Core | Game | MAME set |
1942 | 1942 (Revision B) | 1942 |
1942 | Pirate Ship Higemaru | higemaru |
1942 | Vulgus (set 1) | vulgus |
1943 | 1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen (Japan) | 1943kai |
1943 | 1943: The Battle of Midway (Euro) | 1943 |
1943 | 1943: The Battle of Midway Mark II (US) | 1943mii |
aliens | Aliens (World set 1) | aliens |
aliens | Crime Fighters (World 2 players) | crimfght |
aliens | Gang Busters (set 1) | gbusters |
aliens | Super Contra (set 1) | scontra |
aliens | Thunder Cross (set 1) | thunderx |
biocom | Bionic Commando (Euro) | bionicc |
btiger | Black Tiger | blktiger |
bubl | Bubble Bobble (Japan, Ver 0.1) | bublbobl |
bubl | Tokio - Scramble Formation (newer) | tokio |
castle | Haunted Castle (version M) | hcastle |
circus | Circus Charlie (level select, set 1) | circusc |
commnd | Commando (World) | commando |
comsc | Combat School (joystick) | combatsc |
contra | Contra (US - Asia, set 1) | contra |
cop | Hippodrome (US) | hippodrm |
cop | Robocop (World, revision 4) | robocop |
cps1 | 1941: Counter Attack (World 900227) | 1941 |
cps1 | Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611) | cworld2j |
cps1 | Captain Commando (World 911202) | captcomm |
cps1 | Carrier Air Wing (World 901012) | cawing |
cps1 | Dynasty Wars (USA, B-Board 89624B-?) | dynwar |
cps1 | Final Fight (World, set 1) | ffight |
cps1 | Forgotten Worlds (World, newer) | forgottn |
cps1 | Gamushara Battle! Puchi Monster (Japan 990519) | pmonster |
cps1 | Ghouls'n Ghosts (World) | ghouls |
cps1 | Gulun.Pa! (Japan 931220 L) (prototype) | gulunpa |
cps1 | Knights of the Round (World 911127) | knights |
cps1 | Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725) | msword |
cps1 | Magical Pumpkin: Puroland de Daibouken (Japan 960712) | mpumpkin |
cps1 | Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1, USA 951006) | megaman |
cps1 | Mega Twins (World 900619) | mtwins |
cps1 | Mercs (World 900302) | mercs |
cps1 | Nemo (World 901130) | nemo |
cps1 | Pang! 3 (Euro 950601) | pang3 |
cps1 | Pnickies (Japan 940608) | pnickj |
cps1 | Pokonyan! Balloon (Japan 940322) | pokonyan |
cps1 | Quiz & Dragons: Capcom Quiz Game (USA 920701) | qad |
cps1 | Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2: Zenkoku-ban (Japan 950123) | qtono2j |
cps1 | Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513) | sf2ce |
cps1 | Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (World 921209) | sf2hf |
cps1 | Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910522) | sf2 |
cps1 | Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer, Japan 951020) | sfzch |
cps1 | Strider (USA, B-Board 89624B-2) | strider |
cps1 | The King of Dragons (World 910805) | kod |
cps1 | Three Wonders (World 910520) | 3wonders |
cps1 | U.N. Squadron (USA) | unsquad |
cps1 | Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (World 920714) | varth |
cps1 | Willow (World) | willow |
cps15 | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World 930201) | dino |
cps15 | Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (World 931206) | mbombrd |
cps15 | Saturday Night Slam Masters (World 930713) | slammast |
cps15 | Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (CPS Changer, Japan 921031) | wofch |
cps15 | The Punisher (World 930422) | punisher |
cps15 | Warriors of Fate (World 921031) | wof |
cps2 | 1944: The Loop Master (Euro 000620) | 1944 |
cps2 | 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Euro 960104) | 19xx |
cps2 | Alien vs. Predator (Euro 940520) | avsp |
cps2 | Armored Warriors (Euro 941024) | armwar |
cps2 | Battle Circuit (Euro 970319) | batcir |
cps2 | Capcom Sports Club (Euro 971017) | csclub |
cps2 | Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Euro 950424) | cybots |
cps2 | Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Euro 940705) | dstlk |
cps2 | Dimahoo (Euro 000121) | dimahoo |
cps2 | Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960619) | ddsom |
cps2 | Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940412) | ddtod |
cps2 | Eco Fighters (World 931203) | ecofghtr |
cps2 | Giga Wing (USA 990222) | gigawing |
cps2 | Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (USA 040202) | hsf2 |
cps2 | Janpai Puzzle Choukou (Japan 010820) | choko |
cps2 | Jyangokushi: Haoh no Saihai (Japan 990527) | jyangoku |
cps2 | Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (USA 000412) | mmatrix |
cps2 | Marvel Super Heroes (Euro 951024) | msh |
cps2 | Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 970625) | mshvsf |
cps2 | Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) | mvsc |
cps2 | Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (USA 960708) | megaman2 |
cps2 | Mighty! Pang (Euro 001010) | mpang |
cps2 | Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Euro 950316) | nwarr |
cps2 | Progear (USA 010117) | progear |
cps2 | Puzz Loop 2 (Euro 010302) | pzloop2 |
cps2 | Quiz Nanairo Dreams: Nijiirochou no Kiseki (Japan 96086) | qndream |
cps2 | Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Euro 940902) | ringdest |
cps2 | Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Euro 960229) | sfa2 |
cps2 | Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Euro 980904) | sfa3 |
cps2 | Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950727) | sfa |
cps2 | Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Asia 960826) | sfz2al |
cps2 | Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (USA 970904) | sgemf |
cps2 | Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Euro 960529) | spf2t |
cps2 | Super Street Fighter II Turbo (World 940223) | ssf2t |
cps2 | Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 931005) | ssf2 |
cps2 | Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge (Japan 970929) | vhunt2 |
cps2 | Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913) | vsav2 |
cps2 | Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Euro 970519) | vsav |
cps2 | X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) | xmvsf |
cps2 | X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950331) | xmcota |
dd | Double Dragon (Japan) | ddragon |
dd2 | Double Dragon II: The Revenge (World) | ddragon2 |
exed | Exed Exes | exedexes |
flane | Fast Lane | fastlane |
flstory | N.Y. Captor | nycaptor |
flstory | Onna Sanshirou - Typhoon Gal | onna34ro |
flstory | Rumba Lumber | rumba |
flstory | The FairyLand Story | flstory |
flstory | Victorious Nine | victnine |
fround | The Final Round (version M) | fround |
gaiden | Shadow Warriors (World, set 1) | shadoww |
gng | Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 1) | gng |
gunsmk | Gun.Smoke (World, 1985-11-15) | gunsmoke |
karnov | Chelnov - Atomic Runner (World) | chelnov |
karnov | Karnov (US, rev 6) | karnov |
karnov | Wonder Planet (Japan) | wndrplnt |
kchamp | Karate Champ (US) | kchamp |
kicker | Kicker | kicker |
kiwi | Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (World) | arknoid2 |
kiwi | Dr. Toppel's Adventure (World) | drtoppel |
kiwi | Extermination (World) | extrmatn |
kiwi | Insector X (World) | insectx |
kiwi | Kageki (World) | kageki |
kiwi | The NewZealand Story (World, new version) (P0-043A PCB) | tnzs |
kunio | Renegade (US) | renegade |
labrun | Trick Trap (World?) | tricktrp |
midres | Midnight Resistance (World, set 1) | midres |
mikie | Mikie | mikie |
mx5k | MX5000 | mx5000 |
ngp | NeoGeo Pocket | ngp |
ninja | Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (US, revision 1) | baddudes |
ninja | Heavy Barrel (World) | hbarrel |
outrun | Out Run (sitdown-upright, Rev B) | outrun |
outrun | Turbo Out Run (Out Run upgrade) (FD1094 317-0118) | toutrun |
pang | Block Block (World 911219 Joystick) | block |
pang | Capcom World (Japan) | cworld |
pang | Dokaben (Japan) | dokaben |
pang | Pang (World) | pang |
pang | Super Pang (World 900914) | spang |
paroda | Parodius Da!: Shinwa kara Owarai e (World, set 1) | parodius |
pinpon | Konami's Ping-Pong | pingpong |
rastan | Rastan (World Rev 1) | rastan |
riders | Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAC) | ssriders |
roadf | Hyper Sports | hyperspt |
roadf | Road Fighter (set 1) | roadf |
roc | Roc'n Rope | rocnrope |
rumble | The Speed Rumbler (set 1) | srumbler |
s16 | Ace Attacker (Japan, S16A) [FD1094 317-0060] | aceattaca |
s16 | Action Fighter (World, S16A) [FD1089A 317-0018] | afighter |
s16 | Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (Set 2, World, S16A) [No Protection] | alexkidd |
s16 | Body Slam (World, S16) [8751 317-0015] | bodyslam |
s16 | Fantasy Zone (Rev A, World, S16A) [No Protection] | fantzone |
s16 | Major League (World, S16A) [No Protection] | mjleague |
s16 | Quartet (Rev A, 4p, World, S16A) [8751 315-5194] | quartet |
s16 | Quartet 2 (World, S16A) [No Protection] | quartet2a |
s16 | SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative (Japan, New Ver., S16A) [FD1089B 317-0027] | sdi |
s16 | Shinobi (Set 6, World, S16A) [No Protection] | shinobi |
s16 | Tetris (Set 4, Japan, S16A) [FD1094 317-0093] | tetris |
s16b | Alien Syndrome (set 4, System 16B, unprotected) | aliensyn |
s16b | Altered Beast (set 8) (8751 317-0078) | altbeast |
s16b | Aurail (set 3, US) (unprotected) | aurail |
s16b | Bay Route (set 3, World) (FD1094 317-0116) | bayroute |
s16b | Bullet (FD1094 317-0041) | bullet |
s16b | Cotton (set 4, World) (FD1094 317-0181a) | cotton |
s16b | Dunk Shot (Rev C, FD1089A 317-0022) | dunkshot |
s16b | Dynamite Dux (set 3, World) (FD1094 317-0096) | ddux |
s16b | E-Swat - Cyber Police (set 4, World) (FD1094 317-0130) | eswat |
s16b | Excite League (FD1094 317-0079) | exctleag |
s16b | Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (System 16C version) | fantzn2x |
s16b | Flash Point (set 2, Japan) (FD1094 317-0127A) | fpoint |
s16b | Golden Axe (set 6, US) (8751 317-123A) | goldnaxe |
s16b | MVP (set 2, US) (FD1094 317-0143) | mvp |
s16b | Passing Shot (World, 2 Players) (FD1094 317-0080) | passsht |
s16b | Riot City (Japan) | riotcity |
s16b | RyuKyu (Rev A, Japan) (FD1094 317-5023A) | ryukyu |
s16b | Sonic Boom (FD1094 317-0053) | sonicbom |
s16b | Sukeban Jansi Ryuko (set 2, System 16B, FD1089B 317-5021) | sjryuko |
s16b | Super League (FD1094 317-0045) | suprleag |
s16b | Time Scanner (set 2, System 16B) | timescan |
s16b | Toryumon | toryumon |
s16b | Tough Turf (set 1, US) (8751 317-0099) | tturfu |
s16b | Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 6, World, System 16B) (8751 317-0098) | wb3 |
s16b | Wrestle War (set 3, World) (8751 317-0103) | wrestwar |
s18 | Alien Storm (World, 2 Players) (FD1094 317-0154) | astorm |
s18 | Bloxeed (Japan) (FD1094 317-0139) | bloxeed |
s18 | Clutch Hitter (US) (FD1094 317-0176) | cltchitr |
s18 | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (World) (FD1094-8751 317-0159) | mwalk |
s18 | Shadow Dancer (World) | shdancer |
sarms | Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (World, 861129) | sidearms |
sbaskt | Super Basketball (version I, encrypted) | sbasketb |
sectnz | Legendary Wings (US set 1) | lwings |
sectnz | Section Z (set 1) | sectionz |
sf | Street Fighter (US, set 1) | sf |
shanon | Super Hang-On (sitdown-upright) (unprotected) | shangon |
shouse | Bakutotsu Kijuutei | bakutotu |
shouse | Blast Off (Japan) | blastoff |
shouse | Blazer (Japan) | blazer |
shouse | Boxy Boy (World, SB2) | boxyboy |
shouse | Chou Zetsurinjin Berabowman (Japan, Rev C) | berabohm |
shouse | Dangerous Seed (Japan) | dangseed |
shouse | Dragon Spirit (new version (DS3)) | dspirit |
shouse | Face Off (Japan 2 Players) | faceoff |
shouse | Galaga '88 | galaga88 |
shouse | Marchen Maze (Japan) | mmaze |
shouse | Pac-Mania | pacmania |
shouse | Pistol Daimyo no Bouken (Japan) | pistoldm |
shouse | Pro Tennis World Court (Japan) | wldcourt |
shouse | Pro Yakyuu World Stadium (Japan) | ws |
shouse | Quester (Japan) | quester |
shouse | Rompers (Japan, new version (Rev B)) | rompers |
shouse | Shadowland (YD3) | shadowld |
shouse | Splatter House (World, new version (SH3)) | splatter |
shouse | Tank Force (US, 2 Players) | tankfrce |
simson | The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 1) | simpsons |
simson | Vendetta (World, 4 Players, ver. T) | vendetta |
slyspy | Boulder Dash - Boulder Dash Part 2 (World) | bouldash |
slyspy | Secret Agent (World, revision 3) | secretag |
tmnt | M.I.A. - Missing in Action (version T) | mia |
tmnt | Punk Shot (US 4 Players) | punkshot |
tmnt | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (World 4 Players, version X) | tmnt |
toki | Toki (World, set 1) | toki |
tora | F-1 Dream | f1dream |
tora | Tiger Road (US) | tigeroad |
track | Track & Field | trackfld |
trojan | Avengers (US, revision C) | avengers |
trojan | Trojan (US set 1) | trojan |
twin16 | Devil World | devilw |
twin16 | Vulcan Venture (New) | vulcan |
vigil | Vigilante (World, Rev E) | vigilant |
wc | Gridiron Fight | gridiron |
wc | Tehkan World Cup (set 1) | tehkanwc |
wwfss | WWF Superstars (Europe) | wwfsstar |
xmen | X-Men (4 Players ver EBA) | xmen |
yiear | Yie Ar Kung-Fu (program code I) | yiear |
66 cores, supporting 234 games