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Corcel ACF Plugin

Travis StyleCI Packagist Packagist

Fetch all Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) fields inside Corcel easily.

This Corcel plugin allows you to fetch WordPress custom fields created by the ACF plugin using the same syntax of Eloquent, from the Laravel Framework. You can use Eloquent models and Collections to improve your development, using the WordPress backend with any PHP application.

For more information about how Corcel works please visit the repository.


To install the ACF plugin for Corcel is easy:

composer require tbruckmaier/corcel-acf

Corcel is required for this plugin, but don't worry, if it's missing it will be installed as well.


  • loads ACF fields via eloquent relations
    • loads acf data for a post only once and save sql queries
    • supports eager loading of acf relations
  • supports deeply encapsulated fields (e.g. a image in a repeater in a flexible content)
  • return suitable data types for the different acf fields (see table below)
    • unknown fields return a generic class with access to the raw db values
    • custom classes can be used for existing & unknown fields
  • possible to access acf field config and internal attributes
  • full support for option page
  • support for PHP- & database-based ACF config

Basic usage

The easiest way to create the acf relations is the included trait:

use \Corcel\Models\Post as BasePost;
use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\AcfTrait;

class Post extends BasePost
    use AcfTrait;

    public static function boot()
        self::addAcfRelations(['title', 'thumbnail']);

This dynamically creates the relationships acf_title() and acf_thumbnail(). Acf fields can now be accessed:

use Corcel\Models\Post;
use Corcel\Models\Attachment;
use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\Models\Text;
use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\Models\Image;

$post = Post::find(1);

// post has a text field named "title" and a image field called "thumbnail"

$post->acf_title; // an instance of Text::class
$post->acf_title->value; // "Example title"
$post->acf_thumbnail; // Image::class
$post->acf_thumbnail->value; // an instance of Attachment::class representing the specified image

To make things easier, AcfTrait also includes getAcfAttribute, which returns an instance of the helper class Acf (this replaces the outdated corcel acf plugin from Relation can also be accessed like:

$post->acf->title; // (string) the parsed value, for instance "Example Page #1"
$post->acf->title(); // an instance of the underlying Text::class
$post->acf->title()->value; // the parsed value, $post->acf->title is a short version of this
$post->acf->title()->internal_value; // the unparsed value, for text's this is the same as value
$post->acf->title()->config; // the acf field config array defined in wordpress, sth like ['type' => 'text', 'instructions' => 'The site title', ...]

$post->acf->thumbnail; // an instance of Attachment::class representing the specified image
$post->acf->thumbnail(); // an instance of the underlying Image::class
$post->acf->thumbnail()->value; // again the same Attachment::class
$post->acf->thumbnail()->internal_value; // the unparsed value from the `postmeta` table, in this case the attachment id
$post->acf->thumbnail()->config; // the thumbnail acf field config array (['type' => 'image', ...])

PHP-based ACF config

If your ACF configuration works via PHP, you can must pass the config array in AcfTrait:

// wordpress functions.php

    'key' => 'group_1',
    'title' => 'My Group',
    'fields' => array (
        array (
            'key' => 'field_1',
            'label' => 'Sub Title',
            'name' => 'sub_title',
            'type' => 'text',
    'location' => array (
        array (
            array (
                'param' => 'post_type',
                'operator' => '==',
                'value' => 'post',
// laravel model

use \Corcel\Models\Post as BasePost;
use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\AcfTrait;

class Post extends BasePost
    use AcfTrait;

    public static function boot()
            'field_1' => [
                'key' => 'field_1',
                'label' => 'Sub Title',
                'name' => 'sub_title',
                'type' => 'text',

To determine which model is used for which field, the acf field's type variable is used. See below for a full list.


Wordpress stores the config of each acf field in the table wp_posts as a custom post type acf-field. post_content contains the serialized config array, which contains the acf field type (type) and everything else you can specify when creating acf fields. Some of these values are important for parsing, some only specify things on how to display the field in wordpress itself.

When a post is saved in Wordpress with acf fields, those values are stored as the post's meta data in the table wp_postmeta. Each acf field saves two values: the according acf field name in wp_posts and the actual value. Depending on the acf field type and configuration, the saved value differs (text field values are stored as plain text, relation fields like image as the attachment id, and repeater & flexible content fields as a whole bunch of different fields).

For instance, the example fields from above are saved like this:

| meta_key   | meta_value          |
| _title     | field_5bdae4fb72c4a |
| title      | Example Page #1     |
| _thumbnail | field_5c3b6543480d6 |
| thumbnail  | 5                   |

When loading a post with corcel, the meta data is automatically retrieved from the database anyway. If the static propery $acfRelations is defined in the model's boot() method,

The base Acf class uses this data and passes it to all fields (and possibly subfields), so no extra queries are needed. Just relational fields like Image need another query to find the correct Attachment class (though if you are only interested in the attachment's id, you can access $post->acf->thumbnail()->internal_value and no additional query is used).

This just adds a getAcfAttribute() method, which returns an instance of the base Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\Acf class (this overwrites the corcel-internal default support for the outdated Corcel acf plugin: If you would like to use it in parallel, you can define the getAcfAttribute method by yourself with a different name)

Option page

Fields in ACF option pages can be used the same way, though it is a bit more tricky to instantiate the option page. The relevant field configs are stored in wp_posts with post_type acf-field and are all children of a acf-field-group (via post_parent). The field values are stored in wp_options, with a certain prefix (defaults to options).


| option_name                            | option_value        |
| _options_page-title                    | field_5bdae4fb72c4a |
| options_page-title                     | My page             |
| _options_page-description              | field_5891ef34058bf |
| options_page-title                     | My description      |
| _additional-options-my-repeater        | field_5c3b6543480d6 |
| additional-options-my-repeater         | 2                   |
| _additional-options-my-repeater_0_text | field_58737273acc78 |
| additional-options-my-repeater_0_text  | Entry #1            |
| _additional-options-my-repeater_1_text | field_58737273acc78 |
| additional-options-my-repeater_1_text  | Entry #2            |

First of all, we need to find the option page's acf-field-group. We can find its id in the url when editing the field group in Wordpress: /wp-admin/post.php?post=1016&action=edit. It can also be found by its slug or page title (see below)

The prefix is normally set in functions.php and defaults to options.

// functions.php:

// no parameters result in the prefix "options"

// another option page with a different prefix
    'post_id' => 'additional-options',

// laravel:

use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\OptionPage;

// get the option page's field group by id, take it from the url for instance
$optionPage = OptionPage::find(1016);

// ... or find it by its title. This is not the title given to acf_add_options_page(), but the field group name.
$optionPage1 = OptionPage::byTitle('Page option fields')->first();

// load the option data from the database

// alternatively with a custom prefix

// get a option
$pageTitle = $optionPage->getOption('page-title'); // "My page"

// or the underlying Field
$pageTitle = $optionPage->getOptionField('page-title'); // Text::class

// works with all fields:
$myRepeater = $optionPage1->getOption('my-repeater'); // Collection
$myRepeater->first()->text; // "Entry #1"

If anyone stumbles upon an easier solution for option pages, I am open for suggestions. Maybe there is a way to get the field group by passing the prefix, or the other way round?

Advanced usage

Custom field classes

You can use your own classes for certain field types to extend them with custom attributes & methods. Publish the configuration via artisan vendor:publish --provider='Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\ServiceProvider' and fill in the class names in config/corcel-acf.php. You can overwrite existing field types or define new ones:

// config/corcel-acf.php
    'classMapping' => [
        'text' => CustomText::class,
        'google_maps' => GoogleMapsField::class,

// CustomText.php
class CustomText extends \Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\BaseField
    public function getValueAttribute()
        return htmlentities($this->internal_value);

    public function getWordsAttribute()
        return explode(' ', $this->internal_value);

// Usage
$post->acf->my_text_field(); // CustomText::class
$post->acf->my_text_field; // "one & two"
$post->acf->my_text_field()->words; // ["one", "&", "two"]

The custom classes should extend Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\BaseField

Defining acf relations

Instead of using the model's boot() method to create relationships on the fly, one can also define them manually:

use Corcel\Models\Post as BasePost;
use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\AcfTrait;

class Post extends BasePost
    use AcfTrait;

    public function thumbnail()
        return $this->hasAcf('thumbnail');

$post = Post::find(1);
$post->thumbnail; // Image::class
$post->thumbnail->value; // Attachment

Whenever Corcel models are returned (for instance an Corcel\Model\Attachment class for an image), the corcel class mapping config is considered (see

Eager loading

If you want to eager-load acf fields, you can use the standard eloquent syntax. If the relationships are created from $acfRelations, do not forget to pass the prefix:

$posts = Post::all()->load('acf_thumbnail');


The following field types are supported (everything else just returns a Generic field):

Field Internal class Parsed response __toString()
Text Text string
Textarea Text string
Number Text string
E-mail Text string
URL Text string
Password Text string
WYSIWYG (Editor) Text string
oEmbed Text string
Image Image Corcel\Model\Attachment
File File Corcel\Model\Attachment
Gallery Gallery Collection of Corcel\Model\Attachment
Select Choice string or array
Checkbox Choice string or array
Radio Choice string
True/False Boolean boolean
Post Object Post Corcel\Model\Post or Collection of Post
Relationship Post Corcel\Model\Post or Collection of Post
Page Link PageLink string
Link Link array or string HTML tag or url
Taxonomy Term Corcel\Term or Collection of Term
User User Corcel\User
Date Picker DateTime Carbon\Carbon
Date Time Picker DateTime Carbon\Carbon
Time Picker DateTime Carbon\Carbon
Color Picker Text string
Group Group GroupLayout
Repeater Repeater Collection of RepeaterLayout
Flexible Content FlexibleContent Collection of FlexibleContentLayout
(everything else) Generic string


The link field reacts on the configured return value, so it returns either an array with title, text and url or just the url as string.

The field has a render() method, which renders a html tag. render() supports custom link text and custom attributes: render('<img src="img.jpg" />', ['class' => 'class-1']) returns <a href="#" target="_blank" class="class-1" title="acf title"><img src="img.jpg" /></a>

When accessing the field as string ((string)$post->acf->link() or in blade {!! $post->acf->link !!}), render() is called, so a html string is returned.`

Repeater & Flexible Content

Repeater and flexible content fields return a Collection of RepeaterLayout respectively FlexibleContentLayout. These models act like the original Acf class: when accessing fields as attributes, the parsed value of the field is returned, otherwise a field like in the table above.

use Corcel\Models\Post;
use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\Models\Text;
use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\Models\Repeater;
use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\Models\FlexibleContent;
use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\Support\RepeaterLayout;
use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\Support\FlexibleContentLayout;

$post = Post::find(1);

$post->acf->main_repeater(); // Repeater
$repeaterFields = $post->acf->main_repeater; // Collection of RepeaterLayout
$repeaterFields->first()->title(); // Text::class
$repeaterFields->first()->title; // parsed response "Main repeater title #1"
$repeaterFields->get(1)->title(); // Text::class
$repeaterFields->get(1)->title; // "Main repeater title #2"

$post->acf->main_content(); // FlexibleContent
$fcLayouts = $post->acf->main_content; // Collection of FlexibleContentLayout

$fcLayouts->get(0)->getType(); // layout type of the first block, for example "text_with_image"
$fcLayouts->get(0)->text(); // Text::class
$fcLayouts->get(0)->text; // "Text of the first content block"
$fcLayouts->get(0)->image(); // Image::class
$fcLayouts->get(0)->image; // Attachment::class (linked image)

$fcLayouts->get(1)->getType(); // layout type of the second block, for example "accordion"
$fcLayouts->get(1)->accordion_title; // "Accordion #1"
$fcLayouts->get(1)->accordion_items(); // Repeater::class
$fcLayouts->get(1)->accordion_items; // Collection of RepeaterLayouts
$fcLayouts->get(1)->accordion_items->first()->title; // "First accordion element"
$fcLayouts->get(1)->accordion_items->first()->content; // "First accordion content..."

Group field

A group field returns a GroupLayout, which contains all grouped fields. GroupLayout acts like a FlexibleContentLayout or a RepeaterLayout: by accessing its fields as attributes, the parsed value is returned. When accessing them as methods, the class itself is returned.

use Corcel\Models\Post;
use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\Models\Group;
use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\Models\Text;
use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\Models\Repeater;
use Tbruckmaier\Corcelacf\Support\GroupLayout;

$post = Post::find(1);

$post->acf->header_fields(); // Group
$post->acf->header_fields; // GroupLayout

$post->acf->header_fields->title; // "site title"
$post->acf->header_fields->title(); // Text::class

Running Tests

To run the phpunit tests, execute phpunit:



MIT License © Junior Grossi