diff --git a/js/graph.js b/js/graph.js
index 09c4a4b..277b5ea 100644
--- a/js/graph.js
+++ b/js/graph.js
@@ -18,165 +18,165 @@ function getGraphDataset(tableData, colsForGraph, type, crimes) {
rate_type = "_percent";
checkbox_names = ["Actual Offenses",
- "Total Offenses Cleared",
- "Offenses Cleared Involving Only Persons Under age 18",
- "Unfounded Offenses"
- ];
- if (type == "hate") {
- checkbox_names = ["Arson", "Destruction of Property/Vandalism", "Other", "Property/Financial", "Violent", "Total"];
- }
- if (type == "leoka") {
+ "Total Offenses Cleared",
+ "Offenses Cleared Involving Only Persons Under age 18",
+ "Unfounded Offenses"
+if (type == "hate") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Arson", "Destruction of Property/Vandalism", "Other", "Property/Financial", "Violent", "Total"];
+if (type == "leoka") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Female", "Male", "Total"];
+if (type == "leoka" & $("#crime_dropdown").val() == "officers_assaulted") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Gun", "Knife", "Other Weapon", "Unarmed", "Total"];
+if (type == "leoka" & $("#crime_dropdown").val() == "officers_killed") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Killed by Felony", "Killed by Accident"];
+if (type == "arrests") {
+ if ($("#subsubcategory_dropdown").val() == "Sex") {
checkbox_names = ["Female", "Male", "Total"];
+ } else if ($("#subsubcategory_dropdown").val() == "Race") {
+ checkbox_names = ["American Indian", "Asian", "Black", "White", "Total"];
+ } else if ($("#subsubcategory_dropdown").val() == "Ethnicity") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Hispanic", "Non-Hispanic", "Total"];
- if (type == "leoka" & $("#crime_dropdown").val() == "officers_assaulted") {
- checkbox_names = ["Gun", "Knife", "Other Weapon", "Unarmed", "Total"];
- }
- if (type == "leoka" & $("#crime_dropdown").val() == "officers_killed") {
- checkbox_names = ["Killed by Felony", "Killed by Accident"];
- }
- if (type == "arrests") {
- if ($("#subsubcategory_dropdown").val() == "Sex") {
- checkbox_names = ["Female", "Male", "Total"];
- } else if ($("#subsubcategory_dropdown").val() == "Race") {
- checkbox_names = ["American Indian", "Asian", "Black", "White", "Total"];
- } else if ($("#subsubcategory_dropdown").val() == "Ethnicity") {
- checkbox_names = ["Hispanic", "Non-Hispanic", "Total"];
- }
- }
- if (type == "nibrs") {
- if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "sex") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "Female", "Male", "Unknown"];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "race") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "Asian", "American Indian", "Black", "White", "Unknown"];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "ethnicity") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "Hispanic", "Non-Hispanic", "Unknown"];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "age") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "Adult", "Minor (<18 years)", "Unknown"];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "injury") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "No Injury", "Minor Injury", "Serious Injury"];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "subtype" && $("#crime_dropdown").val() != "animal_cruelty") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "Buy/Possess/Consume", "Sell/Create/Operate"];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "subtype" && $("#crime_dropdown").val() == "animal_cruelty") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "Abuse/Torture", "Animal Fighting", "Bestiality", "Neglect"];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "relationship") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "Intimdate Partner (include exes)", "Other Family", "Other", "Stranger", "Unknown"];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "location") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "Bar/Nightclub", "Home", "Other/Unknown", "Outside", "School"];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "gun") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "Gun Not Used", "Handgun used", "Other/Unknown Type Gun Used"];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "arrest_type") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "On-View", "Summoned/Cited", "Taken Into Custody"];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "clearance") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "Cleared by Arrest", "Death of Suspect", "Extradition Denied",
- "Juvenile/No Custody", "Prosecution Denied", "Victim Refused to Cooperate"
- ];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "total" && $("#category_dropdown").val() != "property") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total"];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "sex" && $("#category_dropdown").val() == "arrestee") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "Female", "Male"];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "race" && $("#category_dropdown").val() == "arrestee") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "Asian", "American Indian", "Black", "White"];
- } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "ethnicity" && $("#category_dropdown").val() == "arrestee") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total", "Hispanic", "Non-Hispanic"];
- } else if ($("#category_dropdown").val() == "property" & $("#subcategory_dropdown").val() != "drugs") {
- checkbox_names = ["Burned", "Counterfeited/Forged", "Destroyed/Damaged/Vandalized", "Recovered", "Seized", "Stolen/Robbed/Defrauded/Etc."];
- } else if ($("#category_dropdown").val() == "property" & $("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "drugs") {
- checkbox_names = ["Total Incidents With Drug Seized"];
+if (type == "nibrs") {
+ if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "sex") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "Female", "Male", "Unknown"];
+ } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "race") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "Asian", "American Indian", "Black", "White", "Unknown"];
+ } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "ethnicity") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "Hispanic", "Non-Hispanic", "Unknown"];
+ } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "age") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "Adult", "Minor (<18 years)", "Unknown"];
+ } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "injury") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "No Injury", "Minor Injury", "Serious Injury"];
+ } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "subtype" && $("#crime_dropdown").val() != "animal_cruelty") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "Buy/Possess/Consume", "Sell/Create/Operate"];
+ } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "subtype" && $("#crime_dropdown").val() == "animal_cruelty") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "Abuse/Torture", "Animal Fighting", "Bestiality", "Neglect"];
+ } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "relationship") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "Intimdate Partner (include exes)", "Other Family", "Other", "Stranger", "Unknown"];
+ } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "location") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "Bar/Nightclub", "Home", "Other/Unknown", "Outside", "School"];
+ } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "gun") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "Gun Not Used", "Handgun used", "Other/Unknown Type Gun Used"];
+ } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "arrest_type") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "On-View", "Summoned/Cited", "Taken Into Custody"];
+ } else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "clearance") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "Cleared by Arrest", "Death of Suspect", "Extradition Denied",
+ "Juvenile/No Custody", "Prosecution Denied", "Victim Refused to Cooperate"
+ ];
+} else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "total" && $("#category_dropdown").val() != "property") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total"];
+} else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "sex" && $("#category_dropdown").val() == "arrestee") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "Female", "Male"];
+} else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "race" && $("#category_dropdown").val() == "arrestee") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "Asian", "American Indian", "Black", "White"];
+} else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "ethnicity" && $("#category_dropdown").val() == "arrestee") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total", "Hispanic", "Non-Hispanic"];
+} else if ($("#category_dropdown").val() == "property" & $("#subcategory_dropdown").val() != "drugs") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Burned", "Counterfeited/Forged", "Destroyed/Damaged/Vandalized", "Recovered", "Seized", "Stolen/Robbed/Defrauded/Etc."];
+} else if ($("#category_dropdown").val() == "property" & $("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "drugs") {
+ checkbox_names = ["Total Incidents With Drug Seized"];
+if ((get_rate_type(type, binary = true) || (type == "offenses" && $("#clearance_rate").is(":checked")))) {
+ colsForGraph = _.map(colsForGraph, function(x) {
+ if (type == "offenses" && $("#clearance_rate").is(":checked") && x.includes("clearance")) {
+ return x + "_clearance_rate";
+ } else {
+ return x + rate_type;
- }
+ });
+ colsForGraph[0] = "year";
- if ((get_rate_type(type, binary = true) || (type == "offenses" && $("#clearance_rate").is(":checked")))) {
- colsForGraph = _.map(colsForGraph, function(x) {
- if (type == "offenses" && $("#clearance_rate").is(":checked") && x.includes("clearance")) {
- return x + "_clearance_rate";
- } else {
- return x + rate_type;
- }
- });
- colsForGraph[0] = "year";
- }
+data = _.map(tableData, function(currentObject) {
+ return _.pick(currentObject, colsForGraph);
+years = [];
+data1 = [];
+data2 = [];
+data3 = [];
+data4 = [];
+data5 = [];
+data6 = [];
+data7 = [];
+for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ years.push(data[i][colsForGraph[0]]);
+ data1.push(data[i][colsForGraph[1]]);
+ data2.push(data[i][colsForGraph[2]]);
+ data3.push(data[i][colsForGraph[3]]);
+ data4.push(data[i][colsForGraph[4]]);
+ data5.push(data[i][colsForGraph[5]]);
+ data6.push(data[i][colsForGraph[6]]);
+ data7.push(data[i][colsForGraph[7]]);
- data = _.map(tableData, function(currentObject) {
- return _.pick(currentObject, colsForGraph);
- });
+if (["offenses", "arrests", "nibrs", "arson", "hate"].includes(type) || type == "leoka") {
- years = [];
- data1 = [];
- data2 = [];
- data3 = [];
- data4 = [];
- data5 = [];
- data6 = [];
- data7 = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
- years.push(data[i][colsForGraph[0]]);
- data1.push(data[i][colsForGraph[1]]);
- data2.push(data[i][colsForGraph[2]]);
- data3.push(data[i][colsForGraph[3]]);
- data4.push(data[i][colsForGraph[4]]);
- data5.push(data[i][colsForGraph[5]]);
- data6.push(data[i][colsForGraph[6]]);
- data7.push(data[i][colsForGraph[7]]);
+ final_data = [
+ makeGraphObjects(data1, "#ca0020", checkbox_names[0]),
+ makeGraphObjects(data2, "#f4a582", checkbox_names[1]),
+ makeGraphObjects(data3, "#92c5de", checkbox_names[2]),
+ makeGraphObjects(data4, "#0571b0", checkbox_names[3]),
+ makeGraphObjects(data5, "#008837", checkbox_names[4]),
+ makeGraphObjects(data6, "#000000", checkbox_names[5]),
+ makeGraphObjects(data7, "#800080", checkbox_names[6])
+ ];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ final_data[i].hidden = false;
- if (["offenses", "arrests", "nibrs", "arson", "hate"].includes(type) || type == "leoka") {
- final_data = [
- makeGraphObjects(data1, "#ca0020", checkbox_names[0]),
- makeGraphObjects(data2, "#f4a582", checkbox_names[1]),
- makeGraphObjects(data3, "#92c5de", checkbox_names[2]),
- makeGraphObjects(data4, "#0571b0", checkbox_names[3]),
- makeGraphObjects(data5, "#008837", checkbox_names[4]),
- makeGraphObjects(data6, "#000000", checkbox_names[5]),
- makeGraphObjects(data7, "#800080", checkbox_names[6])
- ];
- for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
- final_data[i].hidden = false;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
- if (!$("#checkbox_" + (i + 1)).is(':checked')) {
- final_data = _.filter(final_data, function(x) {
- return x.label != checkbox_names[i];
- });
- }
+ for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ if (!$("#checkbox_" + (i + 1)).is(':checked')) {
+ final_data = _.filter(final_data, function(x) {
+ return x.label != checkbox_names[i];
+ });
+ }
- } else {
- years = [];
- data1 = [];
+} else {
+ years = [];
+ data1 = [];
- for (var n = 0; n < data.length; n++) {
- years.push(data[n][colsForGraph[0]]);
- data1.push(data[n][colsForGraph[1]]);
- }
+ for (var n = 0; n < data.length; n++) {
+ years.push(data[n][colsForGraph[0]]);
+ data1.push(data[n][colsForGraph[1]]);
+ }
- label = colsForGraph[1]
- label = label.replace(/_age_adjusted_rate/g, "");
- label = label.replace(/_crude_rate/g, "");
- if (type == "leoka") {
- crimes = leoka_subcategories[$("#crime_dropdown").val()];
- }
+ label = colsForGraph[1]
+ label = label.replace(/_age_adjusted_rate/g, "");
+ label = label.replace(/_crude_rate/g, "");
+ if (type == "leoka") {
+ crimes = leoka_subcategories[$("#crime_dropdown").val()];
+ }
- if (type == "nibrs" && $("#rate").is(':checked')) {
- label = label.replace(/_rate/g, "");
- label = label.replace(/_percent/g, "");
- label = crimes[label]
- label += " Rate"
- // Temp fix since crimes variable doesn't exist and is causing issues for leoka page
- } else if (type == "leoka" && ["officers_assaulted", "officers_killed"].includes($("#crime_dropdown").val())) {
- label = "Incidents"
- } else if (type == "hate") {
- label = "# of Incidents"
- } else {
- label = crimes[label]
- }
- final_data = [makeGraphObjects(data1, "#ca0020", label)];
- final_data[0].hidden = false;
+ if (type == "nibrs" && $("#rate").is(':checked')) {
+ label = label.replace(/_rate/g, "");
+ label = label.replace(/_percent/g, "");
+ label = crimes[label]
+ label += " Rate"
+ // Temp fix since crimes variable doesn't exist and is causing issues for leoka page
+ } else if (type == "leoka" && ["officers_assaulted", "officers_killed"].includes($("#crime_dropdown").val())) {
+ label = "Incidents"
+ } else if (type == "hate") {
+ label = "# of Incidents"
+ } else {
+ label = crimes[label]
- return final_data;
+ final_data = [makeGraphObjects(data1, "#ca0020", label)];
+ final_data[0].hidden = false;
+return final_data;
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ function makeGraphObjects(data, color, label) {
data: cleanedData,
onAnimationComplete: allowSaveGraph,
hidden: true,
- yAxisID: "A",
position: "left",
spanGaps: false,
radius: 1.5, // Dot size
@@ -259,103 +258,78 @@ function makeGraph(type, crimes) {
graph_datasets = getGraphDataset(table_data, graph_headers, type, crimes);
if (type == "offenses" && $("#clearance_rate").is(":checked")) {
const cleared_data = graph_datasets.filter(x => x.label.includes("Clear"));
const not_cleared_data = graph_datasets.filter(x => !x.label.includes("Clear"));
graph_datasets = not_cleared_data;
xaxis_label = "Year";
opts = {
- watermark: {
- image: "crimedatatool_watermark.jpg",
- x: -333,
- y: 33,
- opacity: 0.75,
- alignToChartArea: true,
- position: "back"
- },
- animation: true,
- responsive: true,
- plugins: {
- title: {
- display: true,
- position: 'top',
- text: title,
- font: {
- size: 22
- }
- }
- },
- scales: {
- x: {
- display: true,
- ticks: {
- autoSkip: true,
- maxTicksLimit: 10,
- font: {
- size: 15
- }
- },
- title: {
- display: true,
- text: xaxis_label,
- font: {
- size: 22
- }
- }
+ watermark: {
+ image: "crimedatatool_watermark.jpg",
+ x: -333,
+ y: 53,
+ // width: 53,
+ // height: 60,
+ opacity: 0.75,
+ alignToChartArea: true,
+ position: "back"
+ },
+ animation: true,
+ responsive: true,
+ plugins: {
+ title: {
+ display: true,
+ position: 'top',
+ text: title,
+ font: {
+ size: 22
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ scales: {
+ x: {
+ display: true,
+ ticks: {
+ autoSkip: true,
+ maxTicksLimit: 10,
+ fontSize: 15
+ },
+ title: {
+ display: true,
+ text: xaxis_label,
+ font: {
+ size: 22,
- y: {
- beginAtZero: true, // Ensures the y-axis starts at zero
- display: true,
- ticks: {
- autoSkip: true,
- maxTicksLimit: 10,
- font: {
- size: 15
- }
- },
- title: {
- display: true,
- text: yaxis_label,
- font: {
- size: 22
- }
- }
- }
- },
- interaction: {
- mode: 'nearest',
- intersect: true
+ }
- plugins: {
- tooltip: {
- callbacks: {
- label: function(tooltipItem) {
- let value = tooltipItem.raw;
- value = value.toLocaleString();
- return tooltipItem.dataset.label + ": " + value;
- }
- }
- }
+ y: {
+ beginAtZero: true,
+ title: {
+ display: true,
+ text: yaxis_label,
+ font: {
+ size: 22,
+ },
+ }
+ },
-Chart.defaults.color = 'black'
+ Chart.defaults.color = 'black'
+ console.log(graph_datasets)
myLineChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: years,
- datasets: graph_datasets
+ datasets: graph_datasets,
+ yAxisID: 'y'
options: opts
-// disable_animation_on_mobile(myLineChart);
+ // disable_animation_on_mobile(myLineChart);
return (myLineChart);
@@ -426,15 +400,15 @@ function getTitle(data, type) {
switch (type) {
case "offenses":
- subtitle = crime_values[selectedCrime];
- break;
+ subtitle = crime_values[selectedCrime];
+ break;
case "arson":
- subtitle = arson_values[selectedCrime];
- break;
+ subtitle = arson_values[selectedCrime];
+ break;
case "arrests":
- subtitle = `Arrests for: ${arrest_values[selectedCrime]}, Breakdown: ${arrests_breakdown[selectedSubsubcategory]}, Age: ${arrest_age_categories[selectedSubcategory]}`;
- break;
+ subtitle = `Arrests for: ${arrest_values[selectedCrime]}, Breakdown: ${arrests_breakdown[selectedSubsubcategory]}, Age: ${arrest_age_categories[selectedSubcategory]}`;
+ break;
case "nibrs":
nibrs_crimes_temp = nibrs_crime_values["offense"]
@@ -461,24 +435,24 @@ function getTitle(data, type) {
- subtitle = nibrs_crimes_temp[$("#crime_dropdown").val()] + ", " + nibrs_categories[$("#category_dropdown").val()] + " " + nibrs_subcategories[$("#category_dropdown").val()][$("#subcategory_dropdown").val()];
+ subtitle = nibrs_crimes_temp[$("#crime_dropdown").val()] + ", " + nibrs_categories[$("#category_dropdown").val()] + " " + nibrs_subcategories[$("#category_dropdown").val()][$("#subcategory_dropdown").val()];
- if (selectedCategory === "property") {
- subtitle = `Property Data: ${nibrs_property_values[selectedCrime]}`;
- }
- break;
+ if (selectedCategory === "property") {
+ subtitle = `Property Data: ${nibrs_property_values[selectedCrime]}`;
+ }
+ break;
case "leoka":
- subtitle = `${leoka_categories[selectedCrime]}: ${leoka_subcategories[selectedCrime][selectedSubcategory]}`;
- if (leoka_categories[selectedCrime] === "Officers Assaulted") {
- // const weapon = ", Weapon: " + leoka_weapons[selectedSubsubcategory];
- // subtitle += `${weapon}`;
- }
- break;
+ subtitle = `${leoka_categories[selectedCrime]}: ${leoka_subcategories[selectedCrime][selectedSubcategory]}`;
+ if (leoka_categories[selectedCrime] === "Officers Assaulted") {
+ // const weapon = ", Weapon: " + leoka_weapons[selectedSubsubcategory];
+ // subtitle += `${weapon}`;
+ }
+ break;
case "hate":
- subtitle = `Bias Motivation: ${hate_bias_motivations[selectedCrime]}`;
- break;
+ subtitle = `Bias Motivation: ${hate_bias_motivations[selectedCrime]}`;
+ break;
return [title, subtitle];
diff --git a/js/utils.js b/js/utils.js
index a95035e..2e8485b 100644
--- a/js/utils.js
+++ b/js/utils.js
@@ -65,16 +65,16 @@ function exportToCsv(tableData, type, states) {
function make_dropdown(dropdown_id, dropdown_values, starter, starter_div) {
- $(dropdown_id).empty();
- _.each(dropdown_values, function(val, text) {
- $(dropdown_id).append(new Option(val, text));
- });
+_.each(dropdown_values, function(val, text) {
+$(dropdown_id).append(new Option(val, text));
- if (Array.isArray(starter)) {
- starter = starter[$(starter_div).val()]
- }
+if (Array.isArray(starter)) {
+starter = starter[$(starter_div).val()]
- $(dropdown_id).val(starter);
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ function toggle_leoka_display() {
+ $('#subcategory_dropdown').next(".select2-container").show();
} else if ($("#crime_dropdown").val() == "officers_assaulted") {
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ $('#subcategory_dropdown').next(".select2-container").show();
$("#checkbox_3").prop("checked", false);
$("#checkbox_5").prop("checked", true);
+ $('#subcategory_dropdown').next(".select2-container").show();
} else if ($("#crime_dropdown").val() == "officers_killed") {
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ $('#subcategory_dropdown').next(".select2-container").show();
$("#checkbox_1").prop("checked", true);
$("#checkbox_2").prop("checked", true);
+ $('#subcategory_dropdown').next(".select2-container").hide();
@@ -316,12 +316,12 @@ function toggle_nibrs_display() {
- // if ($('#category_dropdown').val() == "arrestee") {
- // $("#checkbox_6").hide();
- // $("#checkbox_7").hide();
- // $("label[for='checkbox_6']").hide()
- // $("label[for='checkbox_7']").hide()
- // }
+ // if ($('#category_dropdown').val() == "arrestee") {
+ // $("#checkbox_6").hide();
+ // $("#checkbox_7").hide();
+ // $("label[for='checkbox_6']").hide()
+ // $("label[for='checkbox_7']").hide()
+ // }
} else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "ethnicity") {
@@ -334,11 +334,11 @@ function toggle_nibrs_display() {
-// if ($('#category_dropdown').val() == "arrestee") {
-// $("label[for='checkbox_3']").html("Not Hispanic")
-// $("#checkbox_4").hide();
-// $("label[for='checkbox_4']").hide()
-// }
+ // if ($('#category_dropdown').val() == "arrestee") {
+ // $("label[for='checkbox_3']").html("Not Hispanic")
+ // $("#checkbox_4").hide();
+ // $("label[for='checkbox_4']").hide()
+ // }
} else if ($("#subcategory_dropdown").val() == "sex") {
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ function countToRate(data, type, per_officer = false) {
for (var i = 0; i < data_keys.length; i++) {
if (!["agency", "year", "state", "population", "ORI", "school_name", "school_unique_ID", "number_of_students"].includes(data_keys[i]) && !data_keys[i].startsWith("population_")) {
- if (type == "arrests" && $("#percent_of_arrests").is(':checked')) {
+ if (type == "arrests" && $("#percent_of_arrests").is(':checked')) {
rate_val = data[data_keys[i]] / data[population_column] * 100;
} else if (type == "arrests" && $("#percent_of_all_arrests").is(':checked')) {
rate_val = data[data_keys[i]] / data[population_column] * 100;
@@ -489,233 +489,233 @@ function countToRate(data, type, per_officer = false) {
new_key = data_keys[i] + rate_type;
Object.defineProperty(data, new_key,
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(data, data_keys[i]));
- delete data[data_keys[i]];
+ delete data[data_keys[i]];
+ }
+ return data;
- return data;
-function makeCrimeClearanceRates(data) {
- storage = data
- console.log(storage)
- data_keys = _.keys(data);
- clearance_starters = ["total_cleared", "cleared_18"];
+ function makeCrimeClearanceRates(data) {
+ storage = data
+ console.log(storage)
+ data_keys = _.keys(data);
+ clearance_starters = ["total_cleared", "cleared_18"];
- crime_column = data_keys.filter(function(element) {
- return element.includes("actual");
- });
+ crime_column = data_keys.filter(function(element) {
+ return element.includes("actual");
+ });
- for (var i = 0; i < crime_column.length; i++) {
- for (var n = 0; n < clearance_starters.length; n++) {
- rate_val = data[crime_column[i].replace("actual", clearance_starters[n])] / data[crime_column[i]];
- rate_val = parseFloat(rate_val).toFixed(2); // Rounds to 2 decimals
+ for (var i = 0; i < crime_column.length; i++) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < clearance_starters.length; n++) {
+ rate_val = data[crime_column[i].replace("actual", clearance_starters[n])] / data[crime_column[i]];
+ rate_val = parseFloat(rate_val).toFixed(2); // Rounds to 2 decimals
- if (!isFinite(rate_val)) {
- rate_val = NaN;
- }
- data[crime_column[i].replace("actual", clearance_starters[n])] = rate_val * 100;
- rate_type = "_clearance_rate";
+ if (!isFinite(rate_val)) {
+ rate_val = NaN;
+ }
+ data[crime_column[i].replace("actual", clearance_starters[n])] = rate_val * 100;
+ rate_type = "_clearance_rate";
- new_key = crime_column[i].replace("actual", clearance_starters[n]) + rate_type;
- new_key = new_key.replace("_rate_clearance", "_clearance");
- Object.defineProperty(data, new_key,
- Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(data, crime_column[i].replace("actual", clearance_starters[n])));
- delete data[crime_column[i].replace("actual", clearance_starters[n])];
+ new_key = crime_column[i].replace("actual", clearance_starters[n]) + rate_type;
+ new_key = new_key.replace("_rate_clearance", "_clearance");
+ Object.defineProperty(data, new_key,
+ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(data, crime_column[i].replace("actual", clearance_starters[n])));
+ delete data[crime_column[i].replace("actual", clearance_starters[n])];
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
- }
- return data;
-function getStateAgencies(type, states = state_values, largest_agencies = false) {
- url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jacobkap/crimedatatool_helper/master/data/";
- if (type == "nibrs") {
- url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jacobkap/crimedatatool_helper_nibrs/master/data/";
- }
- if ($("#monthly").is(':checked')) {
- type += "_monthly";
- }
+ function getStateAgencies(type, states = state_values, largest_agencies = false) {
+ url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jacobkap/crimedatatool_helper/master/data/";
+ if (type == "nibrs") {
+ url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jacobkap/crimedatatool_helper_nibrs/master/data/";
+ }
+ if ($("#monthly").is(':checked')) {
+ type += "_monthly";
+ }
- url += type + "/";
- final_url = url + states[$("#state_dropdown").val()] + "_agency_choices.json";
+ url += type + "/";
+ final_url = url + states[$("#state_dropdown").val()] + "_agency_choices.json";
- if (largest_agencies) {
- final_url = url + "largest_agency_choices.json";
- }
- var state_agencies = $.ajax({
- url: final_url,
- type: 'get',
- dataType: 'json',
- async: false,
- success: function(data) {
- result = data;
- }
- });
+ if (largest_agencies) {
+ final_url = url + "largest_agency_choices.json";
+ }
+ var state_agencies = $.ajax({
+ url: final_url,
+ type: 'get',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ async: false,
+ success: function(data) {
+ result = data;
+ }
+ });
- state_agencies = state_agencies.responseJSON;
- return (state_agencies);
+ state_agencies = state_agencies.responseJSON;
+ return (state_agencies);
+ }
-function makeDataSourceDropdown() {
- page_temp = window.location.pathname
+ function makeDataSourceDropdown() {
+ page_temp = window.location.pathname
- // Use a document fragment to batch DOM updates
- const $dropdown = $("#data_source");
- $dropdown.empty(); // Clear existing options
+ // Use a document fragment to batch DOM updates
+ const $dropdown = $("#data_source");
+ $dropdown.empty(); // Clear existing options
- const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); // Create a document fragment
+ const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); // Create a document fragment
- Object.entries(data_sources).forEach(([text, val]) => {
- const option = new Option(val, text); // Create a new option element
- fragment.appendChild(option); // Append the option to the fragment
- });
+ Object.entries(data_sources).forEach(([text, val]) => {
+ const option = new Option(val, text); // Create a new option element
+ fragment.appendChild(option); // Append the option to the fragment
+ });
- $dropdown.append(fragment); // Append the fragment to the dropdown in one go
+ $dropdown.append(fragment); // Append the fragment to the dropdown in one go
- if (page_temp == "/arrest.html" || page_temp == "/E:/Dropbox/crimedatatool/arrest.html" || page_temp == "/C:/Users/jkkap/Dropbox/crimedatatool/arrest.html") {
- current_page = 0
- }
- if (page_temp == "/arson.html" || page_temp == "/E:/Dropbox/crimedatatool/arson.html" || page_temp == "/C:/Users/jkkap/Dropbox/crimedatatool/arson.html") {
- current_page = 1
- }
- if (page_temp == "/hate.html" || page_temp == "/E:/Dropbox/crimedatatool/hate.html" || page_temp == "/C:/Users/jkkap/Dropbox/crimedatatool/hate.html") {
- current_page = 2
- }
- if (page_temp == "/leoka.html" || page_temp == "/E:/Dropbox/crimedatatool/leoka.html" || page_temp == "/C:/Users/jkkap/Dropbox/crimedatatool/leoka.html") {
- current_page = 3
- }
- if (page_temp == "/nibrs.html" || page_temp == "/E:/Dropbox/crimedatatool/nibrs.html" || page_temp == "/C:/Users/jkkap/Dropbox/crimedatatool/nibrs.html") {
- current_page = 4
- }
- if (page_temp == "/index.html" || page_temp == "/" || page_temp == "/E:/Dropbox/crimedatatool/" || page_temp == "/E:/Dropbox/crimedatatool/index.html" || page_temp == "/C:/Users/jkkap/Dropbox/crimedatatool/" || page_temp == "/C:/Users/jkkap/Dropbox/crimedatatool/index.html") {
- current_page = 5
- }
- $("#data_source").val(current_page)
+ if (page_temp == "/arrest.html" || page_temp == "/E:/Dropbox/crimedatatool/arrest.html" || page_temp == "/C:/Users/jkkap/Dropbox/crimedatatool/arrest.html") {
+ current_page = 0
+ }
+ if (page_temp == "/arson.html" || page_temp == "/E:/Dropbox/crimedatatool/arson.html" || page_temp == "/C:/Users/jkkap/Dropbox/crimedatatool/arson.html") {
+ current_page = 1
+ }
+ if (page_temp == "/hate.html" || page_temp == "/E:/Dropbox/crimedatatool/hate.html" || page_temp == "/C:/Users/jkkap/Dropbox/crimedatatool/hate.html") {
+ current_page = 2
+ }
+ if (page_temp == "/leoka.html" || page_temp == "/E:/Dropbox/crimedatatool/leoka.html" || page_temp == "/C:/Users/jkkap/Dropbox/crimedatatool/leoka.html") {
+ current_page = 3
+ }
+ if (page_temp == "/nibrs.html" || page_temp == "/E:/Dropbox/crimedatatool/nibrs.html" || page_temp == "/C:/Users/jkkap/Dropbox/crimedatatool/nibrs.html") {
+ current_page = 4
+ }
+ if (page_temp == "/index.html" || page_temp == "/" || page_temp == "/E:/Dropbox/crimedatatool/" || page_temp == "/E:/Dropbox/crimedatatool/index.html" || page_temp == "/C:/Users/jkkap/Dropbox/crimedatatool/" || page_temp == "/C:/Users/jkkap/Dropbox/crimedatatool/index.html") {
+ current_page = 5
+ }
+ $("#data_source").val(current_page)
+ }
-function updateDataSource() {
+ function updateDataSource() {
- if (data_sources[$("#data_source").val()] == "Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest") {
- new_url_path = "https://crimedatatool.com/"
- }
- if (data_sources[$("#data_source").val()] == "Arson") {
- new_url_path = "https://crimedatatool.com/arson.html"
- }
- if (data_sources[$("#data_source").val()] == "Hate Crime Statistics") {
- new_url_path = "https://crimedatatool.com/hate.html"
- }
- if (data_sources[$("#data_source").val()] == "Arrests by Age, Sex, and Race") {
- new_url_path = "https://crimedatatool.com/arrest.html"
- }
- if (data_sources[$("#data_source").val()] == "Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA)") {
- new_url_path = "https://crimedatatool.com/leoka.html"
- }
- if (data_sources[$("#data_source").val()] == "National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)") {
- new_url_path = "https://crimedatatool.com/nibrs.html"
- }
+ if (data_sources[$("#data_source").val()] == "Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest") {
+ new_url_path = "https://crimedatatool.com/"
+ }
+ if (data_sources[$("#data_source").val()] == "Arson") {
+ new_url_path = "https://crimedatatool.com/arson.html"
+ }
+ if (data_sources[$("#data_source").val()] == "Hate Crime Statistics") {
+ new_url_path = "https://crimedatatool.com/hate.html"
+ }
+ if (data_sources[$("#data_source").val()] == "Arrests by Age, Sex, and Race") {
+ new_url_path = "https://crimedatatool.com/arrest.html"
+ }
+ if (data_sources[$("#data_source").val()] == "Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA)") {
+ new_url_path = "https://crimedatatool.com/leoka.html"
+ }
+ if (data_sources[$("#data_source").val()] == "National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)") {
+ new_url_path = "https://crimedatatool.com/nibrs.html"
+ }
-current_page = data_sources[$("#data_source").val()]
- page_temp = window.location.pathname
- if (current_page == "Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest" & !["/index.html", "/"].includes(page_temp)) {
- window.location.href = new_url_path;
- }
- if (current_page == "Hate Crime Statistics" & page_temp != "/hate.html") {
- window.location.href = new_url_path;
- }
- if (current_page == "Arrests by Age, Sex, and Race" & page_temp != "/arrest.html") {
- window.location.href = new_url_path;
- }
- if (current_page == "Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA)" & page_temp != "/leoka.html") {
- window.location.href = new_url_path;
- }
- if (current_page == "National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)" & page_temp != "/nibrs.html") {
- window.location.href = new_url_path;
- }
- if (current_page == "Arson" & page_temp != "/arson.html") {
- window.location.href = new_url_path;
- }
- makeDataSourceDropdown()
+ current_page = data_sources[$("#data_source").val()]
+ page_temp = window.location.pathname
+ if (current_page == "Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest" & !["/index.html", "/"].includes(page_temp)) {
+ window.location.href = new_url_path;
+ }
+ if (current_page == "Hate Crime Statistics" & page_temp != "/hate.html") {
+ window.location.href = new_url_path;
+ }
+ if (current_page == "Arrests by Age, Sex, and Race" & page_temp != "/arrest.html") {
+ window.location.href = new_url_path;
+ }
+ if (current_page == "Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA)" & page_temp != "/leoka.html") {
+ window.location.href = new_url_path;
+ }
+ if (current_page == "National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)" & page_temp != "/nibrs.html") {
+ window.location.href = new_url_path;
+ }
+ if (current_page == "Arson" & page_temp != "/arson.html") {
+ window.location.href = new_url_path;
+ }
+ makeDataSourceDropdown()
+ }
-function updateAgencies(type, states) {
- agencies = getStateAgencies(type, states);
- agencies.sort();
- // Use a document fragment to batch DOM updates
- const $dropdown = $("#agency_dropdown");
- $dropdown.empty(); // Clear existing options
+ function updateAgencies(type, states) {
+ agencies = getStateAgencies(type, states);
+ agencies.sort();
+ // Use a document fragment to batch DOM updates
+ const $dropdown = $("#agency_dropdown");
+ $dropdown.empty(); // Clear existing options
- const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); // Create a document fragment
+ const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); // Create a document fragment
- agencies.forEach((val, text) => {
- const option = new Option(val, text); // Create a new option element
- fragment.appendChild(option); // Append the option to the fragment
- });
+ agencies.forEach((val, text) => {
+ const option = new Option(val, text); // Create a new option element
+ fragment.appendChild(option); // Append the option to the fragment
+ });
- $dropdown.append(fragment); // Append the fragment to the dropdown in one go
- largest_agency_temp = states[$("#state_dropdown").val()];
- largest_agency_temp = _.filter(largest_agency, function(x) {
- return x.state == largest_agency_temp;
- });
- largest_agency_temp = largest_agency_temp[0].agency;
- largest_agency_temp = _.indexOf(agencies, largest_agency_temp);
- $("#agency_dropdown").val(largest_agency_temp);
- return agencies;
+ $dropdown.append(fragment); // Append the fragment to the dropdown in one go
+ largest_agency_temp = states[$("#state_dropdown").val()];
+ largest_agency_temp = _.filter(largest_agency, function(x) {
+ return x.state == largest_agency_temp;
+ });
+ largest_agency_temp = largest_agency_temp[0].agency;
+ largest_agency_temp = _.indexOf(agencies, largest_agency_temp);
+ $("#agency_dropdown").val(largest_agency_temp);
+ return agencies;
+ }
-function main(type, states, state_default, crimes, crime_starter) {
+ function main(type, states, state_default, crimes, crime_starter) {
- state_default = Math.floor(Math.random()*states.length)
- makeDataSourceDropdown()
- make_dropdown('#state_dropdown', states, state_default)
- make_dropdown("#crime_dropdown", crimes, crime_starter);
+ state_default = Math.floor(Math.random()*states.length)
+ makeDataSourceDropdown()
+ make_dropdown('#state_dropdown', states, state_default)
+ make_dropdown("#crime_dropdown", crimes, crime_starter);
- if (type == "arrests") {
- make_dropdown("#subcategory_dropdown", arrest_age_categories, "total")
- make_dropdown("#subsubcategory_dropdown", arrests_breakdown, "Race")
- toggle_arrest_display();
- } else if (type == "nibrs") {
- make_dropdown('#category_dropdown', nibrs_categories, "offense")
- make_dropdown("#subcategory_dropdown", nibrs_subcategories[$('#category_dropdown').val()], nibrs_starts[$('#category_dropdown').val()])
- toggle_nibrs_display()
- } else if (type == "leoka") {
+ if (type == "arrests") {
+ make_dropdown("#subcategory_dropdown", arrest_age_categories, "total")
+ make_dropdown("#subsubcategory_dropdown", arrests_breakdown, "Race")
+ toggle_arrest_display();
+ } else if (type == "nibrs") {
+ make_dropdown('#category_dropdown', nibrs_categories, "offense")
+ make_dropdown("#subcategory_dropdown", nibrs_subcategories[$('#category_dropdown').val()], nibrs_starts[$('#category_dropdown').val()])
+ toggle_nibrs_display()
+ } else if (type == "leoka") {
- make_dropdown('#subcategory_dropdown', leoka_subcategories[$('#crime_dropdown').val()], leoka_categories_starts[$('#crime_dropdown').val()], '#crime_dropdown');
- // make_dropdown("#subsubcategory_dropdown", leoka_weapons, "total_assaults");
- // toggle_display("#weaponsDiv", ["officers_assaulted"]);
- // $("#leokaSex").show();
- toggle_leoka_display()
- }
+ make_dropdown('#subcategory_dropdown', leoka_subcategories[$('#crime_dropdown').val()], leoka_categories_starts[$('#crime_dropdown').val()], '#crime_dropdown');
+ // make_dropdown("#subsubcategory_dropdown", leoka_weapons, "total_assaults");
+ // toggle_display("#weaponsDiv", ["officers_assaulted"]);
+ // $("#leokaSex").show();
+ toggle_leoka_display()
+ }
- largest_agency = getStateAgencies(type, states, true);
- agencies = updateAgencies(type, states);
+ largest_agency = getStateAgencies(type, states, true);
+ agencies = updateAgencies(type, states);
-// if (window.location.hash == "") {
-// change_url(type)
- //} else {
- // change_data_from_url(type);
- //}
+ // if (window.location.hash == "") {
+ // change_url(type)
+ //} else {
+ // change_data_from_url(type);
+ //}
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
- ctx = document.getElementById("graph").getContext('2d');
- main_results = get_data(type, states);
- table_data = main_results[0];
- graph_headers = main_results[1];
- table_headers = main_results[2];
- all_data = main_results[3];
- graph = makeGraph(type, crimes);
- table = makeTable(type);
+ ctx = document.getElementById("graph").getContext('2d');
+ main_results = get_data(type, states);
+ table_data = main_results[0];
+ graph_headers = main_results[1];
+ table_headers = main_results[2];
+ all_data = main_results[3];
+ graph = makeGraph(type, crimes);
+ table = makeTable(type);
-// makeDataSourceDropdown()
+ // makeDataSourceDropdown()
+ }
diff --git a/nibrs.html b/nibrs.html
index 8463458..087dbea 100644
--- a/nibrs.html
+++ b/nibrs.html
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@