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[!WARNING] ImmyBot's EV code-signing certificate is changing on Feb. 11th, 2025 Please see the FAQ section for more details on updating security exclusions.

::: danger ImmyBot no longer supports Windows 7, Server 2008 (or Server 2012 w/o ESUs) machines. Please see the FAQ section for more details :::


Identification Failures

Needs a Manual Decision

Generally you will click "Agent Re-installed"

Often when an RMM Agent gets re-installed, it will get a new id in the RMM (ComputerId in Automate, SessionID in Control). ImmyBot will recognize that it is the same computer, but due to the fact that virtualization technologies and hard drive cloning can lead to the same scenario, we require you to tell us whether we should overwrite the existing RmmComputer, or keep both. 99% of the time you will click "Overwrite Existing". If the machine was in fact cloned, you would click Keep Both, in which case Immy shims the duplicate UUID with its own to prevent collisions.

Pending Computers

Computers in the pending status have yet to be identified.

Computers may get stuck here if we are unable to run our Ephemeral Agent

graph TD
    CheckImmyAgentLogs[Check ImmyAgent Logs in C:\ProgramData\ImmyBot\Logs] --> DidEphemeralAgentStart[Immybot.Agent.Ephemeral.exe start?]
    DidEphemeralAgentStart --> |Yes|CheckEphemeralAgentLogs[Check Ephemeral Agent logs in C:\ProgramData\ImmyBot\Scripts\*\*.log]
    DidEphemeralAgentStart --> |No|BlockedBySecuritySoftware[Exclude Script Path from Security Software]
    CheckEphemeralAgentLogs --> EphemeralAgentConnect[Did Ephemeral Agent Websocket Connect?]
    EphemeralAgentConnect -->|Yes|DidSuccessfullyIdentifyAfterFix
    EphemeralAgentConnect --> |No|TryNoSSLInspect[Put on network without SSL Inspection]
    TryNoSSLInspect --> DidSuccessfullyIdentifyAfterFix[Ephemeral Agent Connect After Fix?]
    DidSuccessfullyIdentifyAfterFix[Machine Identify Successfully?] --> |No|EmailSupport
    DidSuccessfullyIdentifyAfterFix[Machine Identify Successfully?] --> |Yes|Done
    EmailSupport["Email logs from C:\ProgramData\ImmyBot\Logs and C:\ProgramData\ImmyBot\Scripts\*\*.logs to [email protected]"]

Top 3 reasons for Identification Failures

  1. SSL Inspection blocking our websocket
  2. Security Software blocking PowerShell
  3. Incorrect time is preventing SSL/TLS connection

To understand the various reasons identification can fail, it helps to understand how ImmyBot executions PowerShell

  1. RMM or ImmyAgent runs Immybot.Agent.Ephemeral.exe
  2. Immybot.Agent.Ephemeral.exe establishes a secure websocket to wss:// and runs Invoke-PSPipeHost.ps1
  3. Immybot.Agent.Ephemeral.exe feeds Invoke-PSPipeHost.ps1 PowerShell over a pipe from the websocket session
graph LR
    ImmyBot --> |Parallel|Automate[Run script to download and run Ephemeral Agent via Automate]
    ImmyBot --> |Parallel|Control[Run script to download and run Ephemeral Agent via Control]
    ImmyBot --> |Parallel|ImmyAgent[Run script to download and run Ephemeral Agent via ImmyAgent]
    ImmyBot --> |Parallel|N-Central[Run script to download and run Ephemeral Agent via N-Central]
    Automate --> Immybot.Agent.Ephemeral.exe
    Control --> Immybot.Agent.Ephemeral.exe
    ImmyAgent --> Immybot.Agent.Ephemeral.exe
    N-Central --> Immybot.Agent.Ephemeral.exe
    Immybot.Agent.Ephemeral.exe --> cmd.exe --> powershell.exe --> Invoke-PSPipeHost.ps1

The most common cause of identification failure is security software.

To know if this is the case, pull the logs from C:\ProgramData\ImmyBot\Logs and C:\ProgramData\ImmyBot\Scripts**.logs

Normal Immybot Agent logs look like this:

2022-06-14 00:02:25.560 -05:00 [DBG] Hosting starting
2022-06-14 00:02:25.799 -05:00 [INF] Starting Immybot Agent
2022-06-14 00:02:25.943 -05:00 [INF] Using configuration file stored at: C:\ProgramData\ImmyBotAgentService\config.json
2022-06-14 00:02:26.875 -05:00 [DBG] Initializing IoT Hub connection
2022-06-14 00:02:35.023 -05:00 [INF] Application started. Hosting environment: Production; Content root path: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\.net\Immybot.Agent.Service\lreaszzz.wwx\
2022-06-14 00:02:35.024 -05:00 [DBG] Hosting started
2022-06-14 00:02:40.552 -05:00 [WRN] IoT Hub connection status Changed Status => [Connected] Reason => [Connection_Ok]
2022-06-14 02:06:32.159 -05:00 [DBG] Process started; ID: 12724
2022-06-14 02:06:37.358 -05:00 [DBG] Running C:\ProgramData\ImmyBot\Scripts\840290f2bd2142e2bd2c612542436763\Immybot.Agent.Ephemeral.exe --ImmyScriptPath C:\ProgramData\ImmyBot\Scripts\840290f2bd2142e2bd2c612542436763 --BackendAddress wss:// --SessionID c946e1d1-f5fd-d36d-0489-d2a9ad9084e0
2022-06-14 02:06:38.335 -05:00 [DBG] PID 16184 <----- Indicates successful execution
2022-06-14 02:06:38.372 -05:00 [DBG] Process exited; Code: 0

Windows Defender will make the logs look like this:

2022-11-17 13:13:36.604 +11:00 [DBG] Hosting starting
2022-11-17 13:13:36.817 +11:00 [INF] Starting Immybot Agent
2022-11-17 13:13:36.840 +11:00 [INF] Using configuration file stored at: C:\ProgramData\ImmyBotAgentService\config.json
2022-11-17 13:13:37.590 +11:00 [DBG] Initializing IoT Hub connection
2022-11-17 13:13:37.860 +11:00 [DBG] Hosting started
2022-11-17 13:13:38.598 +11:00 [WRN] IoT Hub connection status Changed Status => [Connected] Reason => [Connection_Ok]
2022-11-17 13:13:39.157 +11:00 [WRN] Dirty-Shutdown detected! Dirty-File created at: "2022-11-07T04:11:59.3975026Z" UTC
2022-11-17 13:13:41.686 +11:00 [DBG] Process started; ID: 5660
2022-11-17 13:13:44.674 +11:00 [DBG] Running C:\ProgramData\ImmyBot\Scripts\4303da9b790b41c6978b50b872fe17cb\Immybot.Agent.Ephemeral.exe --ImmyScriptPath C:\ProgramData\ImmyBot\Scripts\4303da9b790b41c6978b50b872fe17cb --BackendAddress wss:// --SessionID a92c0ed1-ea3b-7f8a-d9c6-946d9b44ccc5
2022-11-17 13:13:49.577 +11:00 [DBG] WMI Error 2

DNS Filtering/Issues make the logs look like this

2022-09-20 20:39:59.712 +10:00 [INF] RESPONSE: {
  "Resource": "installer/challenge/request",
  "Method": "POST",
  "StatusCode": 0,
  "ErrorException": {
    "ClassName": "System.Net.WebException",
    "Message": "No such host is known. ("

To correct it, you need to exclude DNS filtering for your instances hostnames, which are found under Show more > integrations > Fetch IP Address and Hostnames

If Powershell is failing to start on the endpoint within 60 seconds a timeout will occur.

Here is a suggestion on a cause and possible fix for that one

Security Software Exclusions

Ideally you would instruct your security software would support excluding code signed by

::: warning ImmyBot's current code-signing certificate is set to change on Feb. 11th, 2025. Please add both our upcoming and existing certificate exlusions to ensure no issues.

Please see the FAQ section for more details ::: This certificate is used to sign our Agent binaries & installers delivered to machines.

Unfortunately, our new certificate's Organization(O) and Common Name(CN) fields are changing from Immense Networks to ImmyBot LLC.

New Certificate on Feb. 11th, 2025:

CN=ImmyBot LLC, O=ImmyBot LLC, L=Baton Rouge, S=Louisiana, C=US

Existing Certificate:

CN=Immense Networks, O=Immense Networks, L=Baton Rouge, S=Louisiana, C=US

Add both certificates to avoid issues if following before Feb. 11th, 2025 OR your instance has existing machines installed (which may have agents installed with older certificate)!

Exclusions based on code signing certificate are an industry standard feature and should be a standard feature in any best-in-class security software. However, if your security software is unable to exclude based on code signing certificate, create an exclusion for your instance's Script Path.

Your script path can be found under Settings->Preferences->Script Path



  1. Application Control-> Applications
  2. Create New Application
  3. Put the following value into Certificate and click Add

::: warning ImmyBot's current code-signing certificate is set to change on Feb. 11th, 2025. Please add both our upcoming and existing certificate exlusions to ensure no issues.

Please see the FAQ section for more details ::: This certificate is used to sign our Agent binaries & installers delivered to machines.

Unfortunately, our new certificate's Organization(O) and Common Name(CN) fields are changing from Immense Networks to ImmyBot LLC.

New Certificate on Feb. 11th, 2025:

CN=ImmyBot LLC, O=ImmyBot LLC, L=Baton Rouge, S=Louisiana, C=US

Existing Certificate:

CN=Immense Networks, O=Immense Networks, L=Baton Rouge, S=Louisiana, C=US

Add both certificates to avoid issues if following before Feb. 11th, 2025 OR your instance has existing machines installed (which may have agents installed with older certificate)!

  1. Add your instance’s script path image Ultimately it should look like this: image
  2. Create a New Application Policy image

Sophos Central

Tenant Specific Manual Addition:

  1. Launch Client Shell
  2. Navigate to Global Settings - Allowed Applications
  3. Select "Add apps"
  4. In the "allow by:" dropdown, select certificate and add the following
CN=Immense Networks LLC, O=Immense Networks, L=Baton Rouge, S=Louisiana, C=US

Event Log Method: If Sophos reports that Immy Bot has been blocked, you have the option of going to the Event Log and and select the option to allow by Certificate. This will only work if Sophos has picked up an alert for a process signed by the Immy Bot code signing certificate

Partner Global Templates

  1. Navigate to Settings & Policies - Global Templates and select the template you would like to modify
  2. Once in the template, navigate to Global Settings - Allowed Applications
  3. Follow steps 3 and 4 listed in the Tenant Specific section above


BitDefender will intermittently block script execution unless you disable Aggressive scanning mode or add a your instance's Script Path to your policy's exclusion list.

  1. Edit the policy->Antimalware->Settings->In-policy Exclusions
  2. Add a folder exclusion for your Script Path


CrowdStrike uses AI to decide what to allow and disallow. Periodically this AI will mark the ImmyBot Agent or ImmyBot Ephemeral Agent as malicious. This usually happens after we update it. Marking it as a false positive in your CrowdStrike portal will train the global AI to not treat it as malicious.

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

Add a your instance's Script Path to your policy's exclusion list.


Cylance blocks our websocket making the ImmybotAgent log look like this:

2022-09-21 12:24:26.562 -04:00 [INF] Process exiting.
2022-09-21 12:24:40.106 -04:00 [DBG] Closing Websocket...
2022-09-21 12:24:49.743 -04:00 [INF] Marked ConnectionState as disconnected.
2022-09-21 12:24:50.171 -04:00 [ERR] Application shutting down (App lifetime token cancelled)
System.IO.IOException: Cannot access a closed stream.
at System.Net.Http.HttpConnection.RawConnectionStream.WriteAsync(ReadOnlyMemory`1 buffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

To correct it, you need to bypass SSL Inspection for your instances hostnames/IPs, which are found under Show more > integrations > Fetch IP Address and Hostnames


Sentinel requires BOTH your instance's Script path and the ImmyBot Agent process excluded. With only the script path excluded, devices will regularly have issues running the ImmyBot Agent to download the ephemeral agent. This is apparent in two cases:

  1. Importing devices - The new agent can't download the ephemeral agent to start running inventory.
  2. Updating ImmyBot Agents - The new agent can't download the corresponding new ephemeral agent when attempting to run deployments or scripts.

You can also set your Exclusion Mode to "Interoperability - Extended".


There have been reports indicating that DNSFilter, along with potentially other DNS filtering tools, is not directly blocking but has failed to resolve some DNS queries.

Specifically, in the case of DNSFilter, it was confirmed that ImmyBot was not being blocked. However, the failure in DNS resolution meant that connection attempts to the backend were unsuccessful.

Explicitly allowing the DNS for (replacing "subdomain" with your specific ImmyBot instance subdomain) was verified to resolve the issue of failed DNS resolutions.

For guidance on managing allow and block lists, please refer to:

Group Policy Objects

Computer Configuration | Policies | Administrative Templates | Windows Components | Windows PowerShell | Turn on Script Execution (Enabled)

User Configuration | Policies | Administrative Templates | Windows Components | Windows PowerShell | Turn on Script Execution (Enabled)

These GPOs have been known to cause issues with running scripts.

Working With Support

Support Email:

[email protected]

Sometimes things go wrong and you just need to send in a support ticket. Here is some of the information they may need to help you out.

Gather an Endpoint Trace Log

Windows Performance Recorder can generate a detailed log of an endpoint's activity, which can be used to see most environmental causes for issues running the Immybot Agent.


These can be resource intensive and can require 2-4 GB available RAM, depending on how active an endpoint is and how long a trace is running for.

  1. From an elevated CMD prompt, run:
wpr.exe -start CPU -start Minifilter -start FileIO -start Registry
  1. Recreate the issue.
  2. Wait 3-5 minutes, depending on the available RAM, and run:
wpr.exe -stop "C:\PerfLogs\examplefilename.etl" -compress

If the wpr -stop command fails, try running without "-compress"

This ETL can be reviewed in Windows Performance Analyzer from the Windows Performance Toolkit SDK.

MDMDiagnostics Logs

Issues with device enrollment occur often, and the possible reasons behind them are numerous. Logs from the MDMDiagnostics tool can help identify the root cause.

  1. From an elevated CMD Prompt, run:
MDMdiagnosticstool.exe -area "DeviceProvisioning;DeviceEnrollment" -cab "C:\Temp\"
  1. The cab file may be too large to email, so you can create a cloud share and send the link to [email protected].