Releases: jembi/openhim-console
Releases · jembi/openhim-console
Release candidate with various bug fixes / code refactoring and dependency upgrades
Bug Fixes
- Remove width limit on multi-select that caused truncated inputs
- Fixed tool-tips with HTML elements that weren't being rendered on hover
- Update webpack to hot reload when changes are made to the scripts
- Fix graph missing labels by disabling additional minification
- Fix show reruns button in transactions
- Fix the redirect to rerun transactions from the popover
Code Cleanup
- Fix broken Channel test
- Update tests for dependency upgrades
- Remove console logs
- Fix channel success message wording
- Update dependency minor versions and patches for security updates
- Upgrade dependency major versions where possible
Internal Refactoring
- Separate out basicInfo, routes, dataControl, alerts, requestMatching and userAccess controllers from the channelsModal controller into their own files
- Add icon to transaction log to indicate that a transaction is a rerun
- Travis CI runs console against Node Carbon, Dubnium and latest with code coverage
- Travis CI build status is posted to Jembi slack channel
v1.12.0 release candidate 2
Cool new stuff:
- Add HTTP channel method selector feature
- Case insensitive username on login
- Tail checkbox for prepending new transactions now on transactions screen
Bug squash:
- Fixed import bug
- Fixed multiple modal close annoyance on view import modal
OpenHIM v1.12.0 release candidate 1
This is a new minor release candidate of the OpenHIM console, here is what changed:
- Add Audit-trail for changes to endpoints
For a full list of changes, see here.
Patch: Removed clientID workaround
v1.11.1 1.11.1
OpenHIM Console v1.11.0
This is a new minor release of the OpenHIM console, here is what changed:
- Dependencies where upgraded
Patch for resolving issue with saving/updating clients
Added fix for issue with saving/updating clients.
Pre-Dependency Upgrade
Latest stable version of master before merging in dependency upgrades.
OpenHIM Console v1.10.0
This is a new minor release of the OpenHIM console, here is what changed:
- Add a warning when exporting server keystore as the server key will be exported
- Change true/false in the UI to yes or no which is more readable
- Fix taglist issues that prevent the user form selection the correct autocomplete option
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
For a full list of changes, see here.