- Move into the model directory
cd /scratch/$USER/MSPCM-Workshop/Workshop-Explorations/OneWeek
Create a symbolic link to the timeseries datafiles, environment and python script
ln -s ../../RTS-GMLC-Dataset/timeseries_data_files timeseries_data_files ln -s ../../plexos-hpc-walkthrough/env-7.4.2.sh . ln -s ../../plexos-hpc-walkthrough/get_week.py .
Get yourself an interactive node
salloc -N 1 -t 60 -A hpcapps -p debug
- Setup your environment
$ source env-7.4.2.sh
$ cat env-7.4.2.sh
module purge
module load centos mono/ xpressmp/8.0.4 plexos/7.400.2 conda
export PYTHONPATH=/nopt/nrel/apps/plexos/plexos-coad
export PLEXOS_TEMP=/scratch/$USER/tmp/$PBS_JOBID
mkdir -p $PLEXOS_TEMP
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) centos/7.7 3) xpressmp/8.0.4 5) conda/mini_py37_4.8.3
2) mono/ 4) plexos/7.400.2
- Cut out one week to run DAY_AHEAD model on
python get_week.py
cat get_week.py
##! /usr/bin/env python
#import datetime
#from coad.COAD import COAD
#from coad.ModelUtil import datetime_to_plex
#coad = COAD('RTS-GMLC.xml')
#date_start = str(datetime_to_plex(datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 14, 0, 0)))
#new_horizon = coad['Horizon']['Base'].copy("Interesting Week")
#new_horizon["Step Count"] = "8"
#new_horizon["Date From"] = date_start
#new_horizon["Chrono Date From"] = date_start
#new_horizon["Chrono Step Count"] = "8"
mono $PLEXOS/PLEXOS64.exe -n "one_week_model.xml" -m DAY_AHEAD