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File metadata and controls

367 lines (283 loc) · 17.9 KB


INDIGO PaaS Orchestrator - Simple Graphical UI


  • IAM authentication
  • Display user's deployments
  • Display deployment details, template and log
  • Delete deployment
  • Create new deployment

The orchestrator-dashboard is a Python application built with the Flask microframework; Flask-Dance is used for Openid-Connect/OAuth2 integration.

The docker image uses Gunicorn as WSGI HTTP server to serve the Flask Application.



The application requires a DB to store data and runs over HTTPS.

  • Running MySQL instance with version 5.7 or 8

    • User with full db administration rights to auto create/manage the database
  • Running Redis instance

  • Register a client in IAM with the following properties:

    • redirect uri: https://<DASHBOARD_HOST>:<PORT>/login/iam/authorized
    • scopes: openid, email, profile, offline_access
    • grant_types: authorization_code, refresh_token e urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange
      • For the last one the interaction with a IAM administrator may be required.
  • Create instance folder in top project directory with the following files:

    • config.json
  • Instruct the app to use certificates

    • If you want to use autogenerate certificates you can use this command
      openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -sha256 -days 365
      Place them wherever you want. Just refer to the correct path when using them. The launch.json file and the docker-compose.yml expect them to be in the certs folder.

    or use an HTTPS proxy

    • Start the proxy and instruct it to redirect user to the dashboard.
    • Update the client IAM with the correct callback path (i.e. https://<PROXY_HOST>/login/iam/authorized).
    • Run the application without certificates.
    • Access the dashboard at https://<PROXY_HOST>/

Local environment

If you want to run the application outside the docker image provided in the repository

  • Install package requirements defined in the requirements.txt. Using pip
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    Using poetry
    cat requirements.txt | xargs poetry add
    The installation procedure and the virtual environment activation depends on your preferred way to use them.

Optional configurations

  • If you want to change graphics or automatically enable a set of features choose a pre-configured profile
    • In config.json file, set the CONFIGURATION_PROFILE variable (i.e. infn-cloud).
  • If you want to enable redis
    • In config.json file, set the REDIS_URL variable (i.e. redis://:my-password@localhost:6379).
  • If you want to change the upload folder
    • In config.json file, set the UPLOAD_FOLDER (i.e. /opt/uploads).
  • If you want to display the advanced menu option in the left navbar or enable the scheduling configuration in deployment creation
    • In config.json file, set the FEATURE_ADVANCED_MENU equals to true.
  • If you want to start the application using the docker/ file
    • Set the environment variable ENABLE_HTTPS=True
  • If you need to install and trust certificates that are not included in the default CA bundle
    • Create a CA certificate in the trusted_certs folder.
  • If you want to integrate the vault service
    • Add to the instance folder vault-config.json file.
  • If you want clone manually the tosca-templates repository
    • Clone the tosca-templates repository and update the config.json file so that TOSCA_TEMPLATES_DIR points to the correct path (i.e. /opt/tosca-templates).

      git clone

      The docker-compose.yml expects this resporitory to be in the instance folder.

  • If you want clone manually the dashboard-configuration repository
    • Clone the dashboard-configuration repository and update the config.json file so that SETTINGS_DIR points to the correct path (i.e. /opt/dashboard-configuration).

      git clone

      The docker-compose.yml expects them to be in the instance folder.

      In dashboard-configuration/tosca-metadatametadata.yaml viene definita la mappa tra utenti e servizi disponibili. Si possono mettere regular expressions per definire più gruppi.

  • If you want to enable SSH pub keys
    • In config.json file, set the FEATURE_REQUIRE_USER_SSH_PUBKEY equals to yes.
    • Enable vault (see next point).
  • If you want to enable vault feature
    • If you have a vault service, it must be correctly configured. It must grant the correct read, write and delete policies to users. The name of these policies must match the name of the policies set in the vault-config.json variables.
    • Il vault deve supportare l'autenticazione tramite JWT token.
    • In config.json file, set the FEATURE_VAULT_INTEGRATION equals to yes.
    • Create a vault-config.json file with at least: VAULT_URL, VAULT_ROLE and VAULT_BOUND_AUDIENCE.
  • Use environemnt variable instead of defining variables in .json files
    • Create an environment variable with the FLASK_ prefix (i.e. FLASK_TOSCA_TEMPLATES_DIR)

config.json values

Key Description Mandatory
SECRET_KEY Unique identifier for the project yes
IAM_CLIENT_ID ID of the client registered in IAM yes
IAM_CLIENT_SECRET Secret of the client registered in IAM yes
ORCHESTRATOR_URL Orchestrator service URL no
SLAM_URL SLAM service URL yes
CMDB_URL CMDB service URL no
IM_URL IM service URL no
EXTERNAL_LINKS Additional external links... no
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI Complete URL to the database yes
REDIS_URL Complete URL to the redis instance. If not set the application tries to contact the localhost. no
CALLBACK_URL URL contacted by the orchestrator to update the dashboard yes
ADMINS List of admin emails. Each email in the list must be written within single quotes. no
SUPPORT_EMAIL Email for user support no
IAM_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP List of user's groups to use in the application. no
CONFIGURATION_PROFILE Choose dashboard graphics no
LOG_LEVEL Application log level. Must be upper case. no
ENABLE_HTTPS Enable HTTPS only when running the script. no
TOSCA_TEMPLATES_DIR Path to the tosca-templates repository. If it has already been cloned it will upload its content, otherwise its the name of the target folder where to place repository content. no
SETTINGS_DIR Path to the dashboard-configuration repository. If it has already been cloned it will upload its content, otherwise its the name of the target folder where to place repository content. no
UPLOAD_FOLDER Path to the folder where uploaded files will be saved. If the folder does not exist, the service will create it as soon as the first item is created. no
FEATURE_ADVANCED_MENU Enable deployment scheduling and other advanced settings. no
FEATURE_UPDATE_DEPLOYMENT Enable update/remove advanced option when updating deployments (DEPRECATED - Related graphic is not up to date). no
FEATURE_VAULT_INTEGRATION Enable vault integration. no
FEATURE_REQUIRE_USER_SSH_PUBKEY Enable section to add user's SSH public key. Depends on FEATURE_VAULT_INTEGRATION since SSH public keys are stored in the vault. This is mandatory to submit any deployment. no
FEATURE_S3CREDS_MENU Enable menu for S3 credentials creation. DEPRECATED no
PROVIDER_NAMES_TO_SPLIT List of provider names to split in provider name and region name. no
MAIL_PORT SMTP server port no
MAIL_SENDER Sender email that will appear in the email no
MAIL_USERNAME Username of the email account to use no
MAIL_PASSWORD Password of the email account to use no
LDAP_TLS_CACERT_FILE CA validated certificate for LDAP no
LDAP_SOCKET Socket to use to connect to the LDAP instance no

Ldap variables are mandatory to run services like Sync&Share.

vault-config.json values

This variables are meant to be mandatory only if FEATURE_VAULT_INTEGRATION=yes.

Although *TOKEN_TIME_DURATION and *TOKEN_RENEWAL_TIME_DURATION are both marked as mandatory they can be considered mutually exclusive.

Key Description Mandatory
VAULT_URL Vault service URL yes
VAULT_ROLE Vault role yes
VAULT_OIDC_AUDIENCE Vault registered audience for that role (DEPRECATED) yes
VAULT_BOUND_AUDIENCE Vault registered audience for that role no
VAULT_SECRET_PATH Root path for users secrets in URL (DEPRECATED) no
VAULT_SECRETS_PATH Root path for users secrets in URL (currently not used in the code but only in the ansible receipt) no
READ_POLICY Name of the read policy to use yes
READ_TOKEN_TIME_DURATION Vault token's delete permissions time duration yes
READ_TOKEN_RENEWAL_TIME_DURATION Periods for read token renewal. If this value is defined the token has time duration equals to the period. READ_TOKEN_TIME_DURATION can be omitted. yes
WRITE_POLICY Name of the write policy to use yes
WRITE_TOKEN_TIME_DURATION Vault token's write permissions time duration yes
WRITE_TOKEN_RENEWAL_TIME_DURATION Periods for write token renewal. If this value is defined the token has time duration equals to the period. WRITE_TOKEN_TIME_DURATION can be omitted. yes
DELETE_POLICY Name of the delete policy to use yes
DELETE_TOKEN_TIME_DURATION Vault token's delete permissions time duration yes
DELETE_TOKEN_RENEWAL_TIME_DURATION Periods for delete token renewal. If this value is defined the token has time duration equals to the period. DELETE_TOKEN_TIME_DURATION can be omitted. yes

Run the application

On dashboard first startup, from the admin's settings page, you will have to download the tosca-templates repository. This will be placed in the TOSCA_TEMPLATES_DIR.

On dashboard first startup, from the admin's settings page, you will have to download the dashboard-configuration repository. This will be placed in the SETTINGS_DIR.

Local environment

Command, to run the Flask application in your local environment

FLASK_app=orchdashboard flask run --host= --cert cert.pem --key key.pem

Command to run the application using gunicorn in your local environment

gunicorn -w 1 --timeout 60 \
    --bind \
    --certfile certs/cert.pem \
    --keyfile certs/key.pem \

Otherwise you can run the docker/ script which is the script run at start up by the dockerized instances.

This script use the CERT and KEY environment variables to define the path to the cert.pem and key.pem files; by default they are equals to /certs/cert.pem and /certs/key.pem.

The port where to expose the service can be set using the PORT environment variable; by default, the script exposes the service on port 5001.

To run the script:


Dockerized environment

If you want to run the application in a docker container, the repository provides a docker image and a docker-compose.yml file to start all needed services.

To run the docker container:

docker run -d -p 5000:5001 \
    --name='orchestrator-dashboard' \
    -v $PWD/certs:/certs \
    -v $PWD/trusted_certs:/trusted_certs \
    -v $PWD/instance/:/app/instance/ \
    -e ENABLE_HTTPS=True \
    -e TOSCA_TEMPLATES_DIR=/app/instance/tosca-templates \
    -e SETTINGS_DIR=/app/instance/dashboard-configuration \
    -e UPLOAD_FOLDER=/app/instance/uploads \

Since you are running the application inside a container, remember to correctly set the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI and the REDIS_URL as environment variables or in the config.json.

In addition to the orchestrator-dashboard, the docker compose starts a 5.7 MySQL database and a redis service instance. Moveover it binds the instance folder in your project top directory. It expects to find all .json files in that directory and will place there the tosca-templates, the dashboard-configuration and the uploads folders. The docker-compose.yml correctly defines the environment variables SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI, REDIS_URL, TOSCA_TEMPLATES_DIR, SETTINGS_DIR and UPLOAD_FOLDER.

To run the docker compose suite:

docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d

By default, the docker image exposes port 5001 instead 5000. The docker-compose.yml maps port 5001 of the container to port 5000 of the localhost. By default TOSCA_TEMPLATES_DIR, SETTINGS_DIR and UPLOAD_FOLDER points to paths requiring administator rights. The docker-compose.yml maps those variables in user accessible paths.


For VSCode users, a devcontainer is present in the .devcontainer folder.

How to build the docker image

git clone
cd orchestrator-dashboard
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t orchestrator-dashboard .


TOSCA Template Metadata

The Orchestrator dashboard can exploit some optional information provided in the TOSCA templates for rendering the cards describing the type of applications/services or virtual infrastructure that a user can deploy.

In particular, the following tags are supported:

Tag name Description Type
description Used for showing the card description String
metadata.display_name Used for the card title. If not pro String
metadata.icon Used for showing the card image. If no image URL is provided, the dashboard will load this icon. String
metadata.display_name Used for the card title. If not provided, the template name will be used String
metadata.tag Used for the card ribbon (displayed on the right bottom corner) String
metadata.allowed_groups Used for showing the template only to members of specific groups String
- "*" == any group can see the template
- "group1,group2" == only members of group1 and group2 can see the template

Example of template metadata:

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0

  - indigo_custom_types:

description: Deploy a Mesos Cluster (with Marathon and Chronos frameworks) on top of Virtual machines

  display_name: Deploy a Mesos cluster



Using an HTTPS Proxy

Example of configuration for nginx:

server {
    listen         80;
    server_name    YOUR_SERVER_NAME;
    return         301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

server {
    listen        443 ssl;
    server_name   YOUR_SERVER_NAME;
    access_log    /var/log/nginx/proxy-paas.access.log  combined;

    ssl on;
    ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
    ssl_certificate           /etc/nginx/cert.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key       /etc/nginx/key.pem;
    ssl_trusted_certificate   /etc/nginx/trusted_ca_cert.pem;

    location / {
        # Pass the request to Gunicorn

        proxy_set_header        X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-Proto https;
        proxy_set_header        Host $http_host;
        proxy_redirect          http:// https://;
        proxy_buffering         off;

Add trusted certificates

If you need to install and trust certificates that are not included in the default CA bundle used by SLAT python application running in a docker container, you can mount the directory containing the cerficate(s) in PEM format (extensione .pem) in the container under the path /trusted_certs; e.g:

docker run -d -p 5001:5001 --name='orchestrator-dashboard' \
           -v $PWD/instance:/app/instance \
           -v $PWD/tosca-templates:/opt/tosca-templates \
           -v $PWD/trusted_certs:/trusted_certs \

The certificates provided in the directory will be automatically added to the python CA bundle.

Performance tuning

You can change the number of gunicorn worker processes using the environment variable WORKERS. E.g. if you want to use 2 workers, launch the container with the option -e WORKERS=2 Check the documentation for ideas on tuning this parameter.


SSL Cert Verification

If you see problems with the SLAM interaction, you would need to specify the certificate to be used to verify the SSL connection. You can pass the path to a CA_BUNDLE file or directory with certificates of trusted CAs setting the parameter SLAM_CERT in the config.json file:

  "SLAM_URL": "",
  "SLAM_CERT": "/path/to/certfile"

If you are running the docker container, you need to ensure that the cert file is available inside the container in the path set in the SLAM_CERT parameter, i.e. you would use a bind mount (-v $PWD/certfile:/path/to/cerfile)
