845 | 845 | <BaseClass>net:IEdge</BaseClass>
846 | 846 | <ECProperty propertyName="StartInvert" typeName="double" displayLabel="Invert (Start)" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:ELEVATION" description="Set the invert of pipe adjacent to the start node."/>
847 | 847 | <ECProperty propertyName="StopInvert" typeName="double" displayLabel="Invert (Stop)" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:ELEVATION" description="Set the invert of the pipe adjacent to the stop node."/>
848 |
| - <ECProperty propertyName="ManningsN" typeName="double" displayLabel="Manning's n" category="HydraulicData" description="The roughness value for the pipe."/> |
| 848 | + <ECProperty propertyName="ManningsN" typeName="double" displayLabel="Manning's n" kindOfQuantity="rru:MANNINGS_N" category="HydraulicData" description="The roughness value for the pipe."/> |
849 | 849 | <ECProperty propertyName="PlanLength" typeName="double" displayLabel="Length" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:LENGTH" description="The horizontal length of the pipe."/>
850 | 850 | </ECEntityClass>
851 | 851 |
1019 | 1019 |
1020 | 1020 | <ECEntityClass typeName="CatchmentRationalSimpleAreaAspect" modifier="Sealed" displayLabel="CatchmentRationalSimpleAreaAspect">
1021 | 1021 | <BaseClass >CatchmentSimpleAreaDefinitionAspect</BaseClass>
1022 |
| - <ECProperty propertyName="RationalC" typeName="double" displayLabel="Rational C" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:PERCENTAGE" description="The runoff coefficient used with the Rational Method. C in Q=CiA."/> |
| 1022 | + <ECProperty propertyName="RationalC" typeName="double" displayLabel="Rational C" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:RATIONAL_COEFFICIENT" description="The runoff coefficient used with the Rational Method. C in Q=CiA."/> |
1023 | 1023 | </ECEntityClass>
1024 | 1024 |
1025 | 1025 | <ECEntityClass typeName="CatchmentRationalComplexAreaDefinitionAspect" modifier="Sealed" displayLabel="CatchmentRationalComplexAreaAspect">
1029 | 1029 |
1030 | 1030 | <ECStructClass typeName="RationalSubarea" modifier="Sealed" description="The list of subareas that comprise the total area of the catchment. The weighted average of the rational c value will be used to compute the runoff.">
1031 | 1031 | <ECProperty propertyName="RationalSubareaArea" typeName="double" displayLabel="Area" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:AREA" description="The size of the subarea."/>
1032 |
| - <ECProperty propertyName="RationalSubareaC" typeName="double" displayLabel="Rational C" category="HydraulicData" description="The Rational C coefficient to be applied to the current subarea."/> |
| 1032 | + <ECProperty propertyName="RationalSubareaC" typeName="double" displayLabel="Rational C" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:RATIONAL_COEFFICIENT" description="The Rational C coefficient to be applied to the current subarea."/> |
1033 | 1033 | </ECStructClass>
1034 | 1034 |
1035 | 1035 | <ECEntityClass typeName="EpaSWMMRunoffMethodAreaAspect" modifier="Sealed" displayLabel="EPA SWMM Runoff Method">
1036 | 1036 | <BaseClass >CatchmentSimpleAreaDefinitionAspect</BaseClass>
1037 | 1037 | <ECProperty propertyName="CharacteristicWidth" typeName="double" displayLabel="Characteristic Width" category="HydraulicData" description="The width of the overland flow path for sheet flow runoff (note: the catchment area occupied by Low Impact Development Controls (if any) should not be considered when determining characteristic width)." kindOfQuantity="rru:LENGTH" />
1038 | 1038 | <ECProperty propertyName="CatchmentSlope" typeName="double" displayLabel="Slope (Catchment)" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:SLOPE" description="Average slope of the catchment."/>
1039 |
| - <ECProperty propertyName="ManningsNImpervious" typeName="double" displayLabel="Manning's n (Impervious)" category="HydraulicData" description="Manning's n for overland flow over the impervious portion of the catchment."/> |
1040 |
| - <ECProperty propertyName="ManningsNPervious" typeName="double" displayLabel="Manning's n (Pervious)" category="HydraulicData" description="Manning's n for overland flow over the pervious portion of the catchment."/> |
1041 |
| - <ECProperty propertyName="DepressionStorageImpervious" typeName="double" displayLabel="Storage (Impervious Depression)" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:LENGTH_SHORT" description="Manning's n for overland flow over the pervious portion of the catchment."/> |
| 1039 | + <ECProperty propertyName="ManningsNImpervious" typeName="double" displayLabel="Manning's n (Impervious)" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:MANNINGS_N" description="Manning's n for overland flow over the impervious portion of the catchment."/> |
| 1040 | + <ECProperty propertyName="ManningsNPervious" typeName="double" displayLabel="Manning's n (Pervious)" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:MANNINGS_N" description="Manning's n for overland flow over the pervious portion of the catchment."/> |
| 1041 | + <ECProperty propertyName="DepressionStorageImpervious" typeName="double" displayLabel="Storage (Impervious Depression)" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:LENGTH_SHORT" description="Depth of depression storage on the impervious portion of the catchment."/> |
1042 | 1042 | <ECProperty propertyName="DepressionStoragePervious" typeName="double" displayLabel="Storage (Pervious Depression)" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:LENGTH_SHORT" description="Depth of depression storage on the pervious portion of the catchment."/>
1043 | 1043 | <ECProperty propertyName="PercentImpervious" typeName="double" displayLabel="Percent Impervious" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:PERCENTAGE" description="Percent of land area (not including any land in this catchment associated with a Low Impact Development Control) that is impervious."/>
1044 | 1044 | <ECProperty propertyName="PercentZeroStorageImpervious" typeName="double" displayLabel="Percent Zero Storage on Impervious" category="HydraulicData" kindOfQuantity="rru:PERCENTAGE" description="Percent of the impervious area with no depression storage."/>
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