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File metadata and controls

194 lines (144 loc) · 6.28 KB

OCF JavaScript API Web IDL

The Web IDL of the OCF JavaScript API is provided for convenience, but does not describe the API in a normative manner.

For instance, note that an EventListener callback adherent to Web IDL conventions would always get an instance of Event as parameter, but this API uses the Node.js EventListener convention, that allows registering any function object as an event callback. Therefore, event listener signatures are specified separately for each event in this API. See also this note.

As such, the EventHandler<typelist> notation denotes an event that accepts listeners with the type of the arguments enumerated in typelist. For instance EventHandler<Resource> provides listeners with one Resource object argument, and EventHandler<ResourceId, ResourceId> provides listeners with two ResourceId object arguments.

OCF API entry point

interface OCF {
  readonly attribute Device device;  // getter for local device info
  readonly attribute DOMString mode;

  Promise<OcfClient or OcfServer or OcfServient>
      start(optional OcfMode mode, optional OcfOptions options);

  Promise<void> stop();

enum OcfMode { "client", "server", "client-server" };

dictionary OcfOptions {
  Device device;
  Platform platform;

interface Platform {
  readonly attribute DOMString id;
  readonly attribute DOMString osVersion;
  readonly attribute DOMString model;
  readonly attribute DOMString manufacturerName;
  readonly attribute USVString manufacturerUrl;
  readonly attribute Date manufactureDate;
  readonly attribute DOMString platformVersion;
  readonly attribute DOMString firmwareVersion;
  readonly attribute USVString supportUrl;

interface Device {
  readonly attribute USVString uuid;
  readonly attribute USVString url;  // host:port
  readonly attribute DOMString name;
  readonly attribute sequence<DOMString> dataModels;
    // list of <vertical>.major.minor, e.g. vertical = “Smart Home”
  readonly attribute DOMString coreSpecVersion;   // core.<major>.<minor>

OCF Client API

interface OcfClient {
  readonly attribute Device device;

  Promise<void> findResources(optional DiscoveryOptions options,
                              optional ResourceCallback listener);
  Promise<void> findDevices(optional DeviceCallback listener);
  Promise<void> findPlatforms(optional PlatformCallback listener);

  Promise<Device> getDeviceInfo(USVString deviceId);
  Promise<Platform> getPlatformInfo(USVString deviceId);

  Promise<ClientResource> create(Resource resource, optional ResourceId target);

  Promise<ClientResource> retrieve(ResourceId resource,
                             optional Dictionary options,
                             optional ResourceCallback listener);

  Promise<void> update(Resource resource);  // at least resourceId + properties
  Promise<void> delete(ResourceId resource);

  attribute EventHandler<Platform> onplatformfound;
  attribute EventHandler<Device> ondevicefound;
  attribute EventHandler<Device> ondevicelost;
  attribute EventHandler<ClientResource> onresourcefound;
  attribute EventHandler<Error> onerror;

OCFClient implements EventEmitter;

callback ResourceCallback = void (ClientResource resource);
callback DeviceCallback = void (Device device);
callback PlatformCallback = void (Platform platform);

dictionary DiscoveryOptions {
  USVString deviceId;      // if provided, make direct discovery
  DOMString resourceType;  // if provided, include this in the discovery request
  USVString resourcePath;  // if provided, filter the results locally

dictionary ResourceId {
  USVString deviceId;
  USVString resourcePath;

dictionary Resource: ResourceId {
  sequence<DOMString> resourceTypes;
  sequence<DOMString> interfaces;
  sequence<DOMString> mediaTypes;
  boolean discoverable;
  boolean observable;
  boolean slow;
  ResourceRepresentation properties;

interface ClientResource: Resource {
  attribute EventHandler onupdate;
  attribute EventHandler ondelete;

ClientResource implements EventEmitter;

dictionary ResourceRepresentation {
  readonly attribute TimeStamp timeStamp;

  // here come the properties added by various sensor/resource data models

OCF Server API

interface OcfServer {
  readonly attribute Device device;
  readonly attribute Platform platform;

  // Register a resource with the OCF network and get a resource Id.
  Promise<ServerResource> register(Resource resource);

  void oncreate(RequestHandler handler);

interface OcfServient: OcfServer {

OcfServient implements OcfClient;

[NoInterfaceObject]  // ServerResource can only be created by register().
interface ServerResource: Resource {
  // Register CRUDN request handlers.
  ServerResource onretrieve(RequestHandler handler);
  ServerResource onupdate(RequestHandler handler);
  ServerResource ondelete(RequestHandler handler);

  // Give the implementation a translate function for the resource representation.
  ServerResource ontranslate(TranslateCallback translator);

  // Update notification could be done automatically in most cases,
  // but in a few cases manual notification is needed.
  // Delete notifications should be made automatically by implementations.
  Promise<void> notify();

  Promise<void> unregister();

callback RequestHandler = void (Request request);

callback ErrorHandler = void (Error error);

// The function that is called by the implementation to select resource representation.
callback TranslateCallback = ResourceRepresentation (Dictionary requestOptions);

// The request types below hide the request id, source, and target (this) deviceId.

interface OcfRequest {
  readonly attribute RequestType type;
  readonly attribute ResourceId source;
  readonly attribute ResourceId target;
  readonly attribute ResourceId? data;
  readonly attribute Dictionary options;
  readonly attribute boolean? observe;

  // Reply to a given request
  Promise<void> respond(optional Resource? resource);
  Promise<void> respondWithError(Error error);

enum RequestType { "create", "retrieve", "update", "delete" };