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OCF Server API


The Server API provides the means to - register and unregister resources, - register handlers that serve CRUDN requests on a device, - notify of resource changes.

A device that implements the OcfServer API may provide special resources to handle CRUDN requests.

The OcfServer API object exposed the following properties and methods.

Property Type Optional Default value
platform OcfPlatform object no implementation provided
device OcfDevice object no implementation provided
Method signature Description
register(resource) register a local resource with the OCF network
oncreate(handler) save a handler for create requests on this device

The platform property is an OcfPlatform object that represents properties of the hardware platform that hosts the current device.

The device property is an OcfDevice object that represents properties of the device (OCF stack).

The register(resource) method

Registers a resource in the OCF network. The resource argument is an object that should contain at least the following properties (other resource properties may also be specified):

  • resourcePath as string
  • resourceTypes as array of strings with at least one element
  • interfaces as array of strings (if not specified, then by default "oic.if.baseline" is added)
  • mediaTypes as array of strings that can be empty (by default empty)
  • discoverable (by default true)
  • observable (by default true)
  • secure (by default true)
  • slow (by default false)
  • either properties as an object, or links as array of ResourceLink objects.

See the create example.

The method runs the following steps:

  • Return a Promise object promise and continue in parallel.
  • Send a request to register the given resource, and wait for the answer.
  • If there is an error during the request, reject promise with that error.
  • When the answer is received, update resource to be a ServerResource object.
  • Update the device's types property, if resourceType of resource is not in types.
  • Resolve promise with resource.

The oncreate(handler) method

Registers a function to handle OCF create resource requests and returns this for chaining. If the provided handler argument is not a Function, throw "TypeMismatchError".

Whenever the underlying platform notifies the implementation about an OCF create request, implementations should run the following steps:

  • Create an OcfRequest object request as follows:
    • The value of request.source is the ResourceId of the client resource requesting the operation.
    • The value of is the ResourceId of the server resource responsible to create the requested resource, or null if not specified.
    • The value of request.options is an object that contains a list of properties with values created by the implementation from the REST query options of the request. For instance this object may contain client hints on what measurement units should be used in the resource representation.
    • The value of is an object that contains at least the following properties of the resource to be created: resourcePath and resourceTypes. In addition, other resource properties may also be specified, such as interfaces, mediaTypes, and properties for resource representation initialization.
  • Let handler be null.
  • If is not null, run the following sub-steps:
    • Find the ServerResource object resource for which resource.resourcePath is equal to
    • If there is no such object, or if there is no registered create handler on resource, then invoke request.respondWithError(error) with "NotFoundError" and terminate these steps.
    • Otherwise, let handler be the registered create handler on resource.
  • Otherwise, if is null, and if there is a registered create handler on the server object, let handler be that function.
  • If handler is null, invoke request.respondWithError(error) with "NotSupportedError" and terminate these steps.
  • Invoke handler with request as argument.

require('ocf').start("server").then(function(server) {
  server.on('create', function(request) {
    console.log("Client resource id: " + request.source.resourcePath);
    console.log("Target resource id, responsible to create the resource: " +;
    console.log("Requested resource path: " + request.resource.resourcePath);
    console.log("Requested resource type: " + request.resource.resourceType);

    // Use a local function to create the resource.
    let res = _createResource(, request.resource);

    // Use RAML definitions, the request options, and sensor documentation.
    var translate = function (representation, requestOptions) {
          switch (requestOptions.units) {
            case "C" :
              // use sensor-specific code to get Celsius units
              representation.temperature = _getCelsiusFromSensorT1();
            case "F":
              representation.temperature = _getFahrenheitFromSensorT1();
            case "K":
              representation.temperature = _getKelvinFromSensorT1();
        return representation;

    // Register the new resource and then respond to the request.
      .then(function(resource) {
        server.respond(request, null, resource);
      }).catch(function(error) {
        server.respond(request, error, res);
}).catch(function(error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); });

The OcfRequest interface

Describes an object that is passed to server event listeners.

Property Type Optional Default value Represents
type string no undefined OCF request type
source ResourceId no undefined Requesting resource
target ResourceId no undefined Request handling resource
data object no undefined Resource id or resource or resource representation
options object yes undefined dictionary containing the request options
observe boolean no undefined whether observation is to be on or off
Method signature Description
respond(data) respond to the protocol request with OK or data
respondWithError(error) respond to the protocol request with error

The type property represents the OCF request type: "create", "retrieve", "update", "delete".

The data property in a request is an object that contains data that depends on the request type and is described in this document with the corresponding request.

The options property is an object whose properties represent the REST query parameters passed along with the request as a JSON-serializable dictionary. The semantics of the parameters are application-specific (e.g. requesting a resource representation in metric or imperial units). For instance request options may be used with the retrieve request.

The observe property is a flag for OCF retrieve requests that tells whether observation for the requested resource should be on or off. For requests other than "retrieve" the value SHOULD be undefined.

OcfRequest methods

  • Sends a response to this request.
  • The data argument is optional and used with requests such as create and update.

The method is typically used from request handlers, and internally reuses the request information in order to construct a response message.

The method runs the following steps:

  • Return a Promise object promise and continue in parallel.
  • Construct a response message to request, reusing the properties of request.
  • If data is not null, then include it in the response message (when the protocol message format supports that).
  • Send the response back to the sender.
  • If there is an error during sending the response, reject promise with that error, otherwise resolve promise.

  • Sends an error response to this request.
  • The error argument is an Error object.

The method is typically used from request handlers, and internally reuses the request information in order to construct a response message.

The method runs the following steps:

  • Return a Promise object promise and continue in parallel.
  • Construct a response message to request, reusing the properties of request.
  • If error is not null and is an instance of Error, then mark the error in the response message (the error may be application-specific). Otherwise, mark a generic error in the response message.
  • Send the response back to the sender.
  • If there is an error during sending the response, reject promise with that error, otherwise resolve promise.

The ServerResource interface

ServerResource extends Resource, so it has all the properties of Resource as read-only, and in addition it has the following methods:

Method signature Description
onretrieve(handler) save a handler for retrieve requests
ontranslate(translateFunction) save a handler for a translating resource representation
onupdate(handler) save a handler for update requests
ondelete(handler) save a handler for delete requests
notify() notify all OCF observers of this resource
unregister(resourceId) unregister the resource from the OCF network

ServerResource methods

The ontranslate(handler) method

Registers a callback function handler for translation and returns this for chaining. If the provided handler argument is not a Function, throw "TypeMismatchError".

The handler function will be invoked by the implementation when the client requests a certain representation of the resource by the means of request options. The handler function will receive as argument a dictionary object options that contains the REST request options parsed into property-value pairs. The handler can use options and in order to compute the modified resource representation object.

See the create example.

The onretrieve(handler) method

Registers the function handler to handle OCF retrieve resource requests and returns this for chaining. If the provided handler argument is not a Function, throw "TypeMismatchError".

Whenever the underlying platform notifies the implementation about an OCF retrieve request, implementations should run the following steps:

  • Create an OcfRequest object request as follows:
    • The value of the source property of request is the ResourceId of the resource requesting the operation.
    • The value of the target property of request is the ResourceId of the resource to be retrieved.
    • The value of the data property of request is undefined.
    • The value of the boolean request.observe property of request tells if the client wants to also observe the resource for changes.
  • Find the ServerResource object resource for which resource.resourcePath is equal to
  • If there is no such object, invoke request.respondWithError(error) with a new "NotFoundError" and terminate these steps.
  • If there is a registered retrieve handler on resource, invoke that function with request as argument.
  • If request.observe is true, set up change notifications for the resource, and send an OCF retrieve response including the resource representation every time the resource is changed, according to the notify algorithm. If request.options is an object, then save that object in association with request.source in order that it can be used by the notify() algorithm.
  • Otherwise, if request.observe is false, reset change notifications sent to the client identified by the request.source property.
require('ocf').start("server").then(function(server) {
  server.onretrieve(function(request) {
    console.log("Client resource id: " + request.source);
    console.log("Target resource id, to be retrieved: " +;

    // Retrieve resource in a device-specific way.
    let res = _getResource(;
    let err = res ? null : new Error('retrieving resource failed');

    let res = _getResource(;  // private function
    if (!res) {
      request.respondWithError(new Error('retrieving resource failed'));

    if (request.observe) {
      console.log("Enabled change notifications for the resource.");
    } else {
      console.log("Disabled change notifications for the resource.");
}).catch(function(error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); });

The onupdate(handler) method

Registers the function handler to handle OCF update resource requests and returns this for chaining. If the provided handler argument is not a Function, throw "TypeMismatchError".

Whenever the underlying platform notifies the implementation about an OCF update request, implementations should run the following steps:

  • Create an OcfRequest object request as follows:
    • The value of the source property of request is the ResourceId of the resource requesting the operation.
    • The value of the target property of request is the ResourceId of the resource to be updated.
    • The data property of request should be an object that contains the resource representation properties that should be updated, according to the data model of the given resource.
  • Find the ServerResource object resource for which resource.resourcePath is equal to
  • If there is no such object, invoke request.respondWithError(error) with a new NotFoundError and terminate these steps.
  • If there is a registered update handler on resource, invoke that function with request as argument.

It is the responsibility of the application to call notify() after the resource is updated.

require('ocf').start("server").then (function(server) {
  server.on('update', function(request) {
    console.log("Client resource path: " + request.source.resourcePath);
    console.log("Resource path to be updated: " +;

    let res = _updateResource(,;  // private function
    if (!res) {
      request.respondWithError(new Error('updating resource failed'));
}).catch(function(error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); });

The ondelete(handler) method

Registers the handler function to handle OCF delete resource requests and returns this for chaining. If the provided handler argument is not a Function, throw "TypeMismatchError".

Whenever the underlying platform notifies the implementation about an OCF delete request, implementations should run the following steps:

  • Create an OcfRequest object request as follows:
    • The value of the source property of the request is the ResourceId of the resource requesting the operation.
    • The value of the target property of the request is the ResourceId of the resource to be deleted.
    • The rest of request properties are undefined.
  • Find the ServerResource object resource for which resource.resourcePath is equal to
  • If there is no such object, invoke request.respondWithError(error) with a new NotFoundError and terminate these steps.
  • If there is a registered delete handler on resource, invoke that function with request as argument.
require('ocf').start("server").then(function(server) {
  server.ondelete(function(request) {
    console.log("Client resource id: " + request.source);
    console.log("Resource to be deleted: " +;

    if(_deleteResource(  // private function
      request.respondWithError(new Error('deleting resource failed'));
}).catch(function(error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); });

The notify() method

Notifies subscribed clients about a resource representation change and returns a Promise object.

See the example for the update event.

The method runs the following steps:

  • Return a Promise object promise and continue in parallel.
  • For each client that requested observing this.resourcePath, run the following sub-steps:
    • If there were request options specified with the retrieve request associated with observing the resource, and if a translate function has been defined for the resource, then let translatedRepresentation be the result of invoking that translate function with the request options dictionary that has been saved for the observation request.
    • Send an OCF update notification to the client using translatedRepresentation.
  • When all notifications are sent, resolve promise.

The unregister() method

Unregisters the given resource from the OCF network and returns a Promise object.

require('ocf').start("server").then(function(server) {
    .then(resource) {
      console.log("Successfully unregistered resource " + resource.resourcePath)
    }.catch(error) {
      console.log("Error: " + error.message)
}).catch(function(error) { console.log("Error: " + error.message); });

The method runs the following steps:

  • Return a Promise object promise and continue in parallel.
  • Send a request to unregister this.resourcePath on this.deviceId and wait for the answer.
  • If there is an error during the request, reject promise with that error.
  • When the answer is received, resolve promise.