Android SDK is available in the build environment and ANDROID_HOME variable is already set when the build starts. Builds are run with Java 7 by default.
To enable installing into local maven repository and JitPack you need to add the android-maven plugin.
If using Gradle 2.4:
- Add
classpath 'com.github.dcendents:android-maven-gradle-plugin:1.3'
to root build.gradle underbuildscript { dependencies {
- Add the following lines to your library/build.gradle
apply plugin: ''
After these changes go to the root of your project and run:
./gradlew install
It will install your library in your local maven repository ($HOME/.m2/repository). If install works and you have added a GitHub release it should work
Please check which version of android-maven plugin is required for your Gradle version.
- Android-Example
Users of your library will need add the repository:
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.jitpack:android-example:1.0.1'
Note: do not add the repository under buildscripts
If you add a sample app to the same repo then your app needs to depend on the library. To do this in your app/build.gradle add a dependency in the form:
dependencies {
compile project(':library')
where 'library' is the name of your library module.
- By default the android-maven plugin generates an 'aar' file from your library. If you want to have a 'jar' instead take a look at the example project's library/build.gradle.
- Android NDK builds are not yet supported on JitPack