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A Python Websocket DTC Protocol Client for use with Sierra Chart

Checkout for an example on how to use the client.

The DTCClient class should contain common logic only, and custom logic should go in a child class (ExampleDTCClient for example)

The dtc directory contains the generated code based on DTCProtocol.h.

Message Types are here:

There are generated enums and message types to use in your code


pip install websocket_client
pip install flask
pip install Flask-Sockets
pip install gevent-websocket

For code gen:

pip install CppHeaderParser


usage: [-h] -n HOST -p PORT -q HISTORYPORT [-r RESTPORT]
                         [-l] [-s] [-u USERNAME] [-x PASSWORD]

DTC Client

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n HOST, --host HOST  Websocket Host
  -p PORT, --port PORT  SC Listening Port
                        SC Historical Data Port
  -r RESTPORT, --restport RESTPORT
                        Local REST Server Port
  -l, --live            Live trading mode
  -s, --simulated       Simulated trading mode
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Server Username
  -x PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Server Password


Set Environment variable LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG to see request/responses

eg: LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG ./ -n localhost -p 11099 -l

If you want to see market data messages in the logs:

eg: LOG_DATA=1 LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG ./ -n localhost -p 11099 -l


A REST Server will run by default on port 8080 (or specify -r to select a REST port)

Currently the following GET APIs are supported:

    ACCOUNT_BALANCE = '/accountbalance'
    CURRENT_POSITIONS = '/currentpositions'
    EXCHANGE_LIST = '/exchangelist'
    HISTORICAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCES = '/historicalaccountbalances'
    HISTORICAL_ORDER_FILLS = '/historicalorderfills'
    SECURITY_DEFINITION = '/securitydefinition'
    TRADE_ACCOUNTS = '/tradeaccounts'

Note the full URL would look like (for example):


If an API requires input, pass in query params (for example):


Sample REST Output

        "Currency": "USD",
        "CurrencyValuePerIncrement": 12.5,
        "Description": "E-MINI S&P 500 FUTURES ES Jun 2020",
        "DisplayPriceMultiplier": 0.009999999776482582,
        "ExchangeSymbol": "ESM20",
        "IsFinalMessage": 1,
        "MinPriceIncrement": 0.25,
        "OpenInterest": 3332460,
        "PriceDisplayFormat": 2,
        "RequestID": 1,
        "SecurityExpirationDate": 1592524800,
        "SecurityType": 1,
        "Symbol": "ESM20_FUT_CME",
        "Type": 507,
        "UnderlyingSymbol": "ES"


Support for Websocket server exists. Currently you can subscribe and unsubscribe to market data.

Connect to the WS Server running on the REST port using one of the following urls:


To subscribe to data, Send a JSON message in the following format:

{"action": "subscribe", "symbol": "ESM20_FUT_CME"}

To unsubscribe to data, Send a JSON message in the following format:

{"action": "unsubscribe", "symbol": "ESM20_FUT_CME"}

WS Test

Sample WS Output

[SENT] {"action": "subscribe", "symbol": "ESM20_FUT_CME"}
[RECV] {"action": "subscribe", "symbol": "ESM20_FUT_CME", "success": true}
[RECV] {
    "AskPrice": 282825,
    "AskQuantity": 1,
    "BidAskDateTime": 1587762000.001,
    "BidPrice": 282800,
    "BidQuantity": 1,
    "LastTradeDateTime": 1587761999.001,
    "LastTradePrice": 282800,
    "LastTradeVolume": 1,
    "MarketDepthUpdateDateTime": 1587762000.065,
    "OpenInterest": 3332460,
    "SessionHighPrice": 283500,
    "SessionLowPrice": 275525,
    "SessionNumTrades": 4888086,
    "SessionOpenPrice": 277700,
    "SessionSettlementDateTime": 0,
    "SessionSettlementPrice": 282950,
    "SessionVolume": 0,
    "Symbol": "ESM20_FUT_CME",
    "SymbolID": 2114831995,
    "TradingSessionDate": 1587772800,
    "TradingStatus": 4,
    "Type": 104
[SENT] {"action": "unsubscribe", "symbol": "ESM20_FUT_CME"}
[RECV] {"action": "unsubscribe", "symbol": "ESM20_FUT_CME", "success": true}

Note: There's currently an issue raised with Sierra Charts in regards to the ordering of Market Update fields being incorrect.

Sample Runtime Output

2020-04-25 13:45:16,969 - DTC_Client - INFO - URL: ws://
2020-04-25 13:45:16,981 - DTC_Client - DEBUG - Sending LogonRequest:
    "ClientName": "DTC Client",
    "HeartbeatIntervalInSeconds": 60,
    "Password": "********",
    "ProtocolVersion": 8,
    "TradeMode": 2,
    "Type": 1,
    "Username": "********"
2020-04-25 13:45:16,983 - DTC_Client - DEBUG - Received LogonResponse:
    "BracketOrdersSupported": 0,
    "HistoricalPriceDataSupported": 0,
    "Integer_1": 0,
    "MarketDataSupported": 1,
    "MarketDepthIsSupported": 1,
    "MarketDepthUpdatesBestBidAndAsk": 0,
    "OCOOrdersSupported": 0,
    "OneHistoricalPriceDataRequestPerConnection": 0,
    "OrderCancelReplaceSupported": 0,
    "ProtocolVersion": 8,
    "ReconnectAddress": "",
    "ResubscribeWhenMarketDataFeedAvailable": 0,
    "Result": 1,
    "ResultText": "Connected to SC DTC Protocol server.|",
    "SecurityDefinitionsSupported": 1,
    "ServerName": "SC DTC Server",
    "SymbolExchangeDelimiter": "",
    "TradingIsSupported": 0,
    "Type": 2,
    "UseIntegerPriceOrderMessages": 0,
    "UsesMultiplePositionsPerSymbolAndTradeAccount": 0
2020-04-25 13:45:16,984 - DTC_Client - DEBUG - post_login_thread
2020-04-25 13:45:16,984 - DTC_Client - DEBUG - Sending MarketDataRequest:
    "RequestAction": 1,
    "Symbol": "ESM20_FUT_CME",
    "SymbolID": 2114831995,
    "Type": 101
2020-04-25 13:45:16,984 - DTC_Client - DEBUG - Sending MarketDataRequest:
    "RequestAction": 1,
    "Symbol": "CLM20_FUT_NYMEX",
    "SymbolID": 2380550405,
    "Type": 101
2020-04-25 13:45:16,985 - DTC_Client - DEBUG - Received MarketDataSnapshot:
    "AskPrice": 282825,
    "AskQuantity": 1,
    "BidAskDateTime": 1587762000.001,
    "BidPrice": 282800,
    "BidQuantity": 1,
    "LastTradeDateTime": 1587761999.001,
    "LastTradePrice": 282800,
    "LastTradeVolume": 1,
    "MarketDepthUpdateDateTime": 1587762000.065,
    "OpenInterest": 3332460,
    "SessionHighPrice": 283500,
    "SessionLowPrice": 275525,
    "SessionNumTrades": 4888086,
    "SessionOpenPrice": 277700,
    "SessionSettlementDateTime": 0,
    "SessionSettlementPrice": 282950,
    "SessionVolume": 0,
    "SymbolID": 2114831995,
    "TradingSessionDate": 1587772800,
    "TradingStatus": 2,
    "Type": 104
2020-04-25 13:45:16,985 - DTC_Client - DEBUG - on_message_thread
2020-04-25 13:45:16,985 - DTC_Client - DEBUG - Received MarketDataSnapshot:
    "AskPrice": 1750,
    "AskQuantity": 6,
    "BidAskDateTime": 1587762000.001,
    "BidPrice": 1702,
    "BidQuantity": 200,
    "LastTradeDateTime": 1587761998.001,
    "LastTradePrice": 1718,
    "LastTradeVolume": 1,
    "MarketDepthUpdateDateTime": 1587762000.081,
    "OpenInterest": 360880,
    "SessionHighPrice": 1797,
    "SessionLowPrice": 1564,
    "SessionNumTrades": 3660069,
    "SessionOpenPrice": 1678,
    "SessionSettlementDateTime": 0,
    "SessionSettlementPrice": 1694,
    "SessionVolume": 0,
    "SymbolID": 2147483647,
    "TradingSessionDate": 1587772800,
    "TradingStatus": 2,
    "Type": 104
2020-04-25 13:45:16,985 - DTC_Client - DEBUG - on_message_thread
2020-04-25 13:45:56,985 - DTC_Client - DEBUG - Received Heartbeat:
    "CurrentDateTime": 1587847557,
    "NumDroppedMessages": 0,
    "Type": 3
2020-04-25 13:45:56,985 - DTC_Client - DEBUG - Sending Heartbeat:
    "CurrentDateTime": 1587847556.985286,
    "Type": 3
2020-04-25 13:46:36,972 - DTC_Client - DEBUG - Received Heartbeat:
    "CurrentDateTime": 1587847597,
    "NumDroppedMessages": 0,
    "Type": 3
2020-04-25 13:46:36,972 - DTC_Client - DEBUG - Sending Heartbeat:
    "CurrentDateTime": 1587847596.972321,
    "Type": 3


Add Trade operations from REST

Websocket Server unit testing during market hours

Current Code Gen Warning:

2020-04-24 22:49:38,368 - CppHeaderParser - WARNING - Ignored struct s_DepthEntry
2020-04-24 22:49:38,369 - CppHeaderParser - WARNING - Ignored struct s_MarketDataUpdateBidAskNoTimeStamp

will need to handle these at some stage