diff --git a/manual.md b/manual.md index 43edda0..7941ce9 100644 --- a/manual.md +++ b/manual.md @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ But YAML maps aren't necessarily ordered, so let's roll with it. {{ word | slice: 0,1 }} {%- endfor %}. An angle must always be made after ![over-ea]({{ assets }}/ea_over.png) before ![t]({{ assets }}/T.png "t")![d]({{ assets }}/D.png "d") or ![s]({{ assets }}/S_noarrow.png "s"); thus {% assign words = 'seat seas eat real pearl years' | split: ' ' %}{% for word in words -%}  **{{ word }}**{% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %} -{%- endfor %}. +{%- endfor %}. [Yes, this means the default form for **ea** is a smoothed **a-e,** so it’s usually backwards. You only use the smoothed *e-a* form after the consonants – including **y** and excepting **c** – in “subcompany”.] - The diphthongs {% assign words = 'ee ei ie' | split: ' ' %}{% for word in words -%} **{{ word }}** {% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %} {%- endfor %} are all written upwards much more steeply than _u._ ![]({{ assets }}/steep.png) **steep**, cp. ![]({{ assets }}/stupid.png) **stupid**. **eu** ![]({{ assets }}/eu.png), **ew** ![]({{ assets }}/ew.png) ![]({{ assets }}/new.png) **new**.