Remake of the famous retro game by Atari
- You can change the language before the start of the game i.e. by the following command
./breakout french
or you can also toggle the language on-the-go while playing the game by pressing the 'L' key.
Project Website:
- Download SDL2, SDL_Mixer, SDL_2_ttf, SDL2_Images. Instructions at
- Clone this repo and in the root folder you will find a file that will the build and compile the game.
- From the terminal type
- The game supports two languages as of now. English and French. To start the game in either of the language, you have to pass an argument on the command line when executing the binary 'breakout'. Eg:
./breakout french
or./breakout english
- Docs
- Source Code Documentation
- Assets
- Art assets (With the Sub directories music, sound, images, and anything else)
- src
- source code(.cpp files) The make file or any build scripts that automate the building of your project should reside here.
- include
- header files(.h and .hpp files)
- lib
- libraries (.so, .dll, .a, .dylib files). Note this is a good place to put SDL
- bin
- This is the directory where your built executable(.exe for windows, .app for Mac, or a.out for Linux) and any additional generated files are put after each build.
- LTimer class -- Using this class from Lazyfoo. Made some minor adjustments in it.