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File metadata and controls

191 lines (155 loc) · 7.12 KB


A Prometheus exporter for custom userspace (e.g. usdt, uprobe) eBPF metrics.


eBPF is a Linux kernel feature that allows sandboxed, user-defined, probes to be attached to a running system. These probes can be attached to the kernel itself (kprobes), but may also be attached to specific userspace processes or libraries (uprobes). This allows for instrumenting a system by, for example, inspecting arguments to system calls (think "how many read() calls are made to this file and how big are they?") with minimal performance impact. This makes eBPF uniquely well suited to the task of collecting metrics from a system for aggregation in a time-series database such as Prometheus.

The existing ebpf_exporter allows for collection of system-wide metrics via eBPF kernel probes, but does not expose any facilities for exporting metrics from userspace probes. These metrics can be quite useful in illuminating aspects of a running process; a common use case is profiling the garbage collector in a language runtime. See the examples for more ideas.

Generally, one cannot attach userspace probes to a process in a different process namespace, limiting the feasibility of userspace probes in containerized environments. To work around this, this exporter is designed to run as a sidecar with namespace sharing


You will need to install bcc. The exporter has been tested with v0.18.0.


To bind to and expose metrics under /metrics, run as:

ebpf-userspace-exporter --listen-address= --metrics-path=/metrics --probe-config=/path/to/config.yaml

See configuration for more details on the format for config.yaml

If you're running this in a containerized environment, such as kubernetes, you'll have to ensure a few things:

  • The exporter runs in the same process namespace as the process you wish to monitor.
  • The host must have ebpf enabled, and its /lib/modules and /usr/src should be mounted onto the exporter's container
  • The exporter must run as privileged or with the CAP_BPF capability

In kubernetes the following configuration will do this for an example pod:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: example-pod
  # Needed so the sidecar and application share the same namespace
  shareProcessNamespace: true
  - name: my-application
    # ...
  - name: ebpf-userspace-exporter
      - -c
      - /opt/config/exporter.yaml
      - name: exporter-config
        mountPath: /opt/config
      - name: modules-host
        mountPath: /lib/modules
      - name: headers-host
        mountPath: /usr/src
    resources: {}
      privileged: true
    - name: exporter-config
        name: my-exporter-config
    - name: modules-host
        path: /lib/modules
    - name: headers-host
        path: /usr/src


The configuration format is mostly lifted from the ebpf_exporter's configuration format with some changes.


# Program name
name: <program name>
# Metrics attached to the program
[ metrics: metrics ]
# USDT Probes and their target eBPF functions
  [ probename: target ... ]
# uprobes and their target eBPF functions
  [ probename: target ... ]
# uretprobes and their target eBPF functions
  [ probename: target ... ]
# Which running processes to attach the probes to
  binary_name: [ binary_name ]
# Cflags are passed to the bcc compiler, useful for preprocessing
  [ - -I/include/path
    - -DMACRO_NAME=value ]
# Actual eBPF program code to inject in the kernel
code: [ code ]

Note that, since this exporter does not deal with system-level metrics, kprobes, kretprobes, tracepoints, raw_tracepoints, and perf_events defined inside a program will be ignored.


  binary_name: [ binary_name ]

The attachments section details which processes the eBPF program will be attached to. Currently, this only supports attaching by binary name -- all processes whose binary name equals the one given will be targeted.

NOTE This is the binary name as reported by /proc/${PID}/comm


The following example will instrument garbage collection for all gunicorn processes:

  - name: gc_total
        - name: gc_total
          help: Total number of gc events
          table: gc_counts
            - name: gen
              size: 8
                - name: uint
      gc__start: trace_gc__start
      binary_name: "gunicorn"
    code: |
      struct gc_event_t {
          u64 gen;

      BPF_HASH(gc_counts, struct gc_event_t);

      int trace_gc__start(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
          struct gc_event_t e = {};
          int gen = 0;
          bpf_usdt_readarg(1, ctx, &gen);
          e.gen = gen;
          return 0;

Resulting metrics:

# HELP userspace_exporter_enabled_programs The set of enabled programs
# TYPE userspace_exporter_enabled_programs gauge
userspace_exporter_enabled_programs{name="gc_total",pid="29970"} 1
userspace_exporter_enabled_programs{name="gc_total",pid="29971"} 1
userspace_exporter_enabled_programs{name="gc_total",pid="29972"} 1
userspace_exporter_enabled_programs{name="gc_total",pid="29973"} 1
userspace_exporter_enabled_programs{name="gc_total",pid="29974"} 1
# HELP userspace_exporter_gc_total Total number of gc events
# TYPE userspace_exporter_gc_total counter
userspace_exporter_gc_total{gen="2",pid="29971"} 753
userspace_exporter_gc_total{gen="2",pid="29972"} 764
userspace_exporter_gc_total{gen="2",pid="29973"} 765
userspace_exporter_gc_total{gen="2",pid="29974"} 748


This is a hobby project; it should not be considered production ready.

It is missing a few features that I hope to implement over the coming months:

  • The monitored process must be live before the exporter starts, and if it is restarted the exporter will not reattach. In future, it would be nice if it could dynamically attach to any live processes matching the binary_name.
  • Attaching by binary name isn't very flexible; there are many different ways to find a process of interest -- by its parent process, by its command line, etc
  • The original ebpf-exporter is able to add a tag label to its info metrics. This is challenging to do here since the USDT APIs don't easily lend themselves to getting a program's tag, but it would be good to at least add it for u(ret)probes.
  • Some JVM examples would be fantastic