This project combines test-driven development, atomic commits, a linear commit history, and the Git feature branch workflow. Please rebase your changes on the latest HEAD of the main branch before submitting them for review as a GitHub pull request. Changes must include updated functional and integration tests.
This project requires Python 3.10 or newer. To set up your development environment on Linux, run these commands from the project root directory:
sudo make build-deps
—installs development tools and build dependencies on supported operating systems, e.g., Python -
make setup
—creates (or updates) a Python virtual environment named.venv
in the project root directory and performs an editable installation of this project plus development and testing tools -
make pre-commit
—configures optional pre-commit hooks; requires the virtual environment to be active in your code editor or Git porcelain -
make clean
—resets the development environment -
sudo make clean-deps
—uninstalls development tools and build dependencies on supported operating systems
Additional make(1) targets are available, several of which are listed below. Review the makefile for details.
make lint
—check code syntax and style -
make test
—performs comprehensive functional and integration testing of this project -
make smoke
—runs a shorter, faster subset of the test suite -
make debug
—runs the Flask web app with debugging enabled -
make docker
—builds a fully tested and release-ready container image
The following code styles are in use:
Python Black and isort
the Google Markdown style guide, but with a more traditional 70-character line limit
This project implements Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 using Conventional Commits 1.0.0. Please use English in commit messages. The first line of the commit message should be at most 100 characters, while the rest of the commit message should be wrapped at column 70. A commit's description should be a verb phrase in the imperative present tense, with the starting verb in lower case and no ending punctuation.
Valid commit types are:
build—changes to the build system or external dependencies
docs—documentation-only changes
feat—a new feature
fix—a bug fix
perf—a code change that improves performance
refactor—a code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
style—a code change that only affects formatting
test—new tests or corrections to existing tests
A commit's scope should be the second-level Python module name sans the top-level module prefix or any suffixes with a few exceptions:
stuart—the top-level dunder modules, including both
packaging—package layout or other metadata, e.g., the arrangement of src/, alterations to pyproject.toml or Dockerfile
no scope—for changes covering multiple scopes or changes not specific to one scope