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36 lines (24 loc) · 1.48 KB

File metadata and controls

36 lines (24 loc) · 1.48 KB


Final Assignment for Python in GIS


  • gdal version 1.11.3 (install: pip install gdal)
  • tested on Python 2.7.12


  1. Download or clone this repository and if necessary unzip all files.
  2. Download Landcover image (this script has been tested with and optimized for g100_clc12_V18_5.tif)
  3. Download DEM (this script has been tested with and optimized for dgm1_5meter.img. This file was provided within the course)

Note: Two of three of the provided shapefiles are missing a projection. Therefore the .prj of the third shapefile needs to be duplicated twice and renamed according to the filenames of the other shapefiles.

How to run

  1. Open in a text editor
  2. Add paths to input and output files in lines 23-37 (description of allowed types and variable definitions is given within
  3. Open IDLE
  4. Open
  5. Click on Run > Run Module


The script creates three outputs:

  1. reprojected shapefile with CRS of DEM and added field DEM_elev
  2. reprojected shapefile with CRS of Landcover file and added field Land_cov
  3. png file containing
    1. bar chart of mean elevation differences between GPS and DEM elevation, classified in landcover types
    2. time series of elevation differences between GPS and DEM elevation, classified in landcover types

Example .png outputs have been added to this repository