Please submit PRs from a personal Fork
Use PascalCasing not camelCasing for member names, converting to camel casing via DataMember(Name="camelCasing") or EnumMember(Value="camelCasing")
For non-C# compatible names (with spaces or colons, etc.), remove the character for the C# name and specify it in the Data/EnumMember attribute (see Scopes.cs as an example)
Please copy any class and member documentation text available into xmldoc as appropriate (see existing code for an example - typically this is on GitHubApi classes)
Enums need a CustomEnumValueSerializer added in JsonExtensions.Init()
Enums used as parameters in operation calls should have a FooEnumTypeExtensions class with a ToParameterValue method in the same file as the Enum (see RepositoryTypes as an example)