The Imixs-ML Core module defines the core interface to access a machine learning framework. It provides Data Object classes and a RestFull Client to exchange data between the Imixs-Workflow Engine and a ML Engine.
In this way the Imixs-ML Core API acts as an Anti Corruption Layer between the Imixs-ML API Service and ML Engine like spaCy or Apache mxnet.
For each ml framework a separate Adapter Service implementing the Imixs-ML Core api can be provided. The Adapter service wraps the concrete ml framework API into the Imixs-ML API.
For example the Imixs-ML-spaCy module provides a wrapper service for the spaCy ml framework written in Python.
A adapter service must implement the following endpoints:
- POST: /analyse/{model} - send a text to be analysed by a specific model
- POST: /training/{model} - send a training dataset to train a specific model
To train a ml-model an array of TraingData objects can be POST to the API resource /training/
The model name is mandatory and specifies the name of the model to be trained.
A training data object array is defined by the following JSON structure:
"text": "String",
"entities": [
"label": "string",
"start": 0,
"stop": 0
"categories": [
"label": "string",
"enclosed": true
Each Training Data object contains a text and a list of entity objects. A single entity object is defined by its label and the start/stop position within the training text. So it is possible to define multiple entity objects for one training text. See the following example:
"text": "Imixs Workflow in an open source project organized from Munich.",
"entities": [
{ "label": "project", "start": 0, "stop": 14 },
{ "label": "city", "start": 56, "stop": 62 }
"categories": [
{ "label": "open source", "enclosed": true }
To analyse a text based on a ml-model a AnalyseData object can be POST to the API resource analyse/
The model name is mandatory and specifies the name of the model to be used for analyse.
An AnaylseData object has the following JSON structure:
"text": "string"
The method returns an array of entities and categories found in the text:
To delete a model remotely you can call a DELETE request to the API resource model/
The ML-CLient is a Rest Service Client based on Jax-rs to access an ml framework. It can be used to train data or to analyse data.
MLClient mlClient = new MLClient();
mlClient.postTrainingData(trainingData, SERVICE_ENDPOINT, options);
The parameter 'options' can contain additional parameters to configure the ML adapter service. E.g:
mlClient.postTrainingData(trainingData, SERVICE_ENDPOINT, "min_losses=0.01;value1=xxx");
The EntityAdapter can be used to adapt an entity with alternative formating values. This adapter is useful if a string constant can occur in different formats like a currency. For example the float value 1500.00 can have different presentations in a text fragment:
See the Imixs-ML Workflow section for further details.
All entity adapters are triggered by CDI events send from the Service implementations.
The Events are defined by the classes:
EntityObjectEvent - a CDI event fired by the TrainingService. This even can be used in a observer pattern to provide alternative text representation for a given object value.
EntityTextEvent - a CDI event fired by the MLAdapter. This event can be used in a observer pattern to find the best Object value representation for a given set of text values.