diff --git a/miscutil/lib/collclean_cron.py b/miscutil/lib/collclean_cron.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec5a0353e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miscutil/lib/collclean_cron.py
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+import os
+import re
+import codecs
+import datetime
+from collclean_lib import coll_cleanforthe
+from collclean_lib import coll_clean710
+from collclean_lib import coll_split
+#this should come from a KB
+expcoll = []
+def coll_check(colls, logtext):
+ global expcoll
+ for coll in colls:
+ # misspelled collaboration?
+ if re.search('coll', coll.lower()) or re.search('borati', coll.lower()):
+ if re.search('collider', coll.lower()) or re.search('college', coll.lower()):
+ pass
+ else:
+ logtext += 'COLL?? %s ' % coll
+ # for splitted colls: is this string listed in EXP 710__g?
+ if len(colls) > 1:
+ unknown = False
+ for coll in colls:
+ if not coll in expcoll:
+ unknown = True
+ if unknown:
+ colls = None
+ logtext += ' Dont dare to change\n'
+ return colls, logtext
+def coll_splitandclean(recid, value, logtext):
+ newcolls = []
+ for original in coll_split(value):
+ (coll, author) = coll_cleanforthe(original)
+ coll = coll_clean710(coll)
+ newcolls.append(coll)
+ if author:
+ logtext += '%09i found author: %s\n' % (recid,author)
+ logtext += ' in: %s\n' % original
+ (newcolls, logtext) = coll_check(newcolls, logtext)
+ return newcolls, logtext
+def writexml(recid, mark, changed):
+ ind1 = mark[1]
+ ind2 = mark[2]
+ extracolls = []
+ logtext = ''
+ xmltext = ''
+ curator = False
+ for field in mark[0]:
+ if field[0] == '9' and field[1].upper().strip() == 'CURATOR':
+ curator = True
+ if curator:
+ logtext += '%09i Skipping %s\n' % (recid, mark)
+ xmltext += ' \n' % (ind1, ind2)
+ for field in mark[0]:
+ subf = field[0]
+ value = field[1]
+ if ind1 == ' ' and ind2 == ' ' and subf == 'g' and not curator:
+ logtext += '%09i %s\n' % (recid, value)
+ (colls, logtext) = coll_splitandclean(recid, value, logtext)
+ if colls:
+ if not colls[0] == value.strip():
+ changed = True
+ for coll in colls:
+ logtext += ' %s\n' % coll
+ value = colls[0]
+ extracolls = colls[1:]
+ xmltext += ' %s\n' % (subf, value)
+ xmltext += ' \n'
+ if extracolls:
+ for value in extracolls:
+ xmltext += ' \n' % (ind1, ind2)
+ xmltext += ' %s\n' % (subf, value)
+ xmltext += ' \n'
+ return(xmltext, logtext, changed)
+def main():
+ from invenio.search_engine import get_collection_reclist
+ from invenio.search_engine import search_pattern
+ from invenio.search_engine import get_record
+ from invenio.search_engine import get_fieldvalues
+ global expcoll
+ now = datetime.datetime.now()
+ stopdate = now
+ startdate = stopdate + datetime.timedelta(days=-10)
+ filedate = '%4d%02d%02d' % (stopdate.year, stopdate.month, stopdate.day)
+ stampofstopdate = '%4d-%02d-%02d' % (stopdate.year, stopdate.month, stopdate.day)
+ stampofstartdate = '%4d-%02d-%02d' % (startdate.year, startdate.month, startdate.day)
+ exp = get_collection_reclist("Experiments")
+ hep = get_collection_reclist("HEP")
+ recall = search_pattern(p="710__g:/^./")
+ recexp = recall.intersection(exp)
+ for rec in recexp:
+ expcoll += get_fieldvalues(rec, '710__g')
+ reccoll = search_pattern(p="710__g:'collaboration'")
+ recids = search_pattern(p="dadd:%s->%s" % (stampofstartdate,stampofstopdate))
+ recids = recids.intersection(recall)
+ recids = recids.union(reccoll)
+ recids = recids.intersection(hep)
+ logtext = ''
+ xmlpath = "/afs/desy.de/user/l/library/dok/inspire/correct/"
+ filename = '%scoll_%s.correct' % (xmlpath,filedate)
+ try:
+ filexml = codecs.EncodedFile(codecs.open(filename, 'w'), 'utf8')
+ except IOError:
+ logtext += 'Cant open file %s\n' % filename
+ return
+# filelog = open('coll_%s.log' % filedate, 'w')
+ xmlall = '\n'
+ mail_subject = 'CollClean %s' % filedate
+ logtext += 'Processing coll_%s\n' % filedate
+ for rec in recids:
+ changed = False
+ xmltext = '\n %i\n' % rec
+ m710 = get_record(rec).get('710')
+ for mark in m710:
+ (thisxml, thislog, thischange) = writexml(rec, mark, changed)
+ logtext += thislog
+ if thischange:
+ changed = True
+ xmltext += thisxml
+ if changed:
+ xmltext += '\n'
+ xmlall += xmltext
+ else:
+ logtext += ' unchanged\n'
+ xmlall += '\n'
+ filexml.write(xmlall)
+ filexml.close()
+ os.system('echo "%s" | mail -s "%s" %s ' % (logtext,mail_subject,'kirsten.sachs@desy.de'))
+# filelog.write(logtext)
+# filelog.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/miscutil/lib/collclean_lib.py b/miscutil/lib/collclean_lib.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84f964ddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miscutil/lib/collclean_lib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+import os
+import re
+import codecs
+def coll_split(value):
+ """ split at 'and' and ',' """
+ colls = []
+ # split at 'and' and ','
+ for val in value.split(' and '):
+ colls += val.split(', ')
+ return colls
+def coll_cleanforthe(coll):
+ """ Cleanup collaboration, try to find author """
+ import re
+ author = None
+ re_for_the = re.compile(r'(?:^| )+(?:for the|on behalf of the|on behalf of|representing the|representing)(?: |$)+', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_start = re.compile(r'^ *(group|team|consortium) +(.*) *$', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_the = re.compile(r'^ *the +', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_for = re.compile(r'^ *for +', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_coll = re.compile(r'(?:^| |\/|-)+collaborations?\.?(?=\W|$)', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_group = re.compile(r'(?:^| |\/|-)+group(?=\W|$)', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_wgroup = re.compile(r'(?:^| |\/|-)+working group(?=\W|$)', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_team = re.compile(r'(?:^| |\/|-)+team(?=\W|$)', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_consortium = re.compile(r'(?:^| |\/|-)+consortium(?=\W|$)', re.IGNORECASE)
+ #replace trailing brackets only if there are leading brackets
+ if re.search('^ *\(.*\) *$', coll):
+ coll = coll.strip('.; ()')
+ else:
+ coll = coll.strip('.; ')
+ if re_for_the.search(coll):
+ if re.search('ASSOCIATION FOR THE', coll, flags=re.IGNORECASE) or \
+ re.search('CENTER FOR THE', coll, flags=re.IGNORECASE) or \
+ re.search('INSTITUTE FOR THE', coll, flags=re.IGNORECASE) or\
+ re.search('FOR THE DEVELOPMENT', coll, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
+ return coll, author
+ else:
+ # get strings leading and trailing 'for the'
+ (l, t) = re_for_the.split(coll, maxsplit=1)
+ if re.search(r'\w', l):
+ lead = re.split(' ', l)
+ else:
+ lead = []
+ if re.search(r'\w', t):
+ tail = re.split(' ', t)
+ else:
+ tail = []
+ if len(tail) == 0:
+ if len(lead) == 0:
+ # nothing left over
+ coll = ''
+ else:
+ # ATLAS John Doe for the
+ coll = lead[0]
+ if len(lead) > 1:
+ author = ' '.join(lead[1:])
+ else:
+ coll = ' '.join(tail)
+ if re.search(r'collaboration$', coll, flags=re.IGNORECASE) or \
+ re.search(r' team$', coll, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
+ # John Doe for the ATLAS Collaboration
+ if len(lead) > 0:
+ author = ' '.join(lead)
+ else:
+ if len(lead) > 0:
+ if len(lead) > 1:
+ # Collaboration John Doe for the ATLAS
+ # John Doe for ATLAS
+ author = ' '.join(lead)
+ author = re_coll.sub('', author)
+ else:
+ # Collaboration for the ATLAS
+ coll = coll + ' ' + lead[0]
+ if author:
+ # John Doe -> Doe, John
+ author = re.sub(r'^ *([\w.-]+) (.+)$', r'\2, \1', author)
+ coll = re_the.sub('', coll)
+ coll = re_start.sub(r'\2 \1', coll)
+ coll = re_coll.sub('', coll)
+ coll = re_for.sub('', coll)
+ coll = re_group.sub(' Group', coll)
+ coll = re_wgroup.sub(' Working Group', coll)
+ coll = re_team.sub(' Team', coll)
+ coll = re_consortium.sub(' Consortium', coll)
+ return coll, author
+def coll_cleansimple(value):
+ ### Unify case, get rid of hypen, bring Coll to front ###
+ knowncoll = ['ATLAS', 'CALICE', 'ALICE', 'CMS', 'CDF', 'LHCb', 'LHCf', 'H1',
+ 'ZEUS', 'CLEO', 'HERMES', 'HERA-B', 'ALEPH', 'DELPHI', 'OPAL', 'L3',
+ 'CosmoALEPH', 'SLD', 'AMS', 'BTeV', 'BaBar', 'RHIC', 'NuSTAR', 'PHENIX',
+ 'STAR', 'BooNE', 'MiniBooNE', 'MicroBooNE', 'SciBooNE', 'CAST',
+ 'CELSIUS', 'CERES', 'CMD', 'CTA', 'GERDA', 'K2K', 'T2K', 'MAGIC',
+ 'NuTeV', 'Planck', 'PANDA', 'Hyper-Kamiokande', 'Super-Kamiokande',
+ 'KLOE', 'KM3NeT', 'NEMO', 'Swift', 'IceCube', 'ARGUS', 'CUORE',
+ 'CUORICINO', 'DarkSide', 'Daya Bay', 'Fermi-LAT', 'GLAST', 'KASCADE',
+ 'VERITAS', 'VIRGO', 'Pierre Auger', 'Majorana', 'MINERvA', 'MINOS',
+ 'Muon g-2', 'XENON', 'Muon Collider', 'Linear Collider', 'European Muon']
+ knownsubcoll = {'Belle':'-', 'BES':'', 'CDF':'-', 'Kamiokande':'-', 'CLEO':'-'}
+ for kc in knowncoll:
+ start = re.compile(r' +%s[ \/-]+' % kc, re.IGNORECASE)
+ extent = re.compile(r' +%s[ \/-]*([0-9]?[A-Z0-9]) ' % kc, re.IGNORECASE)
+ front = re.compile(r'^ +(.+)[ -]+%s +' % kc, re.IGNORECASE)
+ value = front.sub(r' %s \1 ' % kc, value)
+ value = start.sub(r' %s ' % kc, value)
+ value = extent.sub(r' %s-\1 ' % kc, value)
+ for kc in knownsubcoll.keys():
+ letter = knownsubcoll[kc]
+ # correct spelling(case), get rid of '-'
+ start = re.compile(r' +%s[ \/-]+' % kc, re.IGNORECASE)
+ # if only one trailing character, use '-'
+ extent = re.compile(r' +%s[ \/-]+([A-Z0-9]) ' % kc, re.IGNORECASE)
+ # deal with roman numbering
+ subco = re.compile(r' +%s[ \/-]*(I+) ' % kc, re.IGNORECASE)
+ value = start.sub(r' %s ' % kc, value)
+ value = subco.sub(r' %s%s\1' % (kc, letter), value)
+ value = extent.sub(r' %s-\1 ' % kc, value)
+ return value
+def coll_clean710(value):
+ #to make things easier, add leading and trailing space
+ value = ' %s ' % value
+ re_dzero = re.compile(r' DZero ', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_do = re.compile(r' (?:DO|DØ) ')
+ re_panda = re.compile(r' \W*(?:bar|overline)\W*P\W*ANDA\W* ', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_fermilat = re.compile(r' +Fermi[ \/-](?:LAT|Large[ -]Area[ -]Telescope) ', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_glastlat = re.compile(r' +GLAST[ \/-](?:LAT|Large[ -]Area[ -]Telescope) ', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_dchooz = re.compile(r' Double[ \/-]Chooz ', re.IGNORECASE)
+ re_dbay = re.compile(r' Daya[ \/-]Bay ', re.IGNORECASE)
+ value = re_do.sub(' D0 ', value)
+ value = re_dzero.sub(' D0 ', value)
+ value = re_fermilat.sub(r' Fermi-LAT ', value)
+ value = re_glastlat.sub(r' GLAST LAT ', value)
+ value = re_panda.sub(r' PANDA ', value)
+ value = re_dchooz.sub(r' Double Chooz ', value)
+ value = re_dbay.sub(r' Daya Bay ', value)
+ value = re.sub('\$B\W*small A}B\W*small AR}\$', 'BaBar', value)
+ value = re.sub(r' +LHC[ \/-]*([a-z])[ \/-]+', r' LHC\1 ', value)
+ value = re.sub(r' R.and.D ', ' R&D ', value)
+ value = re.sub(r' H\. ?E\. ?S\. ?S\.? +',' HESS ', value)
+ value = re.sub(r' PROMICE[ \/-]WASA ', ' PROMICE/WASA ', value)
+ value = re.sub(r' WASA[ \/-]PROMICE ', ' PROMICE/WASA ', value)
+ value = re.sub(r' CELSIUS[ \/-]WASA ', ' CELSIUS/WASA ', value)
+ value = re.sub(r' WASA[ \/-]*[aA][tT][\/-]*COSY ', ' WASA-at-COSY ', value)
+ value = re.sub(r' CERES[ \/-]NA', ' CERES/NA', value)
+ value = re.sub(r' EHS[ \/-]NA', ' EHS/NA', value)
+ value = coll_cleansimple(value)
+ value = re.sub(r' +',' ',value)
+ value = value.strip()
+ # replace & for xml output
+ value = re.sub('&',u'\u0026',value)
+ return value