This cookbook is used to set up an Oracle database server on a CentOS 6.x machine
The Oracle server installation file from Oracle. This is not freely available and is not made available with this cookbook. The testing was done on a VM with 6G of RAM and 60GB HD. For specific requirements, check the Oracle documentation
- CentOS 6.x
- Chef 12.0 or later
Required -- sysctl
Optional -- Stig
= The name of the encrypted databag which holds the admin password
= The name of the data bag item holding the admin password
= Service user account created on the system (Default: oracle)
= Service user account group created on the system (Default: oinstall)
= Database SID to create (Default: admin)
= Home directory of the service account (Default: /u01/oradata/auto/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1)
= Application directory, typically in the home directory of the service account (Default: /u01/oradata/auto)
= In a distributed database system, DB_DOMAIN specifies the logical location of the database within the network structure. Read here. If no value is set, this will be set dynamically. On a standalone server, this probably does not need to be set. (Default: None.)
= Configuration option. Read more info here (Default: 2G)
= Source location of the installation file zip (Default: file:///tmp/kitchen/data/ - This is where Test Kitchen places it)
= Source location of the installation RPM file for the basic client install. This is used by the client_install recipe
= Source location of the installation RPM file for the SQLPlus client install. This is used by the client_install recipe
= Source location of the installation RPM file for the JDBC supplemental libraries. This is used by the client_install recipe
= Sets the path to the link libraries needed by the SQLPlus client. Default value is '/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64/lib' which is valid for 12.1 client installs. If installing a different version, this will need to be changed. If not running the client_install_recipe, this can be left as an empty string
Just include owi-oracle-server
in your node"s run_list
"run_list": [
You will also want to add sysctl-specific settings in your attributes. This is required by the Oracle installation and is managed by the third-party sysctl cookbook:
"sysctl" : {
"params" : {
"net.core.wmem_max" : "1048576",
"net.core.wmem_default" : "262144",
"net.core.rmem_max" : "4194304",
"net.core.rmem_default" : "262144",
"net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range" : "9000 65535",
"fs.filemax" : "6815744",
"fs.aio-max-nr" : "1048576",
"kernel.semmsl" : "250",
"kernel.semmns" : "32000",
"kernel.semopm" : "100",
"kernel.semmni" : "128",
"kernel.shmmni" : "4096",
"kernel.panic_on_oops" : "1"
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- Create a named feature branch (like
) - Write your change
- Write tests for your change (if applicable)
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
- Submit a Pull Request using Github
License: Public Domain
Authors: Ivan Suftin [email protected]