Add a new service
Add a Service to an environment in GitOps
kam service add [flags]
# Add a Service to an environment in GitOps
# Example: kam service add --env-name new-env --app-name app-bus --service-name bus --git-repo-url<your organization>/bus.git --pipelines-folder <path to GitOps file>
kam service add
--app-name string Name of the application where the service will be added
--env-name string Name of the environment where the service will be added
--git-repo-url string Service repository URL e.g. - only needed when you need to rebuild the source image for the environment
-h, --help help for add
--image-repo string Image registry of the form <registry>/<username>/<image name> or <project>/<app> which is used to push newly built images
--pipelines-folder string Folder path to retrieve manifest, eg. /test where manifest exists at /test/pipelines.yaml (default ".")
--service-name string Name of the service to be added
--webhook-secret string Source Git repository webhook secret (if not provided, it will be auto-generated)
- kam service - Manage services in an environment