YOLO-TS is a TypeScript-based YOLO object detection library powered by TensorFlow.js. It enables real-time object detection on images, videos, and live webcam streams directly in the browser.
- Easy Integration: Simple API to quickly add object detection to your projects.
- Real-Time Detection: Process images, videos, or live webcam feeds in real time.
- Customizable: Configure labels, detection thresholds, and even a custom color palette.
- Lightweight & Modular: Written in TypeScript for robust type-checking and maintainability.
- CDN-Ready: Publish on npm and serve via CDNs like jsDelivr or unpkg.
- Tested with YOLO Models: Compatible with YOLOv8 and YOLO11.
Check out the following demos to see YOLO-TS in action:
Install via npm:
npm install yolo-ts
Or load directly from a CDN (UMD build):
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/yolo-ts@latest/dist/yolo.umd.js"></script>
Note: YOLO-TS has peer dependencies on TensorFlow.js and its WebGL backend. When using the UMD build, load these libraries before your YOLO-TS bundle:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/[email protected]/dist/tf.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/[email protected]/dist/tf-backend-webgl.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/yolo-ts@latest/dist/yolo.umd.js"></script>
The setup
method in YOLO-TS allows for customization using the following configuration options:
export interface YOLOConfig {
modelUrl: string;
labels?: string[]; // Optional, defaulting to COCO categories
colors?: string[]; // Optional, custom colors for label display
displayLabels?: Set<string> | null; // Optional, filter specific labels to be displayed
scoreThreshold?: number;
boxLineWidth?: number;
boxLabels?: boolean;
YOLO-TS exposes a single class, YOLO, with the following primary methods:
setup(options) Configure the model with custom settings (e.g., model URL, labels, colors, display filters, and score thresholds).
modelUrl: "model/model.json",
labels: ["person", "car", "dog"],
colors: ["#FF0000", "#00FF00"],
displayLabels: new Set(["person", "dog"]),
scoreThreshold: 0.3,
boxLineWidth: 10,
boxLabels: true,
loadModel() Loads the YOLO model from the specified URL. Returns a promise that resolves to the loaded model.
yolo.loadModel().then((model) => {
console.log("Model loaded!", model)
detect(source, model, canvasRef, callback) Processes an image, video, or canvas element for object detection using the YOLO model. It performs the following steps:
Resizes and pads the source element (using letterboxing) to match the model's input dimensions. -
Runs the YOLO model on the preprocessed input to generate detection predictions. -
Applies non-max suppression, adjusts the detection coordinates back to the original image dimensions, and maps numeric class indices to human-readable labels. -
Draws bounding boxes (with optional labels and scores) on the provided canvas element. -
Invokes the supplied callback with a detection object that includes:- boxes: A flattened array of bounding box coordinates in the format
[y1, x1, y2, x2, ...]
. - scores: An array of confidence scores for each detection.
- classes: An array of numeric class indices.
- labels: An array of human-readable label strings corresponding to the detected classes.
- boxes: A flattened array of bounding box coordinates in the format
yolo.detect(imageElement, model, canvas, (detections) => {
// Example output:
// {
// boxes: [50, 30, 200, 180, 210, 45, 350, 300],
// scores: [0.95, 0.87],
// classes: [0, 3],
// labels: ["person", "dog"]
// }
detectVideo(videoSource, model, canvasRef) Continuously processes video frames for real-time detection.
yolo.detectVideo(videoElement, model, canvas);
If you have a trained YOLO model and want to use it with YOLO-TS, you need to export it in TensorFlow.js format. Here's how you can do it:
from ultralytics import YOLO
# Load the YOLO model
model = YOLO("yolo11n.pt")
# Export the model to TensorFlow.js format
Contributions are welcome! If you’d like to improve YOLO-TS, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
- Repository: https://github.com/josueggh/yolo-ts
- Issues: https://github.com/josueggh/yolo-ts/issues