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Restate with Java, Spring, and Spring JPA

This example shows how to use Restate together with Spring. The example implements a product service which sits in front of a Postgres database and reads and writes to it with Spring JPA.

You can use this example as a template for getting started with Restate and Spring.

Running the example

Start postgres:

docker run -d \
-p 5432:5432 \
-e POSTGRES_USER=compose-postgres \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=compose-postgres \
-v $(pwd)/postgresql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d \

This will start a Postgres instance with a Product table with some products in it.

Start Restate:


Start the application:

./gradlew run

Register the service via the CLI:

restate deployments register localhost:9080

Try to reserve some product1 by calling the reserve handler of the ProductService:

curl -X POST localhost:8080/ProductService/product1/reserve

Check how many items are left in stock:

curl -X POST localhost:8080/ProductService/product1/getProductInformation

Try to reserve some more products.