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\ The Rest is Silence 09APR84HHL************************************************************* ************************************************************* *** *** *** Please direct all questions, comments, and *** *** miscellaneous personal abuse to: *** *** *** *** Henry Laxen or Michael Perry *** *** 1259 Cornell Avenue 1125 Bancroft Way *** *** Berkeley, California Berkeley, California *** *** 94706 94702 *** *** *** *** (415) 525-8582 (415) 644-3421 *** *** *** ************************************************************* ************************************************************* \ Load Screen for Huffman Encoding/Decoding 29MAY84HHL 3 20 THRU FORTH CR .( Huffman Utility Loaded ) EXIT USAGE To compress a file type: COMPRESS INFILE1.EXT OUTFILE1.EXT To expand a file type: EXPAND INFILE2.EXT OUTFILE2.EXT Where INFILE2.EXT had better be the OUTFILE1.EXT of a prior compression. After either a COMPRESS or EXPAND executing EMPTY will reset the dictionary back to its original state. \ Shared primitives - Double Number Helpers 29MAR84HHL: D+! (S d# addr -- ) DUP 2@ ROT >R D+ R> 2! ; : ARRAY CREATE (S n -- ) 2* ALLOT DOES> (S n -- addr ) SWAP 2* + ; : 2ARRAY CREATE (S n -- ) 4 * ALLOT DOES> (S n -- addr ) SWAP 2* 2* + ; : 0OR1 (S n -- 0 | 1 ) 0<> 1 AND ; : HAPPY (S -- ) DOES> DUP @ IF OFF ." ...Working " ELSE ON 12 SPACES THEN 12 BACKSPACES ; HAPPY \ Read and Write bytes from a file 29MAR84HHLVARIABLE READING? ( True=reading False=writing ) : IO-ARRAY (S n -- ) CREATE DUP , 2* ALLOT DOES> DUP @ READING? @ IF DROP ELSE + THEN 2+ ; 2 IO-ARRAY #BITS ( Counts up to 8 ) 4 IO-ARRAY #BYTES ( Number of bytes sent so far ) 8 IO-ARRAY BIT-BUFFER ( Holds 1 byte worth of bits ) 128 IO-ARRAY IO-BUFFER ( Holds sectors worth of data ) 2 IO-ARRAY >FILE ( Points to file control block ) : INIT-IO (S -- ) READING? OFF 2 0 DO 0 #BITS ! 0. #BYTES 2! BIT-BUFFER 8 ERASE IO-BUFFER 128 CONTROL Z FILL READING? ON LOOP ; \ File System Interface 10Apr84map: PERFORM-IO (S -- ) [ DOS ] HAPPY IO-BUFFER SET-DMA >FILE @ READING? @ IF READ ELSE WRITE THEN ; : FILE-SIZE (S -- d# ) [ DOS ] >FILE @ FILE-SIZE 128 UM* ; : REWIND (S fcb -- ) [ DOS ] DUP CLOSE DUP 12 + 21 ERASE ( Clean up the FCB ) 15 BDOS DROP ( Open ) ; : CLOSE (S -- ) [ DOS ] >FILE @ CLOSE ; \ File System Interface 10Apr84map: INPUT (S -- ) READING? ON ; : OUTPUT (S -- ) READING? OFF ; CREATE IN-FCB B/FCB ALLOT CREATE OUT-FCB B/FCB ALLOT : IN&OUT (S -- ) FILE @ INPUT IN-FCB >FILE ! OUTPUT OUT-FCB >FILE ! [ DOS ] IN-FCB !FCB OUT-FCB !FCB IN-FCB 15 BDOS DOS-ERR? ABORT" Can't open file " OUT-FCB DUP DELETE DROP MAKE-FILE FILE ! ; \ Read and write bytes to a file 10Apr84map: @BYTE (S -- n ) INPUT #BYTES 2@ DROP 127 AND DUP 0= IF PERFORM-IO THEN IO-BUFFER + C@ 1. #BYTES D+! ; : !BYTE (S n -- ) OUTPUT #BYTES 2@ DROP 127 AND IO-BUFFER + C! 1. #BYTES D+! #BYTES 2@ DROP 127 AND 0= IF PERFORM-IO THEN ; \ Convert bytes into bits 10Apr84map: (!BYTE) (S -- ) 0 BIT-BUFFER 8 BOUNDS DO 2* I C@ + LOOP !BYTE ; : FLUSH-BYTE (S -- ) OUTPUT #BITS @ IF (!BYTE) THEN #BYTES 2@ DROP 127 AND IF PERFORM-IO THEN CLOSE ; : (@BYTE) (S -- ) @BYTE BIT-BUFFER 8 BOUNDS DO DUP 128 AND 0OR1 I C! 2* LOOP DROP ; \ Read or Write a Bitstream 03JUN84HHL: !BIT (S n -- ) OUTPUT 0OR1 #BITS @ BIT-BUFFER + C! 1 #BITS +! #BITS @ 8 = IF (!BYTE) #BITS OFF THEN ; : @BIT (S -- n ) INPUT #BITS @ 0= IF (@BYTE) 8 #BITS ! THEN 8 #BITS @ - BIT-BUFFER + C@ -1 #BITS +! ; : !BITS (S c n -- ) OUTPUT TUCK 16 SWAP - 0 ?DO 2* LOOP SWAP 0 ?DO DUP 32768 AND !BIT 2* LOOP DROP ; : @BITS (S n -- c ) INPUT 0 SWAP 0 ?DO 2* @BIT + LOOP ; \ Build a Frequency Table 29MAR84HHLVOCABULARY COMPRESSING COMPRESSING DEFINITIONS 256 2ARRAY FREQUENCY-TABLE : INCLUDE (S char -- ) FREQUENCY-TABLE 1. ROT D+! ; 256 ARRAY HUFFMAN 2VARIABLE MIN1 2VARIABLE MIN2 VARIABLE >MIN1 VARIABLE >MIN2 \ Construct a Huffman Code 29MAR84HHL: MINIMUMS (S -- f ) -1. MIN1 2! -1. MIN2 2! 256 0 DO I FREQUENCY-TABLE 2@ 2DUP D0= NOT IF MIN1 2@ 2OVER DU< NOT IF MIN1 2@ MIN2 2! >MIN1 @ >MIN2 ! 2DUP MIN1 2! I >MIN1 ! ELSE MIN2 2@ 2OVER DU< NOT IF 2DUP MIN2 2! I >MIN2 ! THEN THEN THEN 2DROP LOOP MIN2 2@ -1. D= NOT ; \ Construct a Huffman Code 04DEC83HHL: JOIN-MINIMUMS (S -- ) MIN1 2@ MIN2 2@ D+ ( new value ) >MIN1 @ FREQUENCY-TABLE 2! 0. >MIN2 @ FREQUENCY-TABLE 2! ( remove old value ) ; : ENCODE-MINIMUMS (S -- ) HERE >MIN1 @ HUFFMAN @ , >MIN2 @ HUFFMAN @ , >MIN1 @ 256 * >MIN2 @ + , >MIN1 @ HUFFMAN ! ; : ENCODE (S -- ) BEGIN MINIMUMS WHILE ENCODE-MINIMUMS JOIN-MINIMUMS REPEAT ; \ Display a Huffman Code 13APR84HHLCREATE >HLD 128 ALLOT VARIABLE HLD 0 HLD ! : +HOLD >HLD HLD @ + C! 1 HLD +! ; : -HOLD -1 HLD +! ; 256 ARRAY H-CODE : .HOLD (S char -- ) HERE SWAP H-CODE ! HLD @ C, >HLD HERE HLD @ DUP ALLOT CMOVE ; : DECODE RECURSIVE (S addr -- ) 0 +HOLD DUP @ IF DUP @ DECODE ELSE DUP 4 + @ FLIP 255 AND .HOLD THEN -HOLD 1 +HOLD DUP 2+ @ IF DUP 2+ @ DECODE ELSE DUP 4 + @ 255 AND .HOLD THEN -HOLD DROP ; : FLATTEN (S -- ) >MIN1 @ HUFFMAN @ DECODE ; \ Compress a string into its Huffman Equivalent 29MAY84HHL: COMPRESS-BYTE (S n -- ) H-CODE @ COUNT BOUNDS ?DO I C@ !BIT LOOP ; : COMPRESS-ENCODING (S -- ) 256 0 DO I H-CODE @ COUNT DUP IF 1 !BIT DUP 7 !BITS BOUNDS DO I C@ !BIT LOOP ELSE 0 !BIT 2DROP THEN LOOP ; \ Read and file and Encode and Compress it 29MAR84HHL: COMPRESS-FILE (S d# -- ) BEGIN 2DUP D0= NOT WHILE 1. D- @BYTE COMPRESS-BYTE REPEAT FLUSH-BYTE 2DROP ; : ENCODE-FILE (S d# -- ) BEGIN 2DUP D0= NOT WHILE 1. D- @BYTE INCLUDE REPEAT 2DROP ; \ Read the input file and write the compessed file 29MAY84HHLCREATE ZERO 0 , : INITIALIZE (S -- ) 256 0 DO 0. I FREQUENCY-TABLE 2! 0 I HUFFMAN ! ZERO I H-CODE ! LOOP INIT-IO IN&OUT ; FORTH DEFINITIONS : COMPRESS (S -- ) [ COMPRESSING ] INITIALIZE INPUT FILE-SIZE 2DUP ENCODE-FILE ENCODE FLATTEN INIT-IO INPUT >FILE @ REWIND 12345 16 !BITS 2DUP 16 !BITS 16 !BITS COMPRESS-ENCODING 2DUP COMPRESS-FILE 2DROP ; \ Expand a compressed file 03JUN84HHLVOCABULARY EXPANDING EXPANDING DEFINITIONS VARIABLE ROOT : EXPAND-BITS (S len char -- ) -256 + ROOT @ ROT 0 DO @BIT 2* + DUP @ DUP IF NIP ELSE DROP HERE DUP ROT ! 0 , 0 , 0 , THEN LOOP 4 + ! ; : EXPAND-ENCODING (S -- ) HERE ROOT ! 0 , 0 , 0 , 256 0 DO @BIT IF 7 @BITS I EXPAND-BITS THEN LOOP ; \ Expand the input stream 04Jun84map: LEAF? (S addr -- f ) 4 + @ -256 AND ; : EXPAND-BYTE (S -- char ) ROOT @ BEGIN @BIT 2* + @ DUP LEAF? UNTIL 4 + @ 255 AND ; : EXPAND-FILE (S d# -- ) BEGIN 2DUP D0= NOT WHILE 1. D- EXPAND-BYTE !BYTE REPEAT FLUSH-BYTE 2DROP ; \ Expand a Compressed File 28MAY84HHL: INITIALIZE (S -- ) INIT-IO IN&OUT ; FORTH DEFINITIONS : EXPAND [ EXPANDING ] INITIALIZE 16 @BITS 12345 <> ABORT" Not a Compressed file " 16 @BITS 16 @BITS SWAP EXPAND-ENCODING EXPAND-FILE ; \ Huffman File Compression 29MAY84HHL This application was written by Henry Laxen and is in the public domain. Please credit the author when distributing it. You are free to make copies, modify, publish, or ignore this as the fancy suits you. I apologize for the speed of this program (actually the lack thereof) but I wanted it to be totally transportable across different machines, and hence all of the bit twiddling is done in high level. You could speed this up substantially by writing @BIT and !BIT in code. My thanks to Andrea Fischel for showing me how to recreate the Huffman tree based on the compressed bit encoding. \ Load Screen for Huffman Encoding/Decoding 09APR84HHL The purpose of this utility is to COMPRESS and EXPAND files in order to save disk space. A Huffman encoding is used in order to achieve this compression. An excellant description of how Huffman codes work can be found in Volume 1 of Knuth. The general idea is that a frequency table is built which contains the number of occurances of each character in the file to be compressed. Based on this frequency table, each 8 bit byte is encoded as a variable length bit pattern. Obviously, the frequently occuring bytes are encoded in less than 8 bits, and the rarely occuring bytes are encoded in more than 8 bits. Very dramatic compression can be achieved with this scheme. In particular, BLK files can be substantially compressed because of the large number of blanks present. \ Shared primitives - Double Number Helpers 09APR84HHLD+! (S d# addr -- ) Increment the double number at addr by the d# on the stack. ARRAY Define a word sized array in memory. At runtime given the index into the array, return the address of the element. 2ARRAY Define a double work sized array in memory. Acts like ARRAY above. 0OR1 (S n -- 0 | 1 ) map 0 -> 0 and, all others -> 1 HAPPY (S -- ) Alternately print the string "...Working" or a string of blanks, each time it is called. This keeps the user happy, since he believes the machine is still working. \ Read and Write bytes from a file 09APR84HHLREADING? Used by file interface to distinguish read & write IO-ARRAY (S n -- ) Allows you to use the same name for a read or write version of an array or variable. Returns corresponding address. #BITS The number of bits mod 8 sent so far #BYTES Total number of bytes sent so far. BIT-BUFFER Used to buffer 1 byte worth of bits for IO IO-BUFFER Used to hold 1 sector's worth of data >FILE Points to FCB of file to read or write INIT-IO (S -- ) Initialize all of the IO variables defined above, and set the initial state to reading. \ File System Interface 09APR84HHLPERFORM-IO (S -- ) Let user know we are still alive, and either read or write a sector, depending on the IO direction. FILE-SIZE (S -- d# ) Return the size in bytes of the current file. REWIND (S fcb -- ) Allows you to reread a file for the second pass. Closes it at sets up the FCB so that the next read occurs at the beginning of the file. CLOSE (S -- ) Close the currently open file. \ File System Interface 09APR84HHLINPUT (S -- ) Set IO state to reading. OUTPUT (S -- ) Set IO state to writing. IN-FCB OUT-FCB Reserved for input & output FCBs IN&OUT (S -- ) Save the current Screen file, and read the input stream for the name of the input and output file. These names are parsed and the fcbs are placed in the arrays above. The input file is opened, and the output file is deleted and created. If an error occurs, the user is notified. Finally the current Screen file is restored. \ Read and write bytes to a file 09APR84HHL@BYTE (S -- n ) Read a byte from the input file, and place in on the stack. This is the primitive through which all reads must pass, since only it performs any actual IO. !BYTE (S n -- ) Take the byte from the stack and add it to the output file. This is the primitive through which all writes must pass, since only it performs any actual IO. \ Convert bytes into bits 09APR84HHL(!BYTE) (S -- ) Pack together the bits in the bit buffer, and write result. FLUSH-BYTE (S -- ) If there are any leftover bits to write, write them, and then perhaps flush the partially completed sector to disk. (@BYTE) (S -- ) Read the next byte from the input file and unpack the bits into the bit buffer. \ Read or Write a Bitstream 09APR84HHL!BIT (S n -- ) Write a single bit to the output file. @BIT (S -- n ) Read a single bit from the input file. !BITS (S c n -- ) Write up to 16 bits to the output file. All bit level write operations should use this word, and not !BIT above. @BITS (S n -- c ) Read up to 16 bits from the input file. All bit level read operations should use this word, and not @BIT above. \ Build a Frequency Table 09APR84HHLCOMPRESSING Segregate the COMPRESSING portion of the utility FREQUENCY-TABLE Contains the number of occurances of each byteINCLUDE (S char -- ) Increment the count in the frequency table for this char. HUFFMAN Used to build the tree of codes MIN1 MIN2 Contains the 2 smallest values in the Freq. Tab.>MIN1 >MIN2 Contains the index to the 2 smallest values \ Construct a Huffman Code 09APR84HHLMINIMUMS (S -- f ) Run through the frequency table and find the two smallest entries in it. Since these are counts, we use an unsigned comparison. The minimum values found are stored in the double variables MIN1 and MIN2. The index into the table of these values is stored in variables >MIN1 and >MIN2. The flag returned is true if two minimums exist, and false if there is only one entry left in the table. \ Construct a Huffman Code 09APR84HHLJOIN-MINIMUMS (S -- ) Combine the two minimum values found in the frequency table into a new value which is the sum of the previous values. Set the other minimum to zero, removing it. ENCODE-MINIMUMS (S -- ) Generate the Huffman tree based on the two new minimum values found in the frequency table. The character values are packed, two to a word. ENCODE (S -- ) While minimums exist in the frequency table, we construct our tree and combine them. The end result of ENCODE is a full tree, whose leaves contain characters. \ Display a Huffman Code 29MAY84HHL>HLD HLD Collect the path data while searching the tree +HOLD Append the character to the path string -HOLD Delete the character from the path string H-CODE An array which points to the encoding for a char. .HOLD Write the collected string to the dictionary. WHICH Holds the character we are looking for DECODE A recursive, inorder search of the Huffman Tree The leftmost nodes are searched for a leaf node. The path taken is collected using the HOLD mechanism set up above. If the leaf does not match the character we are searching for, we back up the path string and back up the path one level, and search the right node. When we do match, we write out the collected path string. FLATTEN Flatten the Huffman Tree into an array indexed by character. \ Compress a string into its Huffman Equivalent 09APR84HHLCOMPRESS-BYTE (S n -- ) Write the huffman code for the given byte to output file. COMPRESS-ENCODING (S -- ) We represent the encoding as follows: If the character is not present in the file, ie. the length of the huffman code is zero, then we write out a 0 bit. If the character is present, we write a 1 bit, followed by 7 bits representing the length of the encoding, followed by the encoding itself. \ Read and file and Encode and Compress it 09APR84HHLCOMPRESS-FILE (S d# -- ) Read through a file containing d# bytes of data, and compress each byte per its Huffman code. ENCODE-FILE (S d# -- ) Read through a file containing d# bytes of data, and build a frequency table for it. \ Read the input file and write the compessed file 29MAY84HHLINITIALIZE (S -- ) Initialize all of the relevant variables in order to compress a file into its Huffman equivalent. COMPRESS (S -- ) Takes two arguments from the input stream, the input file name and the output file name. The input file is read and compressed into the output file. Every file created by compress starts with two bytes containing 12345 followed by 32 bits of file length in bytes, followed by the compression. \ Expand a compressed file 29MAY84HHLEXPANDING Segregate the words associated with expanding. ROOT Points to the root of the rebuilt tree. EXPAND-BITS (S len char -- ) Add a leaf to the tree containing char. We read len bits and either follow or create tree nodes depeding on the value of the bit. A leaf has a hex ff in byte 5, data in 4. EXPAND-ENCODING (S -- ) Initialize the tree to have 1 node, the root. Read through the compressed encoding description and create the corresponding tree. \ Expand the input stream 29MAY84HHLLEAF? (S addr -- f ) Return non-zero if the node at addr is a leaf of the tree. EXPAND-BYTE (S -- ) Read bits from the file and follow the branches of the tree until we hit a leaf. Return the corresponding char. EXPAND-FILE (S d# -- ) Read d# bytes from the input file and expand them, writing the expanded data to the output file. \ Expand a Compressed File 09APR84HHLINITIALIZE (S -- ) Initialize variables, and get file names from input stream EXPAND The first 16 bits of the file to expand must be 12345, or else we are trying to expand a file that we did not compress. This would be fatal. The length is in the next 32 bits, followed by the encoding & the data.