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Go API client for ionoscloud

Managed Stackable Data Platform by IONOS Cloud provides a preconfigured Kubernetes cluster with pre-installed and managed Stackable operators. After the provision of these Stackable operators, the customer can interact with them directly and build his desired application on top of the Stackable platform.

The Managed Stackable Data Platform by IONOS Cloud can be configured through the IONOS Cloud API in addition or as an alternative to the Data Center Designer (DCD).

Getting Started

To get your DataPlatformCluster up and running, the following steps needs to be performed.

IONOS Cloud Account

The first step is the creation of a IONOS Cloud account if not already existing.

To register a new account, visit

Virtual Data Center (VDC)

The Managed Stackable Data Platform needs a virtual data center (VDC) hosting the cluster. This could either be a VDC that already exists, especially if you want to connect the managed data platform to other services already running within your VDC. Otherwise, if you want to place the Managed Stackable Data Platform in a new VDC or you have not yet created a VDC, you need to do so.

A new VDC can be created via the IONOS Cloud API, the IONOS Cloud CLI (ionosctl), or the DCD Web interface. For more information, see the official documentation.

Get a authentication token

To interact with this API a user specific authentication token is needed. This token can be generated using the IONOS Cloud CLI the following way:

ionosctl token generate

For more information, see.

Create a new DataPlatformCluster

Before using the Managed Stackable Data Platform, a new DataPlatformCluster must be created.

To create a cluster, use the Create DataPlatformCluster API endpoint.

The provisioning of the cluster might take some time. To check the current provisioning status, you can query the cluster by calling the Get Endpoint with the cluster ID that was presented to you in the response of the create cluster call.

Add a DataPlatformNodePool

To deploy and run a Stackable service, the cluster must have enough computational resources. The node pool that is provisioned along with the cluster is reserved for the Stackable operators. You may create further node pools with resources tailored to your use case.

To create a new node pool use the Create DataPlatformNodepool endpoint.

Receive Kubeconfig

Once the DataPlatformCluster is created, the kubeconfig can be accessed by the API. The kubeconfig allows the interaction with the provided cluster as with any regular Kubernetes cluster.

To protect the deployment of the Stackable distribution, the kubeconfig does not provide you with administration rights for the cluster. What that means is that your actions and deployments are limited to the default namespace.

If you still want to group your deployments, you have the option to create subnamespaces within the default namespace. This is made possible by the concept of hierarchical namespaces (HNS). You can find more details here.

The kubeconfig can be downloaded with the Get Kubeconfig endpoint using the cluster ID of the created DataPlatformCluster.

Create Stackable Services

You can leverage the kubeconfig.json file to access the Managed Stackable Data Platform cluster and manage the deployment of Stackable data apps.

With the Stackable operators, you can deploy the data apps you want in your Data Platform cluster.


All endpoints are secured, so only an authenticated user can access them. As Authentication mechanism the default IONOS Cloud authentication mechanism is used. A detailed description can be found here.

Basic Auth

The basic auth scheme uses the IONOS Cloud user credentials in form of a Basic Authentication header accordingly to RFC 7617.

API Key as Bearer Token

The Bearer auth token used at the API Gateway is a user-related token created with the IONOS Cloud CLI (For details, see the documentation). For every request to be authenticated, the token is passed as Authorization Bearer header along with the request.

Permissions and Access Roles

Currently, an administrator can see and manipulate all resources in a contract. Furthermore, users with the group privilege Manage Dataplatform can access the API.


The Managed Stackable Data Platform by IONOS Cloud consists of two components. The concept of a DataPlatformClusters and the backing DataPlatformNodePools the cluster is build on.


A DataPlatformCluster is the virtual instance of the customer services and operations running the managed services like Stackable operators. A DataPlatformCluster is a Kubernetes Cluster in the VDC of the customer. Therefore, it's possible to integrate the cluster with other resources as VLANs e.g. to shape the data center in the customer's need and integrate the cluster within the topology the customer wants to build.

In addition to the Kubernetes cluster, a small node pool is provided which is exclusively used to run the Stackable operators.


A DataPlatformNodePool represents the physical machines a DataPlatformCluster is build on top. All nodes within a node pool are identical in setup. The nodes of a pool are provisioned into virtual data centers at a location of your choice and you can freely specify the properties of all the nodes at once before creation.

Nodes in node pools provisioned by the Managed Stackable Data Platform Cloud API are read-only in the customer's VDC and can only be modified or deleted via the API.



This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 1.2.0
  • Package version: 1.1.1
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen For more information, please visit


Install the following dependencies:

go get
go get
go get
go get

Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:

import "./ionoscloud"


All available server URLs are:

By default, is used, however this can be overriden at authentication, either by setting the IONOS_API_URL environment variable or by specifying the hostUrl parameter when initializing the sdk client.

The username and password or the authentication token can be manually specified when initializing the sdk client:

client := ionoscloud.NewAPIClient(ionoscloud.NewConfiguration(username, password, token, hostUrl))

Environment variables can also be used. The sdk uses the following variables:

  • IONOS_TOKEN - login via token. This is the recommended way to authenticate.
  • IONOS_USERNAME - to specify the username used to login
  • IONOS_PASSWORD - to specify the password
  • IONOS_API_URL - to specify the API server URL

In this case, the client configuration needs to be initialized using NewConfigurationFromEnv().

client := ionoscloud.NewAPIClient(ionoscloud.NewConfigurationFromEnv())

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

API Endpoints table
Class Method HTTP request Description
DataPlatformClusterApi ClustersDelete Delete /clusters/{clusterId} Delete a DataPlatformCluster
DataPlatformClusterApi ClustersFindById Get /clusters/{clusterId} Retrieve a DataPlatformCluster
DataPlatformClusterApi ClustersGet Get /clusters List the DataPlatformClusters
DataPlatformClusterApi ClustersKubeconfigFindByClusterId Get /clusters/{clusterId}/kubeconfig Read the Kubeconfig
DataPlatformClusterApi ClustersPatch Patch /clusters/{clusterId} Partially Modify a DataPlatformCluster
DataPlatformClusterApi ClustersPost Post /clusters Create a DataPlatformCluster
DataPlatformMetaDataApi VersionsGet Get /versions Managed Stackable Data Platform API Versions
DataPlatformNodePoolApi ClustersNodepoolsDelete Delete /clusters/{clusterId}/nodepools/{nodepoolId} Remove a DataPlatformNodePool from a DataPlatformCluster
DataPlatformNodePoolApi ClustersNodepoolsFindById Get /clusters/{clusterId}/nodepools/{nodepoolId} Retrieve a DataPlatformNodePool
DataPlatformNodePoolApi ClustersNodepoolsGet Get /clusters/{clusterId}/nodepools List the DataPlatformNodePools of a DataPlatformCluster
DataPlatformNodePoolApi ClustersNodepoolsPatch Patch /clusters/{clusterId}/nodepools/{nodepoolId} Partially Modify a DataPlatformNodePool
DataPlatformNodePoolApi ClustersNodepoolsPost Post /clusters/{clusterId}/nodepools Create a DataPlatformNodePool for a distinct DataPlatformCluster

Documentation For Models

All URIs are relative to

API models list

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