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126 lines (93 loc) · 4.63 KB

File metadata and controls

126 lines (93 loc) · 4.63 KB

Makeshift static website generator

This is my personal makeshift static website generator, mswg.

Makeshift, adjective:
> Serving as a temporary substitute; sufficient for the time being.

It tries to be a much simpler (around 300 loc) and feature-less alternative to other similar tools.

This repository includes:

  • The source code for mswg: The static website generator (compile.js, which is fully documented)
  • An example project (./example) to be built with mswg.


You can either directly run the code with node...

cd example
node ../compile.js build --dependencies src --pages index.html

... or you can also package the tool into a single binary file (mswg.exe) by running the script build.ps1.

cd example
../bin/mswg.exe build --dependencies src --pages index.html

Check the script build.ps1 for details on how to build the tool for macos or linux


The tool mswg allows you to:

  • Embed markdown content directly into the a page.
  • Write html templates which you can reuse by providing different input data int json format, and inject those into your markdown files and pages.
  • Bundle the project and it's dependencies together in a single folder, ready to be deployed.


Projects, Dependencies and Pages

There is 3 simple concepts to understand when using this tool:

  • The Project is a folder which contains all the files required to build your static website. Check out the folder example for an example project.

  • A page is any html or markdown file, which may or may not make use of templates. Your project may have multiple pages, which you can declare like this:

    mswg.exe build --dependencies ./src ./css --pages index.html about.html
  • The project dependencies are the files that your pages require to properly work, such as css or js files, or even a folder full of files called ./resource. You can declare them like this:

    mswg.exe build --dependencies ./src ./css ./node_modules/some_lib/lib.min.js --pages index.html

Embedding html, md or templates into your pages

Here is an example that use most of the features of the project:

NOTE! There is no way (for now?) to escape < or { so, during the incoming examples, whenever you see {{ or <<, know that mswg expects them to be in triplets, not doubles like in this examples!

Say we have a templates/project_list.html template for listing open-source projects. It might look something like this...

<!-- Special repeated section! -->
<section type="repeat" input="list">
    <p style="text-align: right; color:gray">
    <div class="border p-3 m-3">

... and a data/projects.2022.json file with the data that will populate said template:

    "title": "My projects of 2022",
    "list": [
            "dateRange": "2022 October ~ 2022 November",
            "title": "Project Cutepon",
            "description": "I made a web application at!"
            "dateRange": "2022 November ~ 2022 December",
            "title": "Makeshift Static Website Generator",
            "description": "<<../>>"

We can embed this data directly into our page index.html by adding the tag:

<section type="template" template="templates/project_list.html" input="data/projects.2022.json"></section>

The resulting html will contain the <section type="repeat"> twice, since there is 2 items inside the list in the input file.

As you can see there is 2 types of special tags: <<some/file.html>> and {{input_variable}}.

  • The first type <<>> will directly include the file in-place.
    • Both html and markdown files are allowed.
    • These are parsed recursively. Meaning, you can set the description as "description": "<<../>>>" and the ../ file will be directly inserted in the description.
  • The second type {{}} will inject the data from the input object.
    • If they are inside a <section type="repeat"> they must be include the list of objects where the data is taken from, like this {{field_name:list_name}}. The list_name must match the attribute input in the <section> tag.
    • If the input list is an array of primitive types rather than objects, just declare them like this {{#:list_name}}

Used in...

These websites use mswg: and