Add this plugin to your application with composer
composer require ishanvyas22/cakephp-inertiajs
Load plugin into your application
bin/cake plugin load Inertia
Generate Client-side scaffolding (Inertia.js + Vue.js)
# Generate vue scaffolding. You can also use (react) here. bin/cake asset_mix generate inertia-vue # Install javascript tooling and dependencies. npm install
Note: In order to use Inertia.js, you will need one of Client-side adapters.
Just add below line into your layout(
) fileecho $this->AssetMix->script('app');
Your layout file should look something like this:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <?= $this->Html->charset() ?> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"> <?= $this->Html->meta('icon') ?> // Add title, load your css, etc. // ... // Load `app.js` javascript file <?= $this->AssetMix->script('app') ?> <?= $this->fetch('meta') ?> <?= $this->fetch('css') ?> <?= $this->fetch('script') ?> </head> <body> <?= $this->fetch('content') ?> </body> </html>
Now you are all set to start using your front-end components as template files. All content will be render between <body>
Note: If you've created fresh CakePHP project, you must have to create Display.vue
component into assets/js/Pages/Pages
directory. See this link for more info.
Plugin version | Branch | CakePHP version | PHP minimum version |
3.x | cake5 | >=5.0.0 | >=8.1 |
2.x | cake4 | >=4.0.0 | >=7.2 |
1.x | cake3 | >=3.5.0 | >=5.6 |