- Adds instructions for rating and information regarding the application in settings
- Adds in-app rate popup every 7 days
- Updates RxJava from RxJava2 to RxJava3
- Updates minimum android SDK from 21 (Lolipop) to 23 (Marshmallow)
- Fixes possible crash after navigating to another fragment
- Fixes possible crash if request that updates the notifications to read/seen fails
- Refactoring
- Fixes attachments and will be downloaded with their file name instead of "view"
- Refactoring
- Updates attachments and now display attachment file names and prompt to browser for downloading
- Refactoring
- Updates urls from it.teithe.gr to iee.ihu.gr
- Fixes possible when social media on profile were empty
- Refactoring
- Adds version name under "Έκδοση"
- Fixes theme problem after opening application from notifications
- Fixes possible crash on application startup when unread notifications failed to load
- Removes what's new from 1.0.0 version
- Refactoring
- Initial Release