Astor can be built either with an install generating an executable jar file which contains classpath and build dependencies, or by compiling the code and building the classpath separately, storing it in a text file to be included using the -cp option on execution.
Note: When running any of the mvn commands it may be necessary to use sudo permissions.
- You will need jdk 8 installed (if you have multiple jdk versions installed you can switched between them using update-alternatives).
- You will need maven installed (possibly with some additional pluggins, so look out for these if error messages come up during compilation).
git clone
cd astor
mvn install
Warning: Windows is only partially supported.
mvn package -DskipTests=true
The following JAR will be created: target/astor-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
This will referenced as astor.jar
for the rest of this guide but you will need to replace it with the full line when inserting commands.
In addition to compiling and building the classpath for astor, the following also gives you the command required to compile an example test.
git clone
cd astor
mvn clean compile # compiling astor
cd examples/Math-issue-280
mvn clean compile test # compiling and running bug example
cd ../../
mvn dependency:build-classpath -B | egrep -v "(^\[INFO\]|^\[WARNING\])" | tee /tmp/astor-classpath.txt
cat /tmp/astor-classpath.txt
Note: you will need to rebuild the class path each day if you store it in /tmp/ as suggested, so expect an error if you come back the following day and try to run astor without doing so.
The execution of the program will be different depending on the build option you chose previously.
We present a command line with the required arguments for executing jGenProg. Optional arguments found using option -help are also listed further down this document. The arguments can also be changed in "./target/classes/".
Then the main execution command is as follows (note that the "location" argument is mandatory, and must be an absolute path):
java -cp $(cat /tmp/astor-classpath.txt):target/classes fr.inria.main.evolution.AstorMain -mode jgenprog -srcjavafolder /src/java/ -srctestfolder /src/test/ -binjavafolder /target/classes/ -bintestfolder /target/test-classes/ -location /home/user/astor/examples/Math-issue-280/ -dependencies examples/Math-issue-280/lib
The only part of the above command that you should need to alter is the absolute path that follows the -location argument.
Astor uses the standard output to print the solutions (i.e., the patches code), if any.
Astor writes in the output folder (property workingDirectory
in the file, set by default to ./output_astor/), a folder with all the variants that fulfill the goals i.e., repair the bugs. You can change the location of this output folder by either altering the configuration file or by using the -out command line argument. Example output:
PATCH_DIFF=--- /afs/
+++ /afs/
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
} while ((((fa * fb) > 0.0) && (numIterations < maximumIterations)) && ((a > lowerBound) || (b < upperBound)) );
if ((fa * fb) >= 0.0) {
- throw new org.apache.commons.math.ConvergenceException(("number of iterations={0}, maximum iterations={1}, " + ("initial={2}, lower bound={3}, upper bound={4}, final a value={5}, " + "final b value={6}, f(a)={7}, f(b)={8}")), numIterations, maximumIterations, initial, lowerBound, upperBound, a, b, fa, fb);
return new double[]{ a, b };
2017-12-13 15:21:34,170 INFO fr.inria.astor.core.stats.Stats - Storing ing JSON at /afs/
2017-12-13 15:21:34,170 INFO fr.inria.astor.core.stats.Stats - astor_output:{"NR_RIGHT_COMPILATIONS":64,"NR_FAILLING_COMPILATIONS":130,"patches":[{"PATCH_DIFF":"--- \\\/afs\\\/\\\/home\\\/m\\\/monp\\\/astor\\\/.\\\/output_astor\\\/AstorMain-Math-issue-280\\\/src\\\/default\\\/org\\\/apache\\\/commons\\\/math\\\/analysis\\\/solvers\\\/\\t\\n+++ \\\/afs\\\/\\\/home\\\/m\\\/monp\\\/astor\\\/.\\\/output_astor\\\/AstorMain-Math-issue-280\\\/src\\\/variant-388\\\/org\\\/apache\\\/commons\\\/math\\\/analysis\\\/solvers\\\/\\t\\n@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@\\n \\t\\t\\tnumIterations++;\\n \\t\\t} while ((((fa * fb) > 0.0) && (numIterations < maximumIterations)) && ((a > lowerBound) || (b < upperBound)) );\\n \\t\\tif ((fa * fb) >= 0.0) {\\n-\\t\\t\\tthrow new org.apache.commons.math.ConvergenceException((\\\"number of iterations={0}, maximum iterations={1}, \\\" + (\\\"initial={2}, lower bound={3}, upper bound={4}, final a value={5}, \\\" + \\\"final b value={6}, f(a)={7}, f(b)={8}\\\")), numIterations, maximumIterations, initial, lowerBound, upperBound, a, b, fa, fb);\\n \\t\\t}\\n \\t\\treturn new double[]{ a, b };\\n \\t}\\n\\n","VARIANT_ID":"388","VALIDATION":"|true|0|1981|[]|","patchhunks":[{"LOCATION":"org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.UnivariateRealSolverUtils","INGREDIENT_SCOPE":"-","ORIGINAL_CODE":"throw new org.apache.commons.math.ConvergenceException((\\\"number of iterations={0}, maximum iterations={1}, \\\" + (\\\"initial={2}, lower bound={3}, upper bound={4}, final a value={5}, \\\" + \\\"final b value={6}, f(a)={7}, f(b)={8}\\\")), numIterations, maximumIterations, initial, lowerBound, upperBound, a, b, fa, fb)","BUGGY_CODE_TYPE":"CtThrowImpl|CtBlockImpl","OPERATOR":"RemoveOp","LINE":"201","SUSPICIOUNESS":"1","MP_RANKING":"0"}],"TIME":"873","GENERATION":"194"}],"NR_GENERATIONS":194,"TOTAL_TIME":873008,"NR_FAILING_VALIDATION_PROCESS":null}
2017-12-13 15:21:34,171 INFO fr.inria.main.evolution.AstorMain - Time Total(s): 897.951
Each variant folder contains the files that Astor has analyzed (and eventually modified). Additionally, it contains a file called patch.diff
that summarizes all changes done in the variant.
The summary of the execution is also printed on the screen at the end of the execution. If there is at least one solution, it prints “Solution found” and then it lists the program variants that are a solution i.e., they fixed versions of the program. Then, if you go to the folder for each of those variants, you'll see the file patch, which summarizes the changes done for repairing the bug. In other words, the file patch.diff
is only present if the variant is a valid solution (fixes the failing test and introduces no regression).
If Astor does not find any solution in the execution, it prints on the screen something like “No solution found”.
Additionally, Astor writes a JSON file ('astor_output.json') which summarizes the information of each patch found (location, code modified, etc.) and some statistics.
Inside the folder "/src/" Astor stores the source code of the solutions that it found.
Folder “default” contains the original program, without any modification. It's a sanity check, containing the output of spoon without applying any processor over the spoon model of the application under repair.
Each folder "variant-x" is a valid solution to the repair problem (passes all tests). The "x" corresponds to the id (unique identifier) assigned to a variant. There is an command line argument saveall
that allows you to save all variants that Astor generates, even if they are not a solution.
For executing Astor in jKali mode:
java -cp astor.jar fr.inria.main.evolution.AstorMain -mode jkali -location <>......
For executing Astor in jMutRepair mode:
java -cp astor.jar fr.inria.main.evolution.AstorMain -mode jMutRepair -location <>......
-mode jgenprog|jkali|jMutRepair|...
-location "absolute location of the project to repair" (**MANDATORY**)
-dependencies "folder with the dependencies of the application to repair"
-failing "failing test case" (if there are several failing test case, give them separated by the classpath separator (: in linux/mac and ; in windows)
-package "package to manipulate" (only the statements from this package are manipulated to find a patch)
-jvm4testexecution "Path to the Java VM used by Astor to execute the validation (e.g., running test cases). It must reference to the `bin` subfolder"
-javacompliancelevel "compliance level of source code e.g. 5"
-stopfirst "indicates whether Astor stops the search after finding the first solution." (true/false)
-flthreshold "minimun suspicious value for fault localization e.g. 0.1"
-srcjavafolder "source code folder"
-srctestfolder "test source code folder"
-binjavafolder "class folder"
-bintestfolder "test class folder"
-location <PATH_TO_ASTOR_FOLDER>/examples/math_70
-mode statement
-package org.apache.commons
-jvm4testexecution "<PATH_TO_JVM_FOLDER>"/bin/
-failing org.apache.commons.math.analysis.solvers.BisectionSolverTest
-srcjavafolder /src/java/
-srctestfolder /src/test/
-binjavafolder /target/classes
-bintestfolder /target/test-classes
-flthreshold 0.5
-stopfirst true
-dependencies <PATH_TO_ASTOR_FOLDER>examples/libs/junit-4.4.jar,
Note that -location
argument has a absolute path to the project to repair, and -dependency has the absolute path to the libraries or to the folder that contains them.
However, note that the folders that specify the structure of the project under repair (-srcjavafolder
, -srctestfolder
, -binjavafolder
and -bintestfolder
) are relative.
More information about parameters can be found in this document.
Notes about running Astor over Defects4J bugs.
Common problem running Java 7 apps: UnsupportedClassVersionError (unsupported major.minor version 52.0
Astor needs to be executed over a JVM 8+. By default, Astor uses the JVM specified on the JAVA_HOME
variable to run the test cases for validating candidate patches. However, Defects4J subjects needs to be executed using a JMV 7 (according to the official documentation).
For example, running bug Math-70 from Defects4J on a JVM 8 could produce two failing/errored test cases:
The first one (testMath280
) is the test that expose the bug Math-70. It's correct that it fails. However, the second one (testMinpackMeyer
) fails due to the JVM and it must not fail. It's a platform-related error.
As conclusion, using a java VM 8+ could produce that Astor does not find patches for bugs that must be repaired by the tool.
As solution, Astor provides an argument (-jvm4testexecution
) to specify the location of the virtual machine that will be used to run the test cases. In the case of trying to repair Defects4J bugs it must be a JVM 7, otherwise the result of test cases could not be the expected (i.e., having more failing test cases) and, consequently, patches could not be found.
Astor tries to automatically obtain the version of the JDK used to running the tests (e.g., -jvm4testexecution
Astor will log (INFO level) the version obtained:
Java version of the JDK used to run tests: 1.8.0_101
Then, Astor determines whether the JVM version is lower or equals than 7 and will log (INFO level) the result The compliance of the JVM is: 8
In case that the JVM is version 7 and Astor is not able to determine the version (i.e., the previous logs do not show any information), you can force Astor to run Java7 code by using the command line argument runjava7code
If after doing the previous steps Astor produces the exception UnsupportedClassVersionError (unsupported major.minor version 52.0)
and you are running Astor using the jar (astor-0.X.X-jar-with-dependencies.jar
you will need to add the jar <astor_location>/lib/jtestex7.jar
in the java classplath (attention: add it before the astor jar).
Q. I get following error after running Astor: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The bin folder /home/user/astor/examples/Math-issue-280/target/classes does not exist
A. Run mvn clean compile test
again in the example issue folder.
Q. I get following error after running Astor: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The bin folder /home/user/astor/examples/Math-issue-280/target/test-classes does not exist
A. Run mvn test-compile
in the example issue folder.