseev' : 7,
'Charlotte Kwan' : 7,
'Jacky Lee' : 7,
'Toni Anne Romero' : 7,
'Frances Ng' : 7,
'Pip Johnstone' : 7,
'Bryan Fong' : 7,
'Ian Kwok' : 7,