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Table of Contents


Pre-built packages
Compile from source

System icon theme
Klassy Settings


Klassy (formerly ClassiK/ClassikStyles) is a highly customizable binary Window Decoration, Application Style and Global Theme plugin for recent versions of the KDE Plasma desktop. Initially taking inspiration from the iconography of KDE 1, the Klassy defaults are an attempt to create a usable and appealing look for the modern Plasma desktop. Install with the instructions below, and then make sure it is enabled in System Settings -> Appearance -> Window Decorations, in System Settings -> Appearance -> Application Style and in System Settings -> Appearance -> Icons.

Screenshot of Button icons menu

(Above Preset: Glassy Klassy, Colours: Klassy Dark)

  • Also provides Oxygen/Breeze and Redmond button icons.
  • Provides a Window Decoration, Application Style and Icons so that icons in dockable panels, MDI applications, context menus and GTK applications consistently match the main titlebar icons (make sure to enable all 3 in your Plasma Appearance settings!):

Watch the Klassy demo video

  • Configurable button size, shape, translucency, colours and outlining.

  • Default buttons (Klassy preset) are "Integrated Rounded Rectangles" with translucent outlined accent colours, with a large clickable area. These are designed to complement the "Blue Ocean" design refresh in Plasma 5.23, along with the Plasma 5.23 accent colour feature:

Default Integrated Rounded rectangle button style, dark

  • Alternative "Traffic lights" background colours:

Traffic lights button style, dark

  • Alternative "Full-height Rounded Rectangle" button shape (ClassiK v3 preset):

Rounded rectangle button style, darkRounded Rectangle button style, light Pink button style, darkPink button style, light Turquoise button style, darkTurquoise button style, light

  • Full-height Rectangular (ClassikStyles preset) or Circular (Classik-Aurorae preset) button highlights:

Full-height Rectangle button highlight style, inheriting system highlight coloursCircle button highlight style, inheriting system highlight colours

  • Ability to inherit system colour-scheme highlight colours for hover and focus, as well as titlebar colour. Auto-enhances contrast in cases where it is poor.

  • Option to have matching titlebar colour and border colour.

  • Configurable button spacing (left and right), titlebar margins (sides, top/bottom and option for different maximized), corner radius; all with scaling for HiDPI:

Screenshot of Alignment & Spacing tab

  • Transparency/opacity configurable for both active/inactive titlebars/headers; setting to make maximized windows opaque; blur is configurable:

  • Configurable thin window outline with optional accent colours:

Composite screenshot of thin window outlines with Contrast blended with accent colour (dark) Composite screenshot of thin window outlines with Contrast blended with accent colour (light)

  • Configurable scrollbars:

Default scrollbar animation

  • Configurable animations

  • Ability to load icons from the system icon theme. window-*-symbolic icons are recommended for this purpose. If the icons have been designed properly with SVG CSS properties then they will be colourized by default. You can also force the colourization of any symbolic icon by checking the Force-colourize icons window decoration setting.


Klassy version 6.2 requires Plasma 6.1, or later, so please check you have this in kinfocenter before trying to install. You can either download the pre-built packages or compile from source.

Pre-built packages

Respositories are available from the Open Build Service for OpenSUSE, Debian/Ubuntu, Fedora, Mageia and Arch/Manjaro to keep you on the latest version.


Raw .rpm, .deb etc. binary packages are also available from the Open Build Service link above if you choose "Grab binary packages directly". For KDE Neon 6.2 a .deb package can be downloaded here.


Step 1: First, Install Dependencies

OpenSUSE Tumbleweed/Leap build dependencies

sudo zypper in git cmake kf6-extra-cmake-modules gettext
sudo zypper in "cmake(KF5Config)" "cmake(KF5CoreAddons)" "cmake(KF5FrameworkIntegration)"  "cmake(KF5GuiAddons)" "cmake(KF5Kirigami2)" "cmake(KF5WindowSystem)" "cmake(KF5I18n)" "cmake(KF5KCMUtils)" "cmake(Qt5DBus)" "cmake(Qt5Quick)" "cmake(Qt5Widgets)" "cmake(Qt5X11Extras)" "cmake(KDecoration3)" "cmake(KF6ColorScheme)" "cmake(KF6Config)" "cmake(KF6CoreAddons)" "cmake(KF6FrameworkIntegration)" "cmake(KF6GuiAddons)" "cmake(KF6I18n)" "cmake(KF6KCMUtils)" "cmake(KF6KirigamiPlatform)" "cmake(KF6WindowSystem)" "cmake(Qt6Core)" "cmake(Qt6DBus)" "cmake(Qt6Quick)" "cmake(Qt6Svg)" "cmake(Qt6Widgets)" "cmake(Qt6Xml)"

Debian/Ubuntu build dependencies

sudo apt install git build-essential cmake extra-cmake-modules libkirigami-dev libkf5style-dev libkf6kcmutils-dev libkf6colorscheme-dev libkf5config-dev libkf5configwidgets-dev libkf5coreaddons-dev libkf5guiaddons-dev libkf6i18n-dev libkf6iconthemes-dev kirigami2-dev libkf6package-dev libkf6service-dev libkf6windowsystem-dev kwayland-dev libx11-dev libkdecorations2-dev libkf5configwidgets-dev libkf5i18n-dev libkf5iconthemes-dev libkf5kcmutils-dev libkf5package-dev libkf5service-dev libkf5wayland-dev libkf5windowsystem-dev libplasma-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev qt6-base-dev qt6-declarative-dev qtbase5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev gettext qt6-svg-dev

KDE Neon / TUXEDO OS build dependencies

sudo apt install git build-essential cmake kf6-extra-cmake-modules kf6-extra-cmake-modules kf6-frameworkintegration-dev kf6-kcmutils-dev kf6-kcolorscheme-dev kf6-kconfig-dev kf6-kconfigwidgets-dev kf6-kcoreaddons-dev kf6-kguiaddons-dev kf6-ki18n-dev kf6-kiconthemes-dev kf6-kirigami2-dev kf6-kpackage-dev kf6-kservice-dev kf6-kwindowsystem-dev kirigami2-dev kwayland-dev libx11-dev libkdecorations2-dev libkf5config-dev libkf5configwidgets-dev libkf5coreaddons-dev libkf5guiaddons-dev libkf5i18n-dev libkf5iconthemes-dev libkf5kcmutils-dev libkf5package-dev libkf5service-dev libkf5style-dev libkf5wayland-dev libkf5windowsystem-dev libplasma-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev qt6-base-dev qt6-declarative-dev qtbase5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev gettext qt6-svg-dev

Arch/Manjaro build dependencies

sudo pacman -S git frameworkintegration gcc-libs glibc kcmutils kcolorscheme kconfig kcoreaddons kdecoration kguiaddons ki18n kiconthemes kirigami kwidgetsaddons kwindowsystem qt6-base qt6-declarative qt6-svg xdg-utils extra-cmake-modules kcmutils5 frameworkintegration5 kconfigwidgets5 kiconthemes5 kirigami2 kwindowsystem5

Fedora build dependencies

sudo dnf install git cmake extra-cmake-modules gettext
sudo dnf install "cmake(KF5Config)" "cmake(KF5CoreAddons)" "cmake(KF5FrameworkIntegration)"  "cmake(KF5GuiAddons)" "cmake(KF5Kirigami2)" "cmake(KF5WindowSystem)" "cmake(KF5I18n)" "cmake(Qt5DBus)" "cmake(Qt5Quick)" "cmake(Qt5Widgets)" "cmake(Qt5X11Extras)" "cmake(KDecoration3)" "cmake(KF6ColorScheme)" "cmake(KF6Config)" "cmake(KF6CoreAddons)" "cmake(KF6FrameworkIntegration)" "cmake(KF6GuiAddons)" "cmake(KF6I18n)" "cmake(KF6KCMUtils)" "cmake(KF6KirigamiPlatform)" "cmake(KF6WindowSystem)" "cmake(Qt6Core)" "cmake(Qt6DBus)" "cmake(Qt6Quick)" "cmake(Qt6Svg)" "cmake(Qt6Widgets)" "cmake(Qt6Xml)"

Step 2: Then download, build and install

Download, build and install from source script:

git clone
cd klassy
git checkout plasma6.2

Uninstall build script:



System icon theme

To make your Plasma Desktop fully consistent, Klassy auto-generates "Klassy" and "Klassy Dark" system icon themes whenever a window-decoration setting changes. These add consistent titlebar button icons to certain minor context menus in Plasma, and also add consistent GTK application titlebar icons.

Screenshot of Klassy with icon theme

These icons inherit the Breeze icon theme by default, only overriding the titlebar button icons. Another icon theme may be inherited by changing the setting in the Window Decoration settings under the System Icon Generation... button.

Klassy includes a settings application, klassy-settings. This shows Window Decoration and Application Style settings in one place.

klassy-settings also has command-line options to allow Preset file imports, load Presets and generate system icons. Run klassy-settings --help for details.

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