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NETApp University

Introduction to Kubernetes Administration

Lab Guide


Catalog Number: TBD


The information contained in this course is intended only for training. This course contains information and activities that, while beneficial for the purposes of training in a closed, non-production environment, can result in downtime or other severe consequences in a production environment. This course material is not a technical reference and should not, under any circumstances, be used in production environments. To obtain reference materials, refer to the NetApp product documentation that is located at


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Table of Contents


Module 1 E1

Module 2 E2

Module 3 E3

Module 4 E4

Module 5 E5

Module 6 E6

Module 7 E7

Module 8 E8

Module 9 E9

Module 0: Checking Lab equipment

Study Aid Icons

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Checking the Lab Equipment

In this exercise, you familiarize yourself with your equipment and ensure that the credentials provided by the instructor are operational.


This exercise focuses on enabling you to do the following:

  • Ensure access to your jump host

  • Ensure connectivity to an ONTAP cluster

  • Ensure connectivity to the Element Cluster

  • Test the access to the Linux VMs and verify that all tools are running properly

GITHUB Containing the YAML files

You can download or clone the Github public repositor containing the necessary YAML files for the labs:

Exercise Equipment Diagram

Each Lab Kit contains the following Labs:

  • Modules 1 to 8: Using Trident with Kubernetes and ONTAP 

  • Module 9: Getting Started with NKS on NetApp HCI

  • Optional: Use Cloud Manager to Move Kubernetes Application Workloads Between Hybrid-Cloud Endpoints

**IMPORTANT: SELECT THE LAB Using Trident with Kubernetes and ONTAP **

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

Task 1: Ensure Connectivity to Your ONTAP AND ELEMENT ClusterS

In this task, you familiarize yourself with the Lab on Demand kit provided by your instructor. You ensure connectivity to the ONTAP cluster and verify the health of the ONTAP cluster.

Step Action

Open a browser and visit the following Website:

At the login prompt, enter the credentials provided to you by your instructor:


Password: ask the instructor

Select the Lab called “Using Trident with Kubernetes and ONTAP” and connect to it.
Once you see the Windows Desktop (your jump host), verify that you have a file called “Stateful Cmds.txt” on the Desktop.
Make sure your keyboard is set to the correct layout.

Open the C:/LOD folder and make sure you see the config folder:

On the menu bar, click the Putty icon and verify that you can see 6 RHEL hosts:

In Putty, double click the “cluster1” session and login to the ONTAP cluster:

Username: admin

Password: Netapp1!

Enter the command “date” and verify that the time is synchronized.
Open a web browser and navigate to

Login using the credentials in step 1-8 and navigate your cluster:

Task 2: Verify That Required SOFTWARE AND TOOLS ARE Installed

The RHEL hosts must have several tools running, including Docker and Kubernetes.

Step Action

Open the Putty Client and double click on the rhel5 session:

Login using the credentials:

Username: root

Password: Netapp1!

Run the following command to verify that the docker daemon is running:

ps -aef | grep dockerd

Verify if containers are running:

docker ps

Verify the connection to the public Docker repositories:

docker search netapp

Run a Docker container and destroy it:

docker run -it debian

ls -al


docker ps

docker ps -a (to list stopped containers)

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) (to delete ALL stopped containers)

Verify that the docker0 interface is configured on the host:

ifconfig docker0

Optionally, create an alias for the docker command (makes recurrent commands faster):

alias d=’docker’

Close the putty session and open a new one on rhel3 (master node of the Kubernetes cluster):

Login using the credentials:

Username: root

Password: Netapp1!

Verify that the Kubernetes services are running:

ps -aux | grep kubernetes

Optionally, create an alias for the most utilized Kubernetes command:

alias k=’kubectl’

Note: If you use the alias, you can replace all the upcoming “kubectl” commands with “k”.

Verify the version of Kubernetes:

k version

Verify the node type you connected to:

k cluster-info

Verify that the Kubernetes cluster is showing you the 3 nodes:

k get nodes

Use the -o option to change the output (this option can be used in many commands):

k get nodes -o wide

k get nodes -o json

Label the worker nodes (with the role set to “none”) with a recognizable tag:

k label node rhel1

k label node rhel2

Verify that the Kubernetes nodes are showing the right labels:

k get nodes

Open the Kubernetes Configuration Files:

cat $HOME/.kube/config

View the Kubernetes Configuration:

k config view

Navigate to the root user’s directory:

cd /root

Clone the contents of the NetAppU DevOps git repository and browse the new folder:

git clone

cd course/

ls -al

End of Exercise