WIP: This is just the skeleton to write the documentation for this step.
Ok, I have defined the business goal as:
I want to have a web page that says 'Hello world!'.
Also how I think I going to accomplish that goal:
- Install a web server
- Put a html file some place accessible for the webserver
- Make sure the web server is running and serving that file
And I have tests for both kind of goals:
describe "Web server" do
let(:host) { URI.parse('http://localhost') }
it "is showing a page with the text 'Hello world'" do
connection = Faraday.new host
page = connection.get('/').body
expect(page).to match /Hello world/
describe 'webtest::default' do
let(:chef_run) { ChefSpec::SoloRunner.new.converge(described_recipe) }
it 'install nginx package' do
expect(chef_run).to install_package('nginx')
it 'enable nginx service' do
expect(chef_run).to enable_service('nginx')
it 'start nginx service' do
expect(chef_run).to start_service('nginx')
it 'server a web page that says "Hello world!"' do
expect(chef_run).to render_file('/var/www/index.html').with_content(/Hello world!.+/)
So the next logical step is to write some code (a Chef recipe in this case) to implement those specifications.
# recipes/default.rb
package 'nginx'
Run the tests:
$ bundle exec rspec -cfd spec/unit/recipes/default_spec.rb
Now we'll do the same for the last test and the next step after all the unit test have passed will be to check the integration tests.
We'll see that is the next step